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Everything posted by HeyBlueBaby

  1. She’s always playing victim yet loves being around shady characters like Harvey, Marilyn Manson, Jack D, etc…..give it up, that’s Humbert
  2. Damn stop riding my dick like this like do you not have anything better to do mama
  3. You’re so sat for this love, why don’t you go touch some gross or apply for a job? You must have nothing better to do
  4. Hope it helps that it was an industry secret what Harvey was doing. Coincidentally, Lana did 2 songs for a Harvey film around this time (Big Eyes and I Can Fly)…..Hmmmm…..and the context of the song? Seems like Lana knew what she was dealing with. She’s rotted.
  5. She acknowledged the song is about Harvey. We know the song is. Girl……
  6. Stick to the topic at hand. Lana is just some “arrogant rich girl”, even though she continually tries to contradict that narrative. The mental gymnastics she has yall doing to defend her is really insane. Just say you want to keep supporting her in spite of her clear political views and alignments. That’s far more respectable than trying to shift focus. She has a whole song about Harvey Weinstein. She’s not this innocent oblivious woman yall are constantly trying to paint her as. Let it go. She’s rotted.
  7. So promoting domestic relationships, drug abuse, and daddyism isn’t promoting hate? even Lana herself feels this way now, she hates those albums, denounced them, and has made an effort to do a complete 180 from that time in her life. Even though she is still the same person who will just do everything for a man next to her. She’s honestly pathetic. You’re SAT honey. Go fill out that application.
  8. I can still observe and critique. What’s wrong with that? And I’m sorry, but making excuses for her like “she’s just stupid and rich” is what’s arrogant to me, not when she’s going after random fans on Instagram for claiming she grew up rich. The same woman who was rubbing shoulders with Lindsay Lohan and other celebs as a child wants us to really believe she didn’t grow up with any privilege. She really wanted us to believe she wasn’t a Trump supporter in 2020. But look where she is now. How can you reconcile how fake and backwards she is, and looking back, has always been? Lmao, it’s just funny to me.
  9. She deserves to be criticized. If you don’t feel the same, I’m sorry love.
  10. I don’t care. Lana was running around a couple of years ago with a man who has homosexual incestual relationships with his cousins and kisses dogs. Now she’s MAGA? Y’all really don’t care how mentally ill and backwards this disgusting woman is. She’s no better than a grifter like Candace Owens or something. It will come out in due time. But like fan like stans and a lot of yall don’t stand for anything either besides blindly supporting her. I wish you well.
  11. It’s the weekend. Go get ready for your Burger King shift babe, you need to start saving up to buy the white people will stay.
  12. You don’t have to lie to yourself like this baby girl. It’s shit, her book was shit, her cover was shit. She’s shit, okay? We are long passed 2015 when Lana had class, dignity, and actually something to say.
  13. Let’s just hope one of the alligators eats Lana before she has the opportunity to release this snoozefest of an album. It’s going to be one of her worst yet. I still don’t know how majority of you are reconciling with the fact that she married this man after the 2020 trauma of defending her from Karen allegations.
  14. Why are you so bothered? I can critique and have different opinions on Lana than the sheep mentality on here. If I want to criticize the doll for being married to a Trump supporter, I’m going to do so. If you don’t like it, keep scrolling beloved.
  15. This is What (Make)s Girls (America)n The (Great)est Us (Again)st The World
  16. Yes, and? Why you so tapped in to my random user? Moving on….
  17. Another Taylor collab oh brother, how basic can she get? But I guess juvenile white girls is Lana’s main base these days so it makes sense. Still hoping she scraps this entire cringe concept in the wake of the LA fires and does something inspired by that.
  18. The more we learn about the COCC the more evident it is how basic and directionless it always was as an album. But it does serve as a notable transition in her career to her now Christian-Republican girl image. Blue Banisters was way better as a whole, LQ demos and all. It’s not a perfect album but it pulls you in way more and doesn’t disappoint as much in the end.
  19. And I will be that because she doesn’t deserve an era without someone pressing firmly on her neck. Anyway, go stream Red White & Blue by Remy Bond. She’s eating Lana’s nachos and is doing that style and sound 100x better than Lana ever did tbh (because Lana doesn’t actually have style, class or taste tbh)
  20. Clutch those fake pearls as you guys do on here when anyone says anything remotely negative of your Melania Trump. Lana is such a disaster, I don’t know how you guys can continue to defend her and pretend she is not an awful person in 2024 because the music isn’t even that good like, no one is here for the funeral home style anymore and haven’t been for a long time now. She can pretend to be a Christian all she wants but her messy ass tea is out there. I can’t wait until her and Jeremy divorce I hope her drains her little pockets dry. And they WILL divorce because Lana is just like Ariana when it comes to relationships, she cannot keep a man to save her life because she doesn’t really want stability and still gets a kiii out of snatching someone’s old rusted ass married man like the immature little ass girl that she is. Wouldn’t be surprised if 1 year from tying the knot she ends up in Ari’s position, but without the classy Hollywood acting career to keep her head above total public embarrassment. Mod note: User was warned for this (series of) post(s). Please be repectful, do not flamebait, and do not resort to name calling
  21. Just posted a crashout on Lana in the MAGA fans will stay thread that I know I’ll get ate up on here for but I don’t care. Lana has really played in our faces like 2020 was really Traumazine trying to defend her from people calling her a racist Karen just for 2024 to come around and completely validate all of that??? Yeah, the Taylor fanbase of white girls can have her. She’s a joke, an embarrassment, a mess Like ma, you were really out here all of 2023 up under gay ass Jack, up in some weird ass cultish celeb church, STILL singing about that cop 3 years later on Instagram trying to GAG his wife over an affair MEANWHILE you’re pushing 40 like it’s not cute. Now she’s married to a Republican and wants to act so demure lmao bitch who are you fooling. God I really can’t stand her anymore
  22. It’s really giving “My MAGA fans will stay” at this point The woman who was just singing about dropping acid, the woman who was just dating a bisexual warlock pass around last year, the woman who was OBSESSED with a cop she had an affair with, like Lana what do you mean your views and beliefs don’t align with the industry? Because your messy and backwards ass definitely aligns with it. What do you mean people think you have no values when you don’t care to let anything be known unless you’re clocking your brain dead stans who drag you on Instagram for CLOCKING that you grew up privileged and are still white trash? I’m sorry but I just don’t even know who this woman is anymore but the signs were always there she’s always had this bitter messy undertone to her and the mask really slipped from 2020 onward and she’s just morphed into such a gross person to me. Mind you until her big Taylor collab most of her fans are gay men and she’s laying under a whole racist homophobe. Oh birds of a feather I’ll stream this shit once when it leaks to humor myself and see if/how she addresses the trainwreck that is herself but I won’t be supporting her at all this era
  23. She’s just wearing black clothes, there’s nothing chic about this. Yeah, I saw that eventually. She usually dresses boring so I shouldn’t be surprised but the look at the Billboard event and this are exceptionally lifeless for her.
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