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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. On 11/26/2023 at 7:36 AM, Veinsineon said:

    Meta is now shadowbanning and deleting videos of Palestinian prisoners being released and reporters/media being beaten by Israeli Occupation Forces for being there to document the release.




    my instagram account is practically useless now. Please be careful with what you share. They are getting very targeted with their censoring 


    100%. I responded to a zionist on IG and  didn't even say something offensive, and I got a warning point. But seems like Israeli can say whatever they want.

  2. 4 hours ago, Mer said:

    you had me until this sentence. I know it wasn’t your intention, but this read as “she needs to dumb it down” in all honesty, which she shouldn’t. Fuck the Billboard Hot 100 give us more melancholia. 


    i disagree. She doesn't need to dumb it down. A song can be smart and deep whilst being uplifting or a bop / music you can dance to. Example: summetime sadness.


    to say that she should stick to melancholy is a bit limiting to her talents. Even nfr, her greatest album by all account, had doin' time on it. Does that make it less of a record, less smart, and less melancholy? No.


    all i'm saying is - three dark and melancholic albums back to back with no conventional hits is a bit of a bore. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Evergreen said:

    A great result for this album and Lana!

    In comparison, it took 2 years (!) for Lust For Life to reach the same milestone, and it's a much more accessible album with big collabs.



    the album is a success! With the nominations for candy necklace, 5 grammy nominations, and good sales numbers, it's definitely one that will be remembered. 

    i only wish it had a bonafide hit. That's why i'm saying that the next one has to have a more lighthearted bop on it. She's become too serious on her last three albums, which is why there were no billboard 100 hits

  4. 6 hours ago, Nectar said:

    Opinion: UN should intervene and create a mandate state like they did with Cambodia


    for me, it's got beyond the point of freeing Palestine. Israel should be cancelled as a country. the jews should go back to poland and germany and wherever fuck else they came from. The land should be given back to Palestinians. And all zionists should fuck out of the congress, the white house, Hollywood, the un, etc, and be sent to work in the polish fields.


    if i have to see another man shot mercilessly in front of his daugher - in the head - by these scumbags, i swear...

  5. 3 hours ago, Veinsineon said:

    Demographics aside, how can you blame children for having prejudice when most of them have probably lost family due to Israeli occupation in some way or another in their lifetime?? Oppression is all they’ve ever known- so of course they have a bigger opposition to their OPPRESSOR. I think a lot of these pro Israel people coming in here trying to delegitimize the suffering of the Palestinian state choose to ignore the very obvious fact of Apartheid. Which can be applied to almost every aspect of the “violence and extremism” as a determining factor. All this and the Israeli government still thinks Arabs should be THANKFUL for their actions? I would choose extremism too if that were my life, if wanting sovereignty and equal rights is radical.

    100%! It's ridiculous at this point for anyone to be anything other than pro Free Palestine.


    any point this poster makes is simply mute. Because this one sided war is really not about Hamas (or HamaSIS as he keeps calling it to try and change our perception), nor the 7th Oct attack.


    It's literally about ethnic cleansing and taking over that poor land after decades of apartheid. 

    anything else is mumbo jumbo really and pro-Israel PR in one form or another.


    i'm soooo sick of it. It doesn't hold any water, when there are 13,000 people dead! And the city has been flattened to the ground. The jig is up.

    1 hour ago, Veinsineon said:

    So…… we agree? Nobody supports Hamas, or violence against civilians. We all want to see people living equally and in peace,  yes?


    So we should ALL be in support of an END to the siege. An END to the OCCUPATION. and the ESTABLISHMENT of REAL FRAMEWORK. 

    I think I can speak for all of us when I say that it’s the lip service on behalf of our governments that cause our opinions to become so heated. We are all brothers and sisters on lanaboards. We just want to see lives saved. It’s times like these where we cannot afford to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. By no means does this mean I think we should stop talking about this and the updates from the ground. Awareness is key. But I’m really going to try to not be so quick to lash out at people like @Noam, like another user said, their experience living there is probably much different from ours. We have access to an unbias perspective from the internet. Someone who grows up to serve in the IDF therefore enforcing the oppression (regardless if they want to believe that’s what they were doing or not) is going to think it is normal. Even acceptable. We should just strive to further awareness more than anything. Post the articles, videos, and interviews. QUOTE/CALL OUT the people spewing lies and ILLUSTRATE the double standards. 


    but most importantly take care of yourselves. Take a day off from reading about things. Put down the connection. It’s so easy to fall down a rabbit hole of hopelessness in times like these. We can’t fight for anyone if we are not healthy ourselves.


    happy holidays if you celebrate guys, god bless.


    wow. You seem like such a great, level-headed person. God bless and happy holidays :)

  6. 48 minutes ago, daphnedinkley said:

    part of me would loveeeeee for the next album to have a proper full blown 'era' with multiple music videos, loads of tv performances and a billion photoshoots

    ....but then another part of me loves how lana just doesn't bother with traditional popstar stuff and instead picks and chooses when she wants to join in w/ all that jazz :um4:


    i just need one bop. That's literally all I need.


    a nice catchy song for the radio and billboard 100. Not dark like aw, arcadia and others she's been putting out recently. 


    just something like doin' time, radio, or high by the beach. I want her to work with happy perez again, or max martin, mark ronson - anyone in that healthy radio-friendly state of mind. Please lord thats all i need

  7. 41 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

    I'm going to disregard the "owned and occupied first" comment because it would take ten pages to just begin to argue about all the points that can be raised regarding the history of that land 


    Regarding everything else you said, absolutely. And before the October 7th attacks I would've been right there with you advocating for those things. But unfortunately, Hamas hugely complicated things for the Palestinians when they did what they did on October 7th. It will now unfortunately take a while for Israel to clear out Hamas infrastructure and allow for fuel etc to safely enter Gaza and end up in the arms of Palestinians (not terrorists) - Regarding food, I agree that what's going on is tragic



    Ummmmm. Israel alloweed Hamas to do what they did on 7th Oct. Just think - all those Israeli armies there (the richest army in the world, by all accounts, that also possesses nuclear weapons, apparently) - and they're nowhere in sight on that day? Where were they? Taking a little break?


