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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. rabbit

    Instagram Updates

    This picture She really is one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen
  2. rabbit

    Instagram Updates

    Yes! She looks so happy, cute, and vibrant here
  3. Feeling the same! The first two days were definitely the worst, but now it’s so close :,) I’m extra excited to listen and react with those who are waiting (and everyone who isn’t! Just so happy to be on the boards for a pre-release )
  4. Called my local Target so fast hehe, they’re holding it until the release date. Figured as much, and ultimately that’s a very good thing, but I don’t think I could’ve resisted picking it up today
  5. rabbit

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    !!! Seems that you’re right, peep the little video emoji! I like the wig and nails A LOT, really excited to see something new
  6. I’m on the west coast, Target said it’ll arrive here on the 26th. Really hope that’s true, or they’re shipped out sooner, but with how delayed the post office is, def expecting it to be late. One of my orders from her store shipped earlier in the week, with the grey vinyl and pink windbreaker. Fedex says it’s sitting up one state away rn, but the delivery date is pending, and I imagine it would be held to the point where it will be delivered on the 19th??
  7. Cycling through her discography starting today, minus the two Chemtrails singles. Listening to AKA and Honeymoon, and that magic of those two records is still very present Sorry if this has been asked (just ignore if it has been hehe, I’ll figure it out soon enough), but does every song on Chemtrails contain a bridge? Or nearly every song?
  8. !!! Yes yes yes, love this idea also, so very excited for those who are getting closer to having your vinyls! It’s really happening
  9. rabbit

    Song vs. Song

    how does one choose?? The Blackest Day vs 13 Beaches
  10. That powerful Cancer sun energy :,)
  11. Right under the info for the current issue, there’s a smaller bar underneath that says “Next Issue April 21st”. From that bar, you were able to add the issue with Lana to your cart, but I don’t see that option anymore Maybe it’s not available anymore or just at the moment :/ Couldn’t find a direct link, but maybe someone else can!
  12. The taste!! It’s such a good record, pretty much perfect all the way through :,)
  13. https://www.newsstand.co.uk/192-other-magazines/98-subscribe-to-music-week-magazine-subscription.aspx Not sure if you already found this in the thread, but here’s the link
  14. Stream LMLYLAW and Chemtrails in the background of your waiting/listening parties 6 days Haven’t heard anything from the le*k yet, seriously cannot wait to live in this record :,)
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