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Everything posted by violettiaras

  1. I think they tweeted this before then did an april fool’s thing. They just recycle the lana tweets
  2. r/lanitas is crazy too. In place of corny posts there’s mostly psychotic, hateful speculation about Lana it’s soo….????
  3. Lana’s response was rude and that’s that. The girl had such nice things to say about JEREMY too so honestly Lana should’ve just let it fucking be, there’s been so many rumors that’s he’s abrasive in public or doesn’t let her speak with fans and this would've refuted that lol. lana herself has told the world she shops at Ralph’s so I don’t think the privacy thing is thattt big a deal. Now she’s getting reddit speculating that she’s pregnant or relapsed with drinking and is embarrassed about it
  4. The lana subreddit is saying they’re “separating the art from the artist” now that she follows a “mommy influencer.” Like jesus fucking christ 😭 besides that being drastic, this isn’t the stereotypical family vlogger like Franke or all those other cases where they started social media JUST for posting their kids. aren’t these influencers who already were influencing and then had kids and started posting that too?
  5. Thank you! I think she referred to wanting to be there for “anyone who wanted to know the truth” or something similar after release (and the removal of the 4/5 songs- which I didn’t know!) so I guess in her mind Arcadia, BBS and Wildflower have enough for her in that sense, which in that case just release those three as stand alone singles versus an album. It’ll be interesting if those angry songs ever do come out. And re the badly ripped tracks, I think if she was more particular for finer details like that she’d have a better chance at the grammy’s. NFR deserved it regardless but you just can’t put stuff like that on an official body of work.
  6. I really don’t understand what she meant when she said this album was to lay it all out for the critics. Maybe it’s different because we had heard half the songs years ago but I don’t get what revelations we were supposed to get from this album? I might just read all 280 pages here to try and understand like I’m that desperate for an answer. Does anyone get what the big takeaway was? Like lol.
  7. I like to picture her sitting there every album release going ok, THIS TIME it’ll be different. the date i picked at random will be upheld, i WILL release this album on time, i will have timely single releases, the title will stay the same. I’m going to announce it all right now so they can hold me to my word and then we all fall for it!
  8. Timothee snubbed again! Call me club chalamet the way I’m pissed. Also, Michelle Trachtenberg and Shannen Doherty are not movie stars. They’re known for their tv work and will be memorialized at the next Emmy’s most likely. They weren’t members of the academy and haven’t really made significant contributions to film- I’m not trying to rag on them because they’re good actors, but Eurotrip and Harriet the Spy and heathers does not get you into the oscars memoriam. Hundreds of industry professionals that actually made films were excluded because there’s just too many to fit! Besides, their peers literally weren’t there- the writers, directors, actors and producers they know are all primarily in tv too and weren’t in the audience waiting to see their name. They’ll get their moment at the emmy’s hopefully, but they simply weren’t snubbed.
  9. Literally thought I was reading a fake article. How crazy.
  10. the amount of times i fell for a lana boards pre release thread being “hot” and thought something happened is a sign of insanity
  11. This is unfortunately how I feel about most Marina lyrics I’ve heard the past few years. :/ Shallow, full of buzz words or out of place.
  12. This is unfortunately how I feel about most Marina lyrics I’ve heard the past few years. :/ Shallow, full of buzz words or out of place.
  13. So excited! Also Elle, I just noticed you responded to my question months ago about what their live shows are like lol! Thanks so much for that write up, I appreciate it! I adore Zella live (saw her open for Lana) and the chaparelle live videos are great I’m crossing my fingers she adds something in my city 🤞
  14. True but she also keeps saying it’s gonna be a different genres and reworked yada yada yada so I’m kind of buying the “insecure” statement. I’m probably forgetting but I don’t remember her being so definitive about how an album will sound (“going going country!”) and then spending the next year backpedaling. She’s described albums inaccurately I feel like but never tried to rescind her comments. Honestly, she’s never tried to rescind any comments ever lol.
  15. Feb 14 is my birthday and Valentine’s day which is soo Lana to release an album then, so I’ll hold out another year for it idgaf. it seems like she’s not ready anyway
  16. It does look very similar to hers and i wanna say lana’s mentioned that store too! Jen did mention all the other jewelry’s backstories other than that bracelet as if it was just a random piece so the mystery continues. The first sighting of it on lana almost coincides with when jeremy showed up. On god we’ll get to the bottom of this! Also yeah those nails are straight up bulbous masses of acrylic 😭😭 I know there’s better nail techs in louisiana what is she doing
  17. I googled him and caillebotte’s mother was named Celeste Dausfresne- and I think Dufrene is just an americanized/cajunized version of that. Maybe you just found his family history girl! Speaking of which, I really do like the last name “Dufrene” I think it sounds pretty. I have aunts who’ve said their partners last name played into their decision to marry/take the relationship seriously lol.
  18. Did anyone get tickets? I did! Never seen her live and will have to travel out of state without a car or even a license but i wont be stopped
  19. Almost all of i love you honeybear is unavailable on spotify! What are you doing josh!
  20. Truly, truly so heartbreaking. The fact that his house just burned down/or he at least got evacuated last week makes it worse- what a stressful last few days he deserved better.
  21. The funniest is bringing Camila out at coachella for a song everyone hated and singing two words of it herself when people were expecting Billie or Taylor. Then not bringing out the feature on I Luv it, Playboi Carti, with whom she has what I think would be a very crowd pleasing song with. Like performing with asap rocky and playboi carti would’ve been a commercial slam dunk so obviously she didn’t actually end up doing it lol. It was such a fever dream but I have to admit I started enjoying i luv it after that
  22. Yes! I was thinking the same thing. Ben and Ed don’t push Lana to do typical pop star, hollywood type stuff and respect her artistic vision and I think that could be exactly what Chappell needs to stay mentally well enough to have a long career, and she’s got the talent and power like Lana did to be successful without all the extra stuff.
  23. People say we’re too much alike… they say we’ve got the same hair
  24. america is literally the only developed country without universal healthcare. and guess what? in countries where healthcare the workers are still paid so its not even like its forced labor. I’m pretty sure the UN considers access to safe water a human right and requires specialized labor to build and maintain purification systems. You can hide behind being “pro workers rights” all you want but you clearly just lack empathy for humanity
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