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Everything posted by shadesofloveduthenandnow

  1. Fingertips is a serious contender for my all-time favorite LDR song. If you get it you get it if you don’t you don’t if you you know you know and if you don’t know I honestly feel bad for you
  2. The way Get Free is still THAT girl and her best song and we don’t have a single demo/early mix of it? Feels homophobic tbh
  3. Saur has it been officially confirmed this is more or less the origins RN version feom the UV sessions? I’d like to know where to put her
  4. Ok now that someone mentioned this being the OG version I can kind of hear it. Listen to the guitar in the intro here and then listen to Cult Leader
  5. When it’s revealed that it was actually first written as a Lizzy Grant track and was then repurposed for the scrapped Tropico album before being scrapped 500 times
  6. Everyone’s talking about a section being cut but I don’t hear it? It sounds like stripped version of the STINT demo, right down to the sound of the guitars and the structure
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