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The Stargirl Pinky

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Everything posted by The Stargirl Pinky

  1. I just know she’s gonna zoom in, square crop, and call it a day
  3. Not you campaigning for best taste at the Lipsters already congrats
  4. Well girls I have my drink in hand already for the love of Orlando Bloom’s iconic paddleboard ùn¢üț ð1¢ķ get out there and vote!
  5. I’m legitimately terrified of this proud boy content I’m seeing on socials. TL;DR republicans know they’re losing so bad that the far right group won’t wait until January to attack our cities and our people. I’m actually quite scared for these next several days/weeks it’s basically civil war on steroids. And trump is to blame for absolutely all of it.
  6. Officially cast my vote 💙 I’m so ready for this to be over
  7. When Lana’s trolling us and the mistake was mixing up “and” and “but” then what
  8. Mistake? But on what part bestie is the album on or off Is it southern gothic or not? Is Henry coming on or no?
  9. She already did this bestie it’s giving Annie Mac/trump interview PTSD
  10. Imagine if she opened with oui oui baguette mountains would have moved the earth would shake zodiac hq would be leaked
  11. Her album producers and collaborators reading this like
  12. This latest news is giving cafeteria cause the servery
  13. OMG IM GAGGED the way I’m at work and I copied/pasted the translated article into a word doc to make it seem like I’m reading official workplace correspondence The pictures are so iconic I can’t believe we got this
  14. I don’t think it’ll be quite Kintsugi instrumental but realistically Americana theme + stripped back = Narwhal. I personally love that song but know a lot of people hate it oop. The chemtrails truthers will stay winning this era I can feel it
  15. If she really wants to get this country musique out of her system maybe an EP is the solution like put out the smol batch of songs that you love and stop trying to force it into becoming something it’s not
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