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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. The song is just so beautiful and her vocals are exactly what i’ve been wanting to hear from her for so long i would adore a similar direction for ldr9
  2. This song will have me wanting more of that lush production and lower register for ldr9
  3. i can’t wait for new music from her
  4. i would really appreciate a solid theme for this album ( for the visual part of the album )
  5. seeing a guitar in the photo is a good sign
  6. so happy for you two! This sounds like the most possible scenario
  7. Yeah i would like to see a guitar driven album this time (even acoustic ) as well , something to spice things up
  8. The mention of a visual album hurts even more
  9. In my falling in love with AM for the 100th time era
  10. this made me so happy, i love seeing the process behind her songs
  11. idk something seems a little bit off about the smiths in general
  12. Yosemite is one of her best songs
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