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Everything posted by Mer

  1. hmmmm yes there was something fishy going on with the votes in Florida...............in 2000 when Gore won but Bush claimed the electoral votes. Maybe the AG is using Internet Explorer?
  2. they’re trying to give the ballot counters covid!!!
  3. Just heard NV's Secretary of State. I think Carole Radziwill was right: they're scared of being seen as being the state to give the election to Biden. Probably worried about armed riots by MAGA supporters
  4. i have a lot of friends worried about the Supreme Court...but i don’t think it should be cause of great concern. So far the Trump Campaigns lawsuits are being dismissed with prejudice, which means he cannot appeal the ruling (as there is no ruling) in a higher court. To be clear: Trump isn’t ranting and raving because he actually has a case or a legal path to winning. He’s ranting and raving because he knows all paths lead to defeat.
  5. This clown is doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. It’s gonna look super bad for him when judges keep tossing his cases out and PA is announced for Biden sometime early next morning. all major networks have cut away from Trumps speech. MSNBC refused to air it at all.
  6. important to note that Biden is leading mail-in-ballots (which are what are left to be counted) by 80% now. He is on track to flip PA blue.
  7. According to the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania, ~550,000 ballots remain uncounted, and they hope to finish counting today. Based on current reportings, Biden is winning those remaining ballots by 78%. If he can keep his margin up, he can win PA (and this whole ordeal will be over, bc Biden wins election regardless of AZ and NV).
  8. doing some quick math here, Biden has a real chance of flipping Georgia. But it will be by a margin less than 0.25%, so an automatic recount will occur. Not sure what this means for claiming the Presidency once they call Nevada (which is pretty much in the bag, since the only outstanding ballots are from blue Clark County).
  9. he has no case. he can do a recount, but recounts rarely show a disparity of more than a few hundred votes. dreaming of waking up to a blue Georgia.
  10. another day another non-event. I can go to bed much happier tonight than yesterday, hopefully we wake up to a pleasant surprise and not another nausea-inducing narrowing of the race.
  11. losing AZ is not a nail in the coffin for Biden, especially considering he's projected to win PA (which will put him at 273). But, winning AZ and NV can allow the Biden team to dodge the legal hurdles the Trump team has already started in PA.
  12. FOX and AP have used their algorithm and predicted that the remaining votes will allow Biden to retain his lead. NBC, NYT, CNN and ABC are hesitant, because they still think it could go red based off the margins and the remaining vote. The last dump of votes was strong for Trump, but Biden maintains a 3 point lead.
  13. i can actually understand why Nevada doesn’t wanna report tonight (especially if it looks good for Biden). If Nevada goes to Biden, half the networks will claim Biden has been elected, half the networks will have Biden at 259.
  14. i know I'm rambling but: why the fuck is Carole Radziwell ex-Real Housewife Of NY claiming Nevada has been won by Biden but are withholding the votes because they "don't want to be seen as giving the Presidency to Biden", and she doesnt even have a source? istg if 2020 ends with a former reality star telling us another reality star lost the election....
  15. Sorry Australians but "Sky News" is literal garbage. They're fanning the flames for civil unrest by claiming there is massive voter fraud happening in the US, when every network in the US (from Fox to CNN) says there's nothing suspicious. Like, Sky, why do you care so much you're literally millions of miles away.
  16. Nevada's full name is "NEVA gonna count DA votes"
  17. If you had told me this time yesterday that the election would come down to Nevada, I would've laughed in your face and told you to stop watching so much VEEP.
  18. i don't think we're gonna know today either unfortunately...
  19. CNN is being super careful, they were the ones to report VA last (Fox and NY Times was first) nevada says no more updates until thursday smh
  20. 99% of Michigan Reported and Biden has a 1 point lead (biggest in the big three states). Wondering why they’re not calling it? I theorize it’s because only half the networks have called Arizona, so if they call Michigan half the country will say Biden won half will say he’s still 11 votes short.
  21. Wisconsin for Biden. 248 votes (AP and Fox, unlike other networks, as said Biden has also won Arizona)
  22. i wonder (if biden wins) history will remember this election not as a a “Biden beat Trump” election but as “Trump committed political suicide by telling his supporters not to vote by mail”.
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