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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. The test results by the Swiss Laboratories were published today. They showed big amounts of alcohol and noted that the greek police didn't follow the right procedure as they didn't collect the sample in the right time frame leading to uncertain results. So literally the results are contradictory to each other as the first ones issued by the greek police didn't show any amount of alcohol compared to the ones issued by the swiss laboratories that show a huge amount of alcohol that could even lead to the victim being in an unconscious state..
  2. Yeah the teacher definitely wants to ruin her by getting her addicted to even worse drugs . This episode once again proved how great the show is imo edit: wrong word
  3. this has awaken so many childhood memories
  4. Sometimes I wonder how can someone make such an immaculate song .. like how can you be so talented ?
  5. Deadly  Nightshade


    Really happy that the band has now well-known songs in their native language
  6. Euphoria has been renewed for season 3
  7. It’s one of my favorite songs from the ep I still love their music sm , did you like their new album ?
  8. Also Jules was truly something else .. why did she cheat on Rue again , even when she was in the same house with her ? I get that Rue is in a really bad state and that has poisoned their relationship but like ..
  9. This episode was like watching a movie.. the church scene , the last scene with cassie Elliot is getting on my nerves as well. Like it's obvious that he tries to manipulate them and he doesn't mean well
  10. The greek police announced that the procedure was followed correctly and that they were the ones that gave the urine collectors to the victim implying that the victim is lying . The victim provided receipts and showed the exact time she bought them from a pharmacy. It really baffles me that they are still trying to prove that the victim is in the wrong here and that they followed the procedure correctly ..
  11. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-derbyshire-60172176 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Cyprus_rape_allegation_case There are suspicions that this case in Cyprus is connected to the trafficking ring ( the suspicions were created after the mobilization of the Cypriot State after Georgia's case gained momentum in Greece ) . The Cypriot Police treated the victim poorly and the rape allegations weren't even properly investigated by them .
  12. The legal team of the alleged rapists stated that the test results are a big win for them and prove their innocence and now they are going to sue the victim and the activist for defamation There is still hope though because the victim can demand a re-testing of the urine tests and also use the results of hair testing that can be more reliable .
  13. Exactly , they made her wait 3 days unbathed (!!) after living one of the most traumatic things ever..
  14. Truly it’s inhuman and degrading treatment from their part ! I’ve learned today that they made her drive 40 minutes in her condition so she could find urine collectors . The police didn’t even provide the victim with the basic equipment to start the procedure .. I really hope that she will at least obtain satisfaction in court
  15. is it going to be a collab though ?
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