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About Crys10

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    Venice Bitch
  • Birthday August 10

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  1. Too exhausted now to be waiting. Wake me up when September ends. I guess I’m signing off after all.
  2. I usually get the 404 message for lana.lnk.to/henrycomeon but now I’m getting this. It’s still 404 for other words and stuff. I hope it means they’re working on the website?? IT girlies do your thing! 😭
  3. Excuse me wtf please be joking I’m flying from another country for this 🥲
  4. If the album is set to be released on 21st May, we should be getting a pre order in a week. If not, then I think it’s safe to say it’s not coming before September.
  5. If Henry is not coming out this month then it was too early to sound the alarm and it’ll pmo so much 😭
  6. Can someone book an appointment with Tessa DiPietro and ask her about the album? We can all gofund it I guess 🙆🏻‍♂️
  7. I’m imagining the album opening with Never let me go, asking the lover to just stay and closing with The right person will stay
  8. is something coming?? Album photoshoot? Why is everyone related to her actively teasing us?
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