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  1. Nahime liked a post in a topic by rosemead ramada in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    The oldest Israeli newspaper (Haaretz) published an article yesterday (of course only available in Hebrew) debunking a lot of claims about the Hamas attacks.
    Non-paywall archive: https://archive.ph/2023.12.03-221527/https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/2023-12-03/ty-article-magazine/.premium/0000018c-2036-d21c-abae-76be08fe0000#selection-5463.0-5471.386
    -Only ONE baby was killed in Hamas attacks (Mila Cohen). A second baby was killed when a pregnant Bedouin woman traveling in the area was shot; she was taken to a hospital and gave birth but the baby died a few hours later
    -The story of a baby being killed in an oven is completely false
    -Claims about piles of dead children simply aren't true. There weren't even enough children who were killed to make these claims plausible, as most murdered children were found with their families
    -Claim of pregnant woman having fetus cut out of her are also false. Supposed video of it isn't even from Israel
    -There was no pregnant hostage taken by Hamas who gave birth in Hamas tunnels. The IDF has no record of a pregnant hostage at all
    Some Google-translated excerpts, parts bolded by me:
    -The X account (formerly Twitter) of the Prime Minister's Office also referred to the murder of babies, when it published very graphic photographs and wrote: "These are horrifying photos of babies murdered and burned by Hamas monsters." The tweet states that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed the photos to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. Similar descriptions were also circulated on behalf of an IDF officer. A few days ago, Kkar HaShabbat writer Yishai Cohen interviewed Lt. Col. Yaron Buskila from the Gaza Division. Buskila told about babies being hung on a clothesline, and similar words of his were quoted by the rightist Goel Vaaknin in X. Cohen wrote that after publication he was told that the story was inaccurate. "Why would an army officer invent such a horrifying story? I was wrong," he added.
    -To this day, there is no known scene where children from several families were discovered, murdered together. This shows that Netanyahu's description in his conversation with US President Joe Biden, according to which Hamas terrorists "took dozens of children, tied them up, burned them and executed them", does not exactly correspond to the picture of reality.
    -In Bari, nine minors were murdered, at least some of them were together with one of their parents and were murdered in their home, so it is not possible that 20 bodies were piled up in one place.
    -But among Bari's dead were no children six or seven years old or close. House number 426 is in the Ashlim neighborhood, where mostly kibbutz veterans live - older people. Elderly families also lived in house number 426, a house with two apartments: Rafi Mordo was murdered in a massacre, while his neighbor, Simcha Shani, was injured. Shani and her husband did not tell about a pregnant woman or a family with small children staying at their home. A video was circulated on social media that allegedly depicts the murder of the pregnant woman, but the "Fake Reporter" organization and other sources reported that the video was not filmed in Israel at all. The kibbutz itself also denied the description, and said that "the story of the pregnant woman reported by Zaka is not relevant to Bari." The police are also not familiar with the case at all, and a source familiar with the examination of the bodies at Shura base also told Haaretz that he is not familiar with the case.
    -The president of the Ihud Hatzala organization, Eli Bir, told about a baby who was put in a baking oven and burned to death. Bir said these things at a donor conference in the US, and from there the story unfolded, which was even published earlier this month in the Daily Mail, where the baby turned into babies. However, this story is also not true. Mila Cohen and the baby who died after its mother was shot in the stomach were the only babies murdered in the massacre, and the police have no evidence of a body that answers to these signs.
    -Another claim, the veracity of which is highly questionable, was made by the Prime Minister's wife, Sara Netanyahu, in a letter she sent to the wife of the US President, Jill Biden. In the letter, Netanyahu wrote that one of the women kidnapped to the Gaza Strip was in her ninth month of pregnancy and that she gave birth in captivity of Hamas. On social media the photo of the abductee Natwari Mulkan, a citizen of Thailand, was distributed. The media outlet "The Hottest Place in Hell" published that Dr. Yahal Kurlander from Tel Hai Academic College and an aid group for agricultural workers spoke with the woman's family and acquaintances, who clarified that she was not pregnant. Similar things were also published in an investigation by "At" magazine. Whereas the Moked for Refugees and Immigrants, Ku LeOved and the Aid for Farm Workers organization published a statement according to which this is a rumor that is not based on anything. Molkan was released last Saturday and indeed it turned out that she was neither pregnant nor gave birth. Even the army currently has no information about a kidnapped pregnant woman, and in the security establishment it is treated as an unfounded rumor. There was no response from the Prime Minister's Office.
    The comments left on the article are certainly pretty revealing about the mindset of Israeli citizens. They pretty much don't care whether things or true or not:
    "Don't you have anything to write about? Just to help the Hamas propaganda machine. Is it burning now to write? Your "truths" are up in the air without any proof. Shame and shame on Haaretz newspaper. I have subscribed to the newspaper for decades and am considering canceling the subscription."
    "Hundreds of Jewish citizens, men, women and children were slaughtered because of their Jewishness, a shocking war crime in itself. What is the urgency for the newspaper to be accurate in the numbers? Hamas "only" beheaded two children and Hamas tied up and burned "only" boys and not babies, the woman whose stomach was opened was not pregnant "just" an ordinary woman. An article that reeks of free hate. Is this the truth you want to publish? Shame on you!"
