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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. 27 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

    So you're a conspiracy theorist.. interesting 🧐 


    Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Hamas was indeed funded by Israel.


    It's a conspiracy theory for sure. But the fact that Israel is now apparently allowed to break any international law under the sun and kill as many civilians as they want and get away with anything, complete with Biden's support, seems very "convenient" and premeditated.


    Also, where is Hamas now? They seem to have fled the scene. 

  2. 1 hour ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

    No they are not.. they are on a mission to exterminate Hamas 


    An unfortunate and vastly overdone response to one of the worst terror attacks the world has ever seen by terrorist group Hamas - the intent of the Israeli bombings are to eliminate Hamas military targets, not to "exterminate Palestinians". Unfortunately, Hamas purposefully safeguards in civilian areas,  making it that so every bombing of a Hamas military target has a massive risk of civilian casualties


    That being said I think Israel should have ceased fire a long time ago and that unlimited humanitarian aid into Gaza needs to be an utmost priority which it hasn't been and that is shameful


    Guurrrl, are you for real here?


    First of all, Hamas is only a small, tiny part of Palestine. Most of the people there have nothing to do with it, and no ties with it what so ever.


    For many days, Israel has been slaughtering the women and children of Palestine, who are unrelated to Hamas. This is all over the news. Have you been living under the rock?


    And no, they're not throwing bombs on them because they think that's where Hamas are based... They are very deliberately targeting hospitals and other civilian areas. Moreover, sometimes they bully, beat and shoot innocent civilians in plain sight. They've even been filmed dancing and joking around WHILE they're doing it.


    And don't get me started on their "response". If they had stopped at a 1000 people, in some twisted world, we could "justify" that as an eye-for-an-eye revenge for the Hamas attack. But they have done so much more and broken so many more international laws in their "response", causing a worldwide outrage.


    Beyond that, they've been holding Palestinians captives for many years. If we're looking at things in an "eye for an eye" or "tooth for a tooth" way, then the Hamas's attack should have been far worse, given what Palestinians have been through. Losing their land, being forced out of their homes, humiliated, being placed in an open-air prison, losing their crops, and so much more.


    So, please, go do some more reading, watch some videos (you'll find thousands of them on Instagram alone) before you say that Israel is only trying to exterminate Hamas. Because that is obviously, and very sadly, not the truth.

  3. 12 