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Posts posted by Mer

  1. 8 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

    LMFAO WHAT  :thumb3:


    Why did this person say "stranglehold".. is the word not "chokehold" internationally ?? The fuck is a stranglehold


    combined "stronghold" with "chokehold" which is weird bc the rest of the memo is very articulate and well written (altho using "prolific" twice is a bit extra)

  2. 4 hours ago, Ultra Violet said:

    Short interlude here. Double standards against Arabs are just crazy. Jews have experienced shit that imo justifies feeling like people want them extinct. They're allowed to talk about it. So why can't someone like @14n4 talk about feeling targeted by Israel without being called clueless, when look what's actually happening to Arabs in the neighbouring countries!! How they feel is also justified.


    Yes you're absolutely correct, in my statement I did not at all mean to minimize the rampant Islamophobia Arab people face. And I acknowledge that having a war happening near your home country is terrifying. My only point was such a dramatic escalation into Lebanon and Jordan would be highly unlikely, not that the fears and horrors faced by people in Gaza (and other parts of the Arab world) at the moment are not valid and at the hands of a settler-colony. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, American Whore said:

    That's exactly my point. He could, yeah, if the primary ends up putting him on the GE ballot.

    If enough states follow suit and block him from the primary, he won't be on the GE ballot. What's scary is the DNC allowing Biden to run again, which is a bad move. They're expecting him to win again and his numbers are at an all time low.

    True, but it doesn’t matter in my opinion. You can’t write in on the primary ballot AFAIK, but you can still write in on the GE one. At this point, Trump does not even need to win the GOP primary or even be on the ballot to be a major electoral threat. 

    I think it’s pretty likely we’re either going to have a very narrow Biden win in 2024 if Trump and an establishment GOP candidate end up splitting the right wing vote, or we have a narrow Trump win. I don’t think, as of this point, Biden would win over Trump in a head-to-head. 

  4. On 12/17/2023 at 11:46 AM, 14n4 said:

    and i know after they're done with palestine they'll go for lebanon, jordan and everything else. 


    That's literally just going to be mutually assured destruction (which honestly, almost everything that isn't a true two-state solution will likely be even in the current scenario). No one wants that and it would benefit no one. If this conflict was so easy to win, it would've been over years ago. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Elle said:

    Be My Daddy - for Hottest Member

    I've graciously won this award two years in a row after a long saga of runner-up for several years, so I'm back to try to take home the title again! In case you need a refresher of my beautiful face, here are some pictures from this year:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Altho I can't say that the competition didn't deserve to win :heart:

  6. 1 hour ago, taco truck said:

    she looks soooooo pretty in her bday pics, she definitely got something done to her face recently but i can't tell what it is?????

    her eyes are more upturned. 

  7. 11 hours ago, Embach said:

    Do you guys believe that theory where people think that Taylor is the ghost writer or more like the actual writer (under a pseudonym) of Argylle book?


    Alas, we have bad news for these sleuths: Vanity Fair’s sources confirm that Swift is not, in fact, the author of the book. But either way, the official Argylle Twitter page has seemingly taken notice of the speculation and decided to lean in—by tweeting lyrics from multiple Swift songs. VF has reached out to Universal Pictures for comment.”



  8. I wanted to listen to this album but the opening song reminded me of autumn 2018 and now I am deep in my feels listening to WTPA 😭😭😭😭


    This has absolutely nothing to do with Nicki Minaj but I never realized I was grieving the life pre-pandemic me could’ve had if the events of 2020 didn’t happen 

  9. 4 hours ago, cherrytropico said:

    this is why i cant take taylor's self-victimization seriously. the most horrendous thing that's happened to her is getting "cancelled within an inch of her life", even though she was on the sold-out rep tour which broke the record for the highest grossing tour in history, rep got 1 million+ sales first week, lwymmd was a #1 bb hit, and lwymmd music video got 1 billion views in less than a year :pillsdy: come on now baby. 

    The interviewer actually addresses this: 


    “…she did not look like someone whose career had died. She looked like a superstar who was mining her personal experience as successfully as ever. I am tempted to say this.

    But then I think, Who am I to challenge it, if that’s how she felt? The point is: she felt canceled. She felt as if her career had been taken from her. Something in her had been lost, and she was grieving it. Maybe this is the real Taylor Swift effect: That she gives people, many of them women, particularly girls, who have been conditioned to accept dismissal, gaslighting, and mistreatment from a society that treats their emotions as inconsequential, permission to believe that their interior lives matter. That for your heart to break, whether it’s from being kicked off a tour or by the memory of a scarf still sitting in a drawer somewhere or because somebody else controls your life’s work, is a valid wound, and no, you’re not crazy for being upset about it, or for wanting your story to be told.”

  10. She really rewrote history with this “no one saw me for a year” thing. She was everywhere still in late-2016 to early-2017. I think newer fans don’t realize her “blackout” was like a few hours before she started the Rep era??

  11. Ooooh this is a wonderful topic. 


    I would say that the biggest change for me is how I relate to some of her earlier work. I was 13/14 when I got into BTD and when UV came out, so obviously a HUGE amount of those themes and contexts were completely lost on me. In many ways, I was both very socially mature and also a bit of a late-bloomer--so while I could completely understand what she meant in her lyrics, I wouldn't experience them for another 7 or so years. Lyrics like "if you'd call for me I'd run" were relatable in different ways when I was 13 vs. when I was 20 and I had had real heartbreak/relationships, even tho I always knew the meaning. There is an element of "lived experience" that no amount of sympathy or fantasy can really match. When I listen to songs on UV and BTD now, they cut me open differently--and I re-open scars from experiences past, rather than imagine what the knife would simply feel like. 


    One of the reasons LFL is so highly regarded for me is likely due to the fact that that was the first album to come out after I had that sort of "coming-of-age" and I could actually really genuinely relate to her songs for the first time. At that point I was moving to the opposite coast for college, I had had my first BF and of course my first sexual experience, and given that we were not going to the same school in the fall, I was also going through my first real heartbreak (juvenile stuff, now, I know). But I think that's why, in my journey with Lana's music, that album is the one that stands out the most to me bc of where I was at the time it was released. 

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