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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Based off the COCC pre-release thread, I gather theres a lot of hate for Tomorrow Never Came? It was my favourite song on first listen from the album, and along with Get Free, Herion and Change; is a song that I still have in my heavy rotation from LFL. Although, I do concede, the bridge in the demo version was much more lyrically pleasing. I have no clue as to why in the world she thought "isn't life crazy you say/now that I'm singing with Sean" was better/more thematic than "baby you have to forget/and I have to move on". The latter is so relatable to so many people, the former is a poor attempt at breaking the 4th wall
  2. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    the last great American dynasty
  3. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    It will roll out by time zone I think?
  4. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    Her eyes are the most stunning shade of grey and green and blue I’ve ever seen
  5. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    the power of lighting is harsh and cruel sometimes
  6. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    it's not just stan twitter unfortunately--it's growing like an epidemic and affecting even private citizens. hopefully it's a direct cause of quarantine and ppl having too much time on their hands, and will go away once the world reopens again
  7. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    What a sad thought. Random people behind computer screens will criticize her for (potentially) doing something that obviously the native community consented to, and that really shouldn't affect the lives of random people behind computer screens...
  8. 2 years later, and Mariners is still the song that transports me to another dimension
  9. Mer

    Lana & Politics

    It's best she doesn't use her platform for politics, imo. Not only are political views private (like @@AlexParliament said), she'll be dragged by conspiracy theorists no matter who she supports. We don't need Lana's instagram comments filled with pizza-emoji's and "adrenochrome" comments like almost every other American celebrity rn...
  10. I don't think this list is a done deal? It's still growing as more and more artists register/release?
  11. I always interpreted the title as a mocking of the many conspiracy theories that state the "elite" are "mind controlling" us through the use of chemicals in the air/water/through cell phone towers; yet these theories fail to point out the fact that those same "elites" would be a victim to their own nefarious deeds (i.e. chemtrails would still exist over the country club; the "elite" method of mind control would harm them too).
  12. I would love something like Andromeda sonically, but with some more classic rock tropes (e.g. Wild Horses, You Can't Get Always Get What You Want; The Rolling Stones) lyric wise. I love Weyes Blood, but I find her lyrics a bit confusing lol (maybe I'm just not that bright though)
  13. Mer

    Florence + The Machine

    Hmmmmmmmmm...almost all the HBHBHB tracks >>> Tantalus tbh (epsc. Mother, the title track, and Various Storms and Saints)
  14. I'm still in disbelief we're getting a new album. I remember when The Greatest was released, everyone said it's a hint that Lana is gonna take a long hiatus from music (Miss doing nothing the most of all). And now we'll have a brand new album in under 2 months!
  15. All The Way (The LBJ Story) is an amazing HBO film that covers the first year of LBJ’s presidency and the civil rights movement. It’s quite long (2.5hrs) and only on HBO but the movie is amazing and Brian Cranston plays an amazing LBJ.
  16. oh thank you so much, i didnt know this! will def be pre-ordering the book
  17. has anyone pre-ordered the book? do y'all think its worth it, or should I just stick to the audio book? i'd feel bad wasting all that paper for something i'll maybe never even use that often...
  18. Mer

    TikTok Updates

    i hope she uses it as a "behind the scenes/home videos" platform and not her and chuck doing TikTok dances...
  19. Lana exiting a country club pool, while rich people brutally fight in the background
  20. Vancouver, BC, is pretty much back to normal. All restaurants, bars, and clubs are currently open; cinemas open up early July; there has been a push for in-province travel to increase (and many hotels are at capacity for months of July and August). Only about 30% of people wear masks here, even a lot of waitresses and baristas no longer wear masks. There are queues to get into some stores but they move pretty quickly. We're in Phase 3 right now, which is the furthest we can go without a vaccine/treatment/eradication. Phase 4 would allow mass concerts, conferences, and events to happen. We have on average 5-10 new cases a day, and have ~150 deaths so far since March.
  21. Norman Fucking Rockwell Lust For Life Ultraviolence Honeymoon Paradise Born To Die But this tbh
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