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Everything posted by shadesofloveduthenandnow

  1. Loving the VOTD love I think If I Die Young and Your Band Is All the Rage deserve special mention here. Whether or not IIDY is actually finalized and just LQ idk but it still sounds a little rough; there’s absolute magic in both of these songs though
  2. The Tomorrow Never Came demo turning out to be a stem edit
  3. Summer Bummer is a 10 but Rocky & Carti’s parts make it a 7
  4. I just want some fake lyrics from Darla or whatever her name is to laugh at
  5. Valley of the Dolls is a 10 but it’s not a full fleshed out song yet so it’s a 9
  6. one foot in the door i’ve been trying to get your attention is it working out yet?
  7. Jenny jumped into the pool She was swimming with Nikki Lane
  8. When the closing cover is My Humps ft. Jack Donoghue
  9. The second chorus in Dealer when the organ cuts out for a sec and comes back halfway through “I don’t wanna LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE”
  10. When the needle drops on the vinyl and after a few seconds you can hear Lana mumbling
  11. I see Dolphin Flower but I don’t see her sister song, Seafoam Nova. Lana splits up a pair of sibling songs again!
  12. I need to know what she says in TJF that apparently isn’t “don’t be afraid of our love”
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