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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Trump has access to these mainstream social media sites....*checks list*...Yelp.
  2. Twitter as permanently banned Donald Trump. His account is still up, but all his tweets have been removed.
  3. In the end, we will all be taken doen thank you for joining and helping out the forum @Clampigirl @takeitdoen
  4. “thats radical liberal SENATOR warnock, to you Kelly”
  5. oh i wasn’t directing that at you lol i was just speaking in general about the reaction to his statement. Kelly Loeffler finally conceded and called to congratulate Raphael Warnock, without objecting to the vote as she had hinted she would on Tuesday night. Looks like the tide is finally (slowly) turning for the GOP.
  6. and maybe something to do with Kanye calling his mother-in-law “Kris Jong Un” (which, for the record, would make Kim “Kim Jong Un”)
  7. https://pagesix.com/2021/01/05/kim-kardashian-kanye-west-getting-a-divorce-shes-done/ “The source said, “Kim is trying to get Kanye to turn over the Calabasas house to her, because that’s where the kids are based and growing up. That is their home.” Explaining, “She owns all the land and adjoining lots around the house but Kanye owns the actual house. They’ve both put a lot of money into renovating it.” [60 million in total] “the power LA divorce lawyer [Wasser, who represented Angelina Jolie and Kim K in previous divorces] is well known to advocate for her clients to negotiate and agree on a confidential settlement before any divorce papers are filed in court. Because LA divorces are more public than in New York, this ensures that more of the proceedings remain secret.” Kanye and Jeffree Star (most likely false so i won’t waste space actually copying quotes in here): https://www.insider.com/kanye-west-jeffree-star-tiktok-rumor-dating-cheated-kim-2021-1 edit: i just remembered Lana sang at their wedding (7 years ago). So sad. Another Lana promise that fell thru.
  8. i really hope he does lol he’ll split the party right in half and whoever gets the nomination will head into the generals damaged and with only 1/2 of the republicans turning out for him (basically Clinton/Bernie for the right, but wayyyy more severe).
  9. this was not a concession. do not normalize this. a concession in every single american election in history as began with (something along the lines of) “i congratulate president-elect ____ for his hard fought victory”. Never has an actual concession speech not included the name of the president-elect. He also did not mention the word “peaceful” anywhere when discussing “transition”. I don’t mean to nitpick, but I worry for our future if we normalize this; or worse, applaud it. On a lighter note: who do you think tranquilized him first, Nancy Pelosi or Mike Pence?
  10. Mer

    Song vs. Song

    Lust For Life (D1) vs. Love (Demo)
  11. im hoping the ring leaders of this clown show also back down (Hawley and Cruz). The slight silver lining in this terrible situation is the GOP just nuked all their 2024 presidential hopefuls. Cruz, Hawley, Trump, and Pence now will have very little respect in the eyes of the majority of Americans across the political spectrum. And any point they try to make in a potential debate can be ended with “dude you’re one to talk, you encouraged a coup”.
  12. yes i see what you mean. But i also think that Twitter shouldn’t need to be checking and balancing a dangerously unhinged man. We have supposed checks and balances in our legislative processes for reasons, and since Trump is truly a danger to democracy, it’s a sad reality that Twitter takes action before Congress or the VP. Basically: Twitter was in the right, but it should never have come to being Twitters decision. Congress/Cabinet should’ve acted long before the execs at Twitter needed to discuss if they needed to mute the man.
  13. Actually I think @urgirl brings up a good point. Muting public leaders sets a dangerous precedent, especially if a warranted coup were to happen against a crooked regime, should Twitter mute the leader of that coup? It's a moral dilemma--but, in these circumstances, Twitter took the correct steps, especially after Trump tweeted that "these are the events that happen when a scared landslide election victory is so viciously and unceremoniously stripped away from great patriots". Fanning the flames of unjust violence based upon lies is pretty easy to morally decipher; but we'll have to cross the future morally-ambiguous bridges when we get there...
  14. he said “remember this day...you are all patriots...we love you”. that’s as dog whistling as dog whistling gets
  15. The Join Session of Congress will continue tonight. Numerous Republicans have now backtracked and said they will no longer object the certification of the election. Rep. Omar (D) is drawing up articles of impeachment. The Trade Union representing 90% of union labor workers in the US have called Pence and urged him to remove Trump thru the 25th Amendment. Pence has refused to consult with the President, and will continue presiding over the Election Certification.
  16. The people or Iran (e.g. amongst other places) are currently going thru a food and water shortage, while they actually deal with “rigged” elections—yet you don’t see them able to overtake the capital and loot it. But some white trash fat fucks in USA get angry that their dog-whistling moron of a president lost the election by a landslide and think it’s worth shedding blood over. What a bunch of weak pussies.
  17. Some good news: Jon Ossoff has official won his Senate race. The Democrats now have control of all three legislative branches.
  18. someone needs to explain to him that an outside party being able to steal an election from an incumbent is a bigger sign of incompetence and makes him a bigger loser than a legitimate loss.
  19. i was about to make a thread on it right when all this happened lol
  20. I gotta hand it to Kim Kardashians publicist. She really knew how to get the media off of The Kardashian/West divorce.
  21. he needs to shut the fuck up and take several hard seats. he is a skid mark on our countries history.
  22. 20 bucks says they’re virgins and blame it on “feminism”
  23. national guard has been sent. i don’t wanna invite violence but what happened to “When the looting starts, the shooting starts”.
  24. the senate has gathered and at unknown location and is doing a roll call. unclear if this is for safety measures or they plan on carrying out the proceedings (which they’re allowed to do).
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