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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. the windbreaker looks like it belongs in this video
  2. i like lfl but i skip the political mess
  3. guys am i tripping? didnt this girl already post this in like august and tagged lana too? i remember discussing this
  4. MAC, i hated it at first but then i loved it and the sad part is that i went to lana show back when i hated it and she played it and i was like whatever
  5. ultraviolence and honeymoon are classics, nfr aged like milk just like 2 months after the release it might be bc of the snippets
  6. he finally comes to Poland after 6 (?) years but im not sure if the shows will happen i dont wanna argue about my money for the next years if it gets postponed again so i think ill pass on that
  7. for a moment i thought u meant marilyn manson and was about to drag u
  8. idk what to expect.. i think the whole budget went for cocc mv but there was a bts picure from White Dress and they had a makeup trailer so it wont be Nfr/Bartender type of flop i guess
  9. listening to this flop after cocc is a little more bearable but its still the worst lana song ever
  10. im thinking about cancelling my horse picture disc i spent so much money its crazy
  11. did the french site have like 15 casettes cuz its been like 45 minutes
  12. https://shopfr.lanadelrey.com/products/carte-dedicacee-cd-chemtrails-over-the-country-club
  13. never spent this much money on any album what if it turns out shit?
  14. maybe youve been chosen to be the next casette girl
  15. i love the neil shoot her best shoot since 2017 (and this one was by neil too)
  16. unrelated but can spotiify already change the mormon teenager MAC photo to this?
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