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The Stargirl Pinky

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Everything posted by The Stargirl Pinky

  1. That lower register combined with the high backing vocals at the end is so
  2. Help me what a surprise it’s a serve I just know it
  3. I just got back from three days of skiing - my sore legs call that a sport When was the last time you ate chicken wings? 🐔
  4. I love onions grill it season it sauté it 🧅
  5. Okay unlimited drinks for you bc ur cute don’t tell Mer
  6. I’m coming around with trays of Aperol Spritz one per girlie unless you lost tonight in which case have as many as you’d like
  7. As we all learned tonight we can’t trust me with everyone’s IPs
  8. When you and I develop beef and we win next year’s drama of the year then what
  9. Me logging in tonight like pinky has been banned
  10. Not my post getting edited I really nailed it huh FBI HIRE ME HELP SORRY
  11. I’m sad I missed all the festivities today But congrats to everyone on their wins especially my categorical nemesis @ivory almond your pfps really are ugly as sin djkdnfjfjf well done bestie!
  12. I’m so happy for all the winners and runner ups Miss Pinky is about to return to the Canadian slopes after a quick lunch sending love to everyone God bless!!!!
  13. The way I thought it was this confused tomato
  14. PLS these two are so funny
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