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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Imagine if she ever has kids and releases a children’s book of nursery rhymes. I would raise my kids on it like it’s the bible
  2. I wonder if she’s allowed to go back in the studio to finish up the album/shoot some visuals? Tbh I thought she’d have stayed in the Midwest and did some cool shoots. Surprised she’s back so soon unless there was a pressing reason
  3. "If good prose can be poetic, a novel can be 'pure poetry,' and poems can be prosaic, then it’s not clear what anyone is talking about, really. Or rather, it’s clear except to theorists trying to come up with definitions" -T.S. Eliot
  4. poetry is such a broad description of a literary work, no one can really have the authority to say what is or isn't poetry! (also why poetry analysis courses are the easiest english courses to get an A in--total GPA booster)
  5. Another reason why their continent is the best in the world
  6. Mer

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    i assure you its the lens/lighting/trick of the camera...my mother (though about 14 years older than Lana) gets fillers, and while she looks amazing (and perfectly human) in person, on camera she looks weirdly inflated and plastic... Lana has always used her old Hollywood look as a part of her art and stage persona, and she will always be beautiful
  7. i think in general, the word "abuse/abusive" is being thrown around a lot and misused. Just bc Ellen's diva antics may make Portia uncomfortable/embarrassed at times, doesn't mean Ellen is "abusing her wife"; as some outlets chose to report. But for her to go on long, impassioned pleas about "kindness costs nothing" and "a little act of kindness can change someone's day" is ridiculous, knowing what we know now. I hope that Ellen addresses and owns up to her behaviour, and then maybe we can all stop putting entertainers on a moral pedestal.
  8. When the book comes out, and we get the poems that were never recorded—we should make fan made recordings of them!
  9. Sportcruiser makes me feel like I’m sitting on Lanas patio late at night, and she’s telling me this deeply private story...
  10. Not to derail the thread, but I don’t really believe that Ellen is in some sort of child trafficking Epstein ring...its one thing to be a bad boss, a whole other thing to be a mentally deranged/disturbed criminal
  11. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I’ve wondered if I should post more topics about current events here, but I’m still relatively a new member—so idk what the consensus towards non-Lana news/discussion is
  12. I always found her to be a little “off”. Her humour seemed to be best when making fun of people/making her guests uncomfortable. I stopped watching her show on YouTube after she made fun of Saoirse Ronan for (possibly) being a virgin after she told ellen she “doesn’t date”....just something that didn’t sit right. But beyond that, this issue is not all about Ellen and how she treats her guests—and my intention wasn’t to create an “everyone hates ellen thread”. A toxic workplace is a very serious thing, that impacts the personal and professional lives of many who work there adversely.
  13. Ellen Degeneres’s Show is under investigation by Warner Media, for issues regarding “a toxic workplace”. Warner and NBC both claim the investigation has nothing to do with the star of the show herself. Ellen was subject to a viral online campaign in which her past employers/service people who’d dealt with her exposed her bad attitude...she also replaced her union staff with an outsourced company during the coronavirus pandemic.
  14. Audible is an amazon company and available on all platforms! You can either get a monthly subscription, or buy the audiobook individually!
  15. Releasing the audiobook before the printed one was genius too. I wouldn’t have been half as I moved (I think) if I had read these poems before hearing them
  16. Also I thought she lived in Malibu? Obviously I respect Lana’s privacy and it’s none of my business where she lives, but as a malibu native I’m surprised she drives all that way on the PCH to the palisades
  17. This tbh! If lana sold a record player for charity I’d buy that and the Violets vinyl from her too
  18. It kinda reminded me of the way Grace Kelly spoke! Velvety, and articulate at the same time is not easy to do
  19. $9 for an artist you chose to join a forum for is “overpriced”? It’s cheaper than a burrito! And will provide u with so much more pleasure
  20. actually wait i jut realized since you are actually the owner of the audio files from iBooks, and theyre not locked like streaming files, you should be able to drop it into iTunes
  21. if you buy it on iBooks, it will show up on ur iPhone on the built in books app, but not iTunes/apple music
  22. yes i paid 33 dollars for the hardcover book, i wished she had at least sent a download code to those like me who had. but oh well, 9 bucks for this masterpiece of an audiobook is never a purchase i could regret
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