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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    So was no one gonna tell me that “Betty” is from Jame’s perspective, “Cardigan” is from Betty’s perspective, and “August” is from the other girls perspective!!!
  2. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    Yes! I've noticed, for me, there's a very significant drop in quality between the writing of her big singles and her album tracks (We Are Never Getting Back Together vs All To Well, e.g.)...will definitely dive into her deeper cuts!
  3. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    The Lakes is out on streaming. Honestly I was never a Taylor fan before this album, but this album is truly a masterpiece in both writing and production. Truly the best album so far of 2020
  4. until i revisited the pic, i thought she was on the far left in the pink cap lol...but I'm also sitting in the sun so maybe the glare on the screen lol
  5. This felt like Where’s Waldo! I didn’t realize how much chins/jaws are used in facial recognition!
  6. I don’t see either of them tbh...
  7. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    Thunderstorms, can’t sleep. Listening to Epiphany bc the Violets audiobook wasn’t loading from the cloud
  8. I don’t think it was scrapped? I think it was just literally unfinished...
  9. Almost a month later, and Paradise is Very Fragile and Never to Heaven are my most frequently listened to and my favourites
  10. Mer

    Dua Lipa

    Wait what she sounds so different from some of her other work!?
  11. I stg that was Lana herself and y’all cyber bullied her off this site lmaoooooo
  12. Mer

    Dua Lipa

    I literally can’t here Madonna on it at all? Does she have a solo verse?
  13. F: Smarty M: High By the Beach K: I Want It All -- She's Not Me Boarding School Diet Mountain Dew
  14. Yes i def think biden will win a tie, however it will inflame the Trump supporters and a huge portion of the GOP a lot more than a narrow Biden electoral win
  15. Also a tie is a very big possibility. If Biden carries every state that HRC carried in 2016, but flips Michigan and Pennsylvania, along with Nebraska’s 2nd district (which Obama carried in 12), it will be 269 to 269.
  16. And personally, I don’t believe Biden’s gonna have a landslide win. I think it will be as close as 278 vs 260 Biden to Trump; giving Trump supporters all that much more motivation to dispute the results. At the end of the day, the Supreme Court will never allow it; even w a conservative majority. Gore Vs Bush is precedent. But, the scars left on our democracy by Trump’s supporters and their “twitter civil war” will be felt for a long time—until the GOP can completely rebuild its image.
  17. The GOP is starting a committee to look into Biden’s ties to Ukraine...theyre gonna “Benghazi/her emails” him https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/08/trumpworld-is-trying-to-benghazi-joe-biden
  18. Mariners Apartment Complex is her magnum opus. It is the epitome of what her music represents.
  19. i agree, but also as someone who lived in the ME for awhile--my family instilled in me that Israel is the one thing keeping us safe from our own dictators...that the fear Israel instills in the leaders of Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, etc, is the reason we haven't totally been killed and nuked by our own govts...
  20. Mer

    Miley Cyrus

    Holy crap Midnight Sky is amazing. I honestly didn’t think she’d ever top Slide Away, but she did! Also tbh Miley has one of the best vocals in pop music rn. Her voice is so smooth and so controlled and pleasant to listen to, and she doesn’t overdo it
  21. Just west of the border of Monaco and France, where my grandmother lived at the end of her life (and where her summer house, now in disrepair, still stands) What is a totally irrational pet peeve of yours?
  22. Updates: Katy Perry, Octavia Spencer, and Jay Leno (lmao) have publicly supported Ellen, while others (including ex-DJ tWitch have come out against her). She has vowed to keep her show going thru 2022/23. Advertisers are not expected to boycott her show over the allegations--however if her viewing numbers dramatically decrease, they will leave Personally: if Jay Leno ever vouches for you, that pretty much proves you're a pretty scummy person lol
  23. As someone of partial Jewish and Middle Eastern descent, this makes me extremely happy—and I hope that he Middle East Will once again look like the secular modern states that my grandparents told me about in the 60s and 70s in my lifetime.
  24. Israel and the UAE have entered a diplomatic agreement—in which Israel will no longer annex (read: colonize) the West Bank, and both countries will have peaceful relations. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/13/us/politics/trump-israel-united-arab-emirates-uae.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage A move in the right direction for ME peace (imo)...sadly Trump supporters will see it as a Trump Admin win tho
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