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Everything posted by ChelseaLeeArts

  1. Would love some angry Mike Dean tracks But fear they will only turn up in my dreams
  2. This sounds so good, let's hope she doesn't get rid of the angry songs and swap them with ballads
  3. Please let this be a summer album full of bops and music to twerk too
  4. If this is the end - I want a boyfriend I'm not even joking, I don't know what this means but sending thoughts to everyone in these dark times
  5. I really feel another album coming, please a summer album not the Nikki the one I need bops
  6. ChelseaLeeArts

    Charli XCX

    Made my a** cheeks clap while listening to boom clap
  7. You are all missing out if you don't watch Kay's cooking https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zNto-3DvDpw
  8. ChelseaLeeArts

    Charli XCX

    Beg for you sounds like so many other songs that are on the radio I can't click with it New shapes is so much better
  9. ChelseaLeeArts

    Tove Lo

    The song is good but it sounds exactly like songs off the weeknds new album will still be listening though and kind of prefer to watercolor eyes tbh
  10. Omg I'm in finally, hope everyone else can get in
  11. The entire concept of this song is weird Watercolor eyes Watermelon's Breaking up but still making out?? We need the full lyrics
  12. The bridge sounds abit like afraid omg Well probably only to me because I love that song
  13. All these fake leakers fighting one another I'm sure if one of them leaked something decent we would be on their side
  14. 9. KFC they just wanted to be free (interlude) - feat Nikki lane 10. Chicken like that
  15. Wait wasn't their a rumour about a lana x weekend x the neighborhood Collab like last year that would kill me
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