    "A newspaper for stupid people. People saw everything on the Hamas website. What will they be waiting for you?!?"
    "Unfortunately, even if these stories are wrong, there are more than enough other shocking stories. Do yourself a favor and don't get caught up in the details, it won't help you and will only make you sick. You are allowed not to read the details. This is also a struggle."
    Edit: It turns out Haaretz published the same story on their English website today and it's on their front page: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-12-04/ty-article-magazine/.premium/hamas-committed-documented-atrocities-but-a-few-false-stories-feed-the-deniers/0000018c-34f3-da74-afce-b5fbe24f0000
    Non-paywall archived link: https://archive.ph/20231204183617/https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-12-04/ty-article-magazine/.premium/hamas-committed-documented-atrocities-but-a-few-false-stories-feed-the-deniers/0000018c-34f3-da74-afce-b5fbe24f0000
  2. Nahime liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Take Me Home, Country Roads (John Denver Cover) [SINGLE] - December 1st, 2023   
    The problem is the production, Piano just changes the song a bit and vibe. The original guitars and instruments were just gold.   It’s still good, but the original can’t really be touched, John Denver is always going to be superior. I fear Lana won’t be stopped until she’s turned every classic into a Piano lullaby.
  3. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Take Me Home, Country Roads (John Denver Cover) [SINGLE] - December 1st, 2023   
    It sounds rushed, stripped down, flat, basic. As others have said, where is the instrumentation that made the original seem and feel sincere and of its time and place? 
    She's singing the lyrics a la the classic John Denver version, but she's not singing it as if she means it or has experienced what she's saying. Where's the sense of loss, the passion, the relief of finally getting back to the place that she feels she belongs? Compare it to Buddy's Rendezvous, for example.  
    Funny how on OB she says, "the WAYYYY JOHN DENVER SINGSSS" and she's doing the opposite here, no passion. It seems to me that this would drive away potential fans rather than create new ones. 
    I hope we get the Americana | Classics album and soon, but I hope the rest is a little more fully realized and heartfelt than this. 
  4. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Take Me Home, Country Roads (John Denver Cover) [SINGLE] - December 1st, 2023   
    This would have been perfect if it actually had twangy guitar and less reverb 
  5. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Something interesting to look into, Usbu’ Al-Shahada (the finger of Shahada)
    To summarize what I’ve been reading, it’s the extension of the index finger upon death , and as it’s observed in Islam, as symbolic of the existence of a one true god. It’s been increasingly associated with the Palestinian people and those labeled “martyrs” (innocent people killed amidst the several conflicts).
    Shaun King posted a video this morning with much more detail, but it’s of a decomposing corpse of a literal newborn. Being examined and discussed by a doctor he was brought to. He is explaining why the index finger is extended and why it is a symbol of hope. I won’t link it, because I don’t want anyone to have to see something like that. But you all know Shaun King and where to find it. It’s just so saddening.
  6. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Over the weekend, an American woman , set fire  to herself outside of an Israeli embassy in Atlanta, in protest of the war on Gaza. Here in this video, we can observe  how it was reported VS what the point of the act was
  7. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    According to reports Israel has alleged it has only killed about 1,000 “Hamas fighters and commanders”
    UNDERLINING the Gross Negligence presented by the Israeli bombing campaign. Killing nearly 19,000 innocent people so far. This as it is announced they seek to pursue the fighting against Hamas into Lebanon , the Sinai peninsula, and Jordan…..
  8. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Helpful to get a grasp of how many people have actually been killed. And not forget that these are not just numbers to tally up and forget about, they are real people that have died and won't be coming back, that have left behind families, or in many cases, actually had their whole families eradicated with them.
    You can even change the icon from "dots" to "people".
    I dare Israel supporters to go to this link, type in 15523 and convince themselves while scrolling down the page that attacking a city and killing this many civilians is okay because "self defence". I also dare Israel supporters to type 6387 and convince themselves that killing this many innocent children and babies is okay.
    If eradicating Hamas is so important to you, why are innocent lives less important to you?
    "People are being killed in Gaza more quickly, they say, than in even the deadliest moments of U.S.-led attacks in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, which were themselves widely criticized by human rights groups."
  9. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Israel pulled their negotiations team from Qatar.
    "A Hamas official tells Al Jazeera negotiations on prisoner exchanges are now over and will not resume until Israel halts it attack and hands over all Palestinian prisoners."
    “Following the impasse in the negotiations and at the direction of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, David Barnea, head of the Mossad, ordered his team in Doha to return to Israel,”
    Last deathtoll report was 15,523.
  10. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Her latest post.
    This is everyone's lives now that the ceasefire is over.

    The second last paragraph. This is going to haunt people forever. It's going to be taught in schools like the Jewish Holocaust and children will once again ask "why couldnt other countries help them?" But who knows, they might not even be taught that their own countries were responsible for letting this happen.
  11. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Yes I was surprised to also see the hostages of terrorists being released from Gaza are in good health, have been receiving their medications, given food, water. Even waving goodbye to their captors.

