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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. I literally missed the whole thing because i had to sleep Congratulations to everyone who won ❤️❤️ i am so happy that we actually have a community here and do events like these that are so fun ! Truly this shows how unique the forum is
  2. I think that the song is addicting and has replay value . It also is atmospheric to me at least. I think that with more prominent drums and guitars it would go on another level. I think that the main concerns about the song stem from the lack of fuller production and variety in instrumentation that many of us want to see from her in her future work imho .
  3. whaaat that's so exciting
  4. I liked that fact that he experimented more and got out of his comfort zone Is there really a new album coming ? I can’t wait
  5. So happy that you like his music as well! He is truly amazing
  6. exactly this hurt me a bit but at least now i will be able to continue to whine about wanting a song with electric guitars
  7. I realized that i am actually addicted to this forum because i got really sad yesterday when i saw that i couldn’t log in glad everything is good now ❤️
  8. Deadly  Nightshade

    Song vs. Song

    Riverside vs Summer Wine
  9. Now i can’t stop replaying the WCE snippet and the one with FJM At least we will have WCE soon
  10. In the start of the trailer i think she says : Why are you always doing that ? Breaking up with me and then making love just to make me mad Then: watercolor eyes, watercolor eyes And in the end : Young love don't always last forever
  11. The snippet sounds so ethereal i can’t wait to listen to the song in a week . Also really love the part where she says young love don’t always last forever i think it will be a perfect match for euphoria
  12. Also how can people this openly pin this on anybody without solid proof ? Anyone could have used the nickname Lanz and it’s such a serious accusation to make @Rorman Nockwell i hope that this hasn’t blown out of proportion on instagram
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