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Miss Treat

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About Miss Treat

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    My life is a mystery!

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  1. No, actually my picture is different look harder "IanadeIrey." I think I would know too!
  2. "BroWIFI" malfunction. my phone.
  3. Maybe she had a slight accident with the kingsford charcoal because she was vaping at the time? Stop focusing on her eyebrows and flannels she's probably doing it to teach everyone an important lesson or something. You never know she could be doing all this to drive everyone insaner. Sincerely, Lana Del KINGsford.
  4. Her kids are crying out to be fed and she just pops her head in view of their crib and she just sticks her tongue out at them. It's been 10 days since she fed her children anything what kind of mother are you Lana? Plus what if we don't like sushi? okay, that explains it or maybe not. No don't give them second hand used gum ewww.
  5. Maybe fans sound like "fingernails" on a chalkboard at the club beneath chemtrails over the shuffleboard?
  6. How about "Snub?" You know like how Lana treats her entire fan base. Wonder why that is?
  7. God help that poor man. Maybe she might become a widow? The stress of all that hanging over his head and all might kill him or he may slip into a food coma after a big lasagna dinner or something and decide to never wake up because it's not worth the trouble arguing anymore. Would be a much cleaner break confidentiality wise. That's usually what happens when they want to get rid of a character in a series. Could happen you never really know.
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