    While Israeli prisoners have been subject to literal torture, detention without trial, abuse, r*pe, and starvation. All while most of them are women and children......................................... 
    I wonder if the released Israelis and other foreign citizens are being sequestered and silenced once they return to Israel/Egypt because there is something more going on beneath the surface 
    orrrr just Maybe its because when there WAS a video published by Hamas of a captive, Blaming Netanyahu for everything, it didn't look to good on Israel's part to the rest of the world, who might not know he was being investigated for War Crimes WELL BEFORE the events of this last month took place. 
    idk, seems like theres soooo much we dont knowwwwww, and israel does 
    why they refuse to back up their claims with evidence?  who knows
  12. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Agreed, like Israel not cooperating with the US advising them against illegally colonising the West Bank and using unlawful violence against Palestinians for years
  13. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Enough people believe them no matter how much evidence against them shows up anyway Netanyahu said from the start it was essential for the US to believe they have no choice but to destroy Gaza. Nothing else matters so long as the US keeps allowing them and supporting them with money and weapons
  14. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    theyre even here on Lanaboards!  
  15. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I also have followed this youtuber for years, he is a student of language. Often touring highly "dangerous" places to document true life there.
    He has been to so many countries, and his work is truly eye opening.
    Here he is being harassed in Jerusalem
  16. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    god bless this girl. have been following her since the beginning of the war and she lost everything, except her cat! Who miraculously survived the bombardment of their own home!!! She is so strong. Her face and story is just one of millions. But she has been on my mind a lot, i fear its because she was one of the very few out of Gaza given a platform. But nonetheless, she is pretty much my age. My cat is my everything. It shakes me to think of this as a reality. For ANYONE!
    there is a part at 7:22 where she says
    "i dont know if you can see it now, but this is what it means to be Palestinian. to be destroyed over and over, and to just rebuild again and again."
    What does it mean to be a Zionist?
  17. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I thought I would come back to this to show something you said you’d like to see.
    here are only two Al-Qassam resistance fighters. Feigning off an entire Squadron of 6ft4 30 y/o IDF men with bullet proof vests and hand grenades. With naught but a few warning shots and a flash bang 
  18. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    It’s important to be poignant when discussing this topic because there is a group of people who can’t help but see empathy/equality as supporting t*rrorism. But I agree. I said I couple pages ago it’s important to take care of our mental health in times like these! If it gets too much, take care of yourself first!
  19. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    No rudeness directed at you! Sorry if it came across that way!
  20. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    This is literally just a woman saying someone informed her of something ijbol. You are so full of shit. That must be why you’ve dipped. Because you and your friends made dupes secretly because you really wanted to engage but didn’t wanna risk losing an account over how absurdly misleading and ignorant your values are!!!  I cannot lol
    It is kinda eerie all these weirdly pro-Zionist newbies just kinda… popped up 
  21. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    god… Zionists are out in force tonight. So killing and torturing and raping and taking hostages is only bad when it isn’t an Israeli doing it, right? Uh-huh
  22. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Israel, meanwhile, has been great at sharing misinformation on twitter, and not even removing the retweets when they're proven SO wrong, like that "Palestinian crisis actor". And the calendar in the hospital that they claimed had Hamas names on it, and it was literally just the days of the week. This case wasn't even on twitter. It was broadcast to everyone on the news and I don't think they ever addressed that they were wrong.
    It's also just crazy to me that Israelis are allowed to post the most insensitive disgusting tiktoks I've ever seen, but aren't allowed to share a post showing empathy to Palestinians who are dying.
  23. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    So if we are cool using the term terrorist for Hamas' war crimes here, why won't we use the word terrorism for Israel's IDF and government? They've committed plenty of war crimes. They've killed hundreds of babies since October 7th.
    What they've done is absolutely and unequivocally terrorism. There is no room for "but they didn't have the intention to kill 13000 innocents" in the definition of terrorism.
    "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
    If we're not going to use the same term for the same crimes, then we have some racism to address. (I'm happy to use war crimes as a term for both because i know the word terrorism is strongly linked to Islamophobia, but thats not you right?)
  24. Nahime liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    well, i haven't seen any of that. NONE OF IT.
    i've seen zero aggression on behalf of the palestinians.
    but i do find your comment amusing. "A LITERAL BABY." What, one baby? Versus 5,000 babies that Israel slaughtered? PUH-LEASE.
    All the pro-Israeli comebacks are lame af. There's just no comparison.
  25. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    A pregnant woman dropping her children off at school was stabbed to death by a coordinated Israeli settler attack today in Jerusalem . She was so close to giving birth, that the doctors even attempted to perform an emergency c section to exhume the child. (She was stabbed, repeatedly , directly in front of her other children and left to bleed out while the attacker hopped into a car that pulled up and got away. He will likely not face punishment, or be identified. As is usually the case in these situations.)
    This brings the total number of Israeli-Arab hate crimes / murders to 222 for the year. An unprecedented number, according to ANI Int.
    this as just yesterday, nearly another 40 CHILDREN were arrested and are being detained without trail in the West Bank.
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