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Everything posted by SalvaWHORE

  1. @DragonWhore Where is your Whore power when we need u the most?
  2. Okay set the eyes on Tuesday ladies. Mark your calendars We'll get our party clown dress on by then.
  3. fake or real shit aside, Long Nails On Your Back sounds iconic already. Plus it has a strong Lana scent to it so...
  4. HE.FUCKING.DID.IT Dande-sama who? GTFO
  5. @DragonWhore is the certified whore that the culture needs.
  6. the way i move just to be stopped to move real quick
  7. 10 - cuz it's LDR𝖃 im ready to be bankrupt
  8. someone has to do all the delulu, im happy to be the one okay now miss Lana, time to post on @honeymoon
  9. It's either page 600 or 666 to get the delulu power activate. Dont give up lipsters and here we are - page 600
  10. ikr she's been serving hair real hard this year. All we need is another signature bouffant / big hair beauty queen priscilla serve from her for this era
  11. SalvaWHORE

    Taylor Swift

    Not her team pulling a BTS to stay on that #1 for another week Let it go gurl, one week is enough, u just released a 10th studio album, almost 20 years in your career, you are a living legend you DONT NEED THE CHARTS TAYLORRR NAURRR
  12. no i mean her hair looks fuller after she went back to brunnette (and i personally like her dark hair >>>> blond) plus her hairlines looks arranged, unlike last year. She has been glaming up lately - its a sign
  13. She might left us with 9-year trauma But we stay for the drama
  14. i personally feel lucky that i've always missed the sc@t attacks every now & then. i also feel grateful for y'all lipster on LB who had to deal with them all instead of me
  15. @DragonWhore BE A REAL W H O R E & SPILL W H O R E #TeamWhore
  16. Okay bitches time to gather your LDR CDs/Vinyls/cassette around, make sure u have some pepsi, coca-cola and place your candles in pentagram (and in the wind of course). THIS IS THE MOMENT for our delulu ritual. We are making contact with the holy beings from the other side, in the name of the power of the universe.
  17. SalvaWHORE

    Azealia Banks

    this shows you literally know nothing about what she has been going through. "talent" - check. But funds? She's literally broke and dont have the budget for an album production - which costs A LOT. She has been selling soaps and founded Cheapy XO as an extra income solution.
  18. Manifesting a meltdown when we reach page 600
  19. Elizabeth please post something for the sake of a weekend meltdown
  20. Like the title How do you place LDR's projects / album or certain songs / group of songs in a category of a certain Zodiac sign? How her music relates to astrology, horoscopes in general. This is the space we should have to talk about it x Side bar: i'm personally not that person who is knowledgeable about astrological talks so i hope i can learn something from y'all because lately im interested in these topics thank you in advance
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