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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. We are still waiting for the next move of the victim’s legal team . I think that the best thing for now is to spread the word . The EU has to learn about it especially if we are talking about misconducts in the police and the justice system of countries in the union . Also thank you for replying ! I’m going update the thread with any new developments .
  2. The results of the urine and blood tests just came in ( after 1 month ) . They are negative.. Of course the police deliberately told her to wait 3 days ( breaching the law ) and as a result the roofies cannot be identified . Some of the drugs cannot be identified even after 6 to 10 hours let alone 3 days!
  3. The situation in my country is getting worse concerning a trafficking network in Greece and Cyprus and I've reached to the point where I feel that I have the moral obligation to let as many people as I can know how severe the situation is atm. Trigger warning (rape allegations ) : The Greek media never mentioned anything about the incident. Only Ilias Gkionis , a Greek activist let people know about it and helped Georgia's case gain momentum in Greece. He uncovered that among the men that allegedly raped Georgia were the owners of Coca-Cola 3E Hellas and another prominent business man with many connections with the government and the police ( and as it turns out a member of the mafia ) . Ilias Gkionis has been sharing many information about a trafficking ring that is based in Greece, Cyprus and in Dubai. Many night clubs in Greece are being used as covers in order to legitimize money laundering , drugs and sex trafficking. They also use these clubs as baits to attract young and underaged women, befriend them and then allow their wealthy costumers ( fellow businessmen, police officers , politicians ) to choose one of these women , drug them and then engage to sexual acts with them without their consent. Georgia was one of these girls. Another woman has reported a very similar incident that happened in 2016 3 days ago. The activist announced today that there are prominent members of the Greek police that have strong connections with the alleged rapists . The main reason i am making this thread is because there is a death contract against the activist ( the mafia wants him dead ) . The prosecutor of the Supreme Court hasn't intervened yet even though the state is dealing with a trafficking ring that is not only at a panhellenic scale but it is also connected to Cyprus . Unfortunately most of the links and articles i have are in Greek . It really saddens me to see how dirty and corrupted the system is. I still have hope but I am really afraid that something bad will happen in the next days .. I'll try to post more links . I've also posted the activist's instagram account. It would really mean a lot if you could read about what he has to say or share it . https://www.independent.co.uk/independentpremium/world/greece-metoo-sex-trafficking-ring-b2000237.html https://www.instagram.com/omikrosprigipakos/?hl=el ( It's my first time making a thread. i'm sorry if i've put it in the wrong category )
  4. Now that we are talking about sleep, I realized that I dreamed of Migos and Cardi B . Is that an omen ?
  5. I want a lush production drums, guitars violins all of it
  6. I am collapsing pls pls collab again
  7. It’s so difficult to rank them 😭 Video Games Off to the races Born to Die Blue Jeans Radio
  8. Yeah that’s exactly what i thought at first when i read the rumor
  9. Love the fact that she decided to share this on her instagram, i wish she posted things about her everyday life more frequently
  10. All of you guys perfectly stated above what i wanted to say as well . English is not my first language so sometimes i find it difficult to articulate my thoughts and opinions. What i can say is that it remains as one of the albums that influenced me the most in my early teen years . I remember listening to her songs on the radio and trying to find out who she was . I remember showing her to my friends when i was 12 years old and none of them really cared , they found her weird in a way especially when i showed them the summertime sadness videoclip I think that the song that stands out more for me is video games . I’ve listened to this song more times than i can count and every time it feels like the first time . I can’t explain properly how it makes me feel but i know that every time i listen to it i understand its impact and that makes me emotional . Another song that feels timeless as well is the title track , i get chills when i hear the opening line . There isn’t a song that i dislike in the album , i feel that everything ties together perfectly and creates a coherent soundscape that encapsulates Lana’s vision perfectly imo. I think that it would be really sad if she didn’t acknowledge it , she knows the album’s impact the least she can do is say something about it ( maybe re-release it, no? ) edit: i forgot to mention off to the races ( how could i ? ) it’s in a league of it’s own , truly a masterpiece .
  11. I don’t know if it’s true or how reliable deuxmoi actually is but there is a rumor about Barbie and the director having a fight about the direction of her character in s2 . He cut many of her lines due to that and gave her less screen time . That’s why she wasn’t in the trailer or at the premiere .
  12. This is my only complaint as well . Even though i enjoy many songs from her recent work too i think that she needs a different approach with her next album
  13. I really liked the episode but what a wasted opportunity to just put it in the credits the second version sounds amazing as well
  14. I think that i have said that about her in the another thread as well but i really can’t understand the shifts of perception of her that have taken place through the years . I think that the general public started praising her and recognizing her greatness as an artist during the NFR! era or am I wrong ? The thing that always made me doubt the sincerity of the general acceptance of her art was that this specific album didn’t explore themes that Lana explored in her past music or themes that made her face a lot of backlash in the past .I found the album to be neutral in some ways compared to her older work ( idk how else to explain it ) . So in a way i never felt that this shift was sincere i just felt that they praised her because she gave them something that they found to be proper and acceptable ( themes that are not controversial , risky or her trying to make a statement LFL for example )
  15. I haven’t watched the episode yet but i am a little bit disappointed after hearing it only got played on the credits
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