    Israel wanted this to happen, the concert-goers were like lamb to the slaughter. And why? So they could keep doing what they're doing right now under the pretense of "hunting for Hamas".


    But like Elon Musk said, what they didn't realize is that after all this the whole world would be against-Israel and the Muslim community would rally the world over. That's exactly what happened.


    Israel might have won the Palestinian territory, which they so desperately covet. But they've lost decades of tourism, for a start. Basically, 2023 was the year that Israel was fully exposed as a terrorist country.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Embach said:

    An actress from Scream film franchise was dropped from the new movie because she supports Palestine and the movie makers explained that anti-semitism has no place in this world. 



    Like two different things duh :eyeroll2:



    So, she's "anti-semitist" just because she posted something pro-Palestine? Typical.


    Also, is anyone else shocked by all these videos of Israeli soldiers, civilians and children talking and singing about destroying Palestine? 


    It's crazy!


    Israel deserves to be cancelled as a country.

  9. 59 minutes ago, lanaismamom said:

    i think lana ONLY consider this as her album and it just goes without saying that all who would count her albums wouldn’t count that one because… it’s weird 


    if you to be such a nerd then yes sure it’s music album:brigitte: but in fact it’s still poetry in everybody’s minds and more like addition in between albums


    I'm not being a nerd. I'm just not going to discredit a spoken word album just because it's not a basic bitch music album. Spoken word albums (especially ones produced by Jack Antonoff) deserve to be counted. Also, respect Lana's opinion about her own body of work, damn it

  10. 16 hours ago, Vertimus said:

    I agree; in the past, say, in the 50s and 60s, poetry, with or without backing music, and spoken word 'albums' by people like Jack Kerouac, Edith Sitwell, or Carl Sandburg were considered albums. The same with comedy albums by Bob Newhart, Woody Allen, or Nichols & May, and in the 70s, Cheech & Chong and George Carlin. 


    The problem is not whether a poetry album is an album  or not, but simply distinguishing Lana's music albums from her poetry album(s).  


    I think it's correct to say, if you're counting Paradise as an album, as I do, that Lana has 9 music albums, or just 'Lana has 9 albums, and 1 poetry album.' 



    Now, why would you count Paradise as an album when it says EP on it? 


    Lana has 9 music albums, one of which is a spoken word album. That's why OB has "9th album" on the cover. She doesn't mean Paradise since it's an EP, she doesn't mean AKA because it never got released properly and you can't even find it on iTunes. She means OB, BB, CC, Violet, NFR, LFL, HM, UV, BTD - nine.


    She also has an EP (Paradise) and some unreleased albums and EP under different names.



  11. On 11/19/2023 at 9:39 AM, lanaismamom said:

    what’s the problem to consider it an album if u think so and don’t consider if u don’t think so why u talk about it like it’s some big deal



    The problem is that it IS A SPOKEN WORD ALBUM. Lana herself referred to it as an ALBUM. Google and the world of the internet at large has classified it as an ALBUM. Yet some twats out there still don't think it's an album or are debating it. What fresh hell.

  12. On 11/11/2023 at 7:27 AM, brandon said:

    just watched blade runner and i’m a little disappointed 

    everyone else i follow on letterboxd gave it 4s & 5s and i fear i had to settle for a 3.5 


    visually and sonically it was stunning but the pacing was eh and the plot was …? i’m not even sure 


    also i need young harrison ford soooooo so bad


    just watched May December by Todd Haynes - spectacular. As good as Oppenheimer or Flower Moon. Natalie Portman gives probably my favorite performance of 2023.


  13. 4 hours ago, Thats why they call me Dita said:

    Not sure why I thought this song was gonna change my mind and convince me that Jack could sing.. it’s fully confirmed.. that he still can’t :toofloppy:


    I'm okay with his voice. It fit really well on Margaret.


    It's just that the song (Alma) seems like it's been made in a few hours, like most of these collabs Lana's churning out.


    The only collabs I appreciate in the last few years (outside of Ocean Boulevard) are Snow on the Beach and Hollywood Bowl. Everything else is throwaway.

  14. 4 hours ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

    she could literally release 4 albums in 2024 if she wanted to….. give us the covers album, a country album, psychedelic trip hop album (pls), unreleased album, AKA re-release…… so many options


    she should drop the AKA re-relase before this year ends. The fans would lap it up, and it would close off the year on a strong note, and do another boost for her streams.


    Then she should focus on producing a new BANGER of an album

  15. 29 minutes ago, MakingOut said:

    who else wants Jack to stop producing for latina and let the real people do it. Rick, both Dans SPECIALLY HEATH, Emilie & STINT please come back i miss u...


    i'm with you on this. As much as i love jack + lana, it's time to mix it up.


    definitely bring back emile. But also mark ronson justin parker and max martin. We need another banger of a record


    Even lipa is making music with parker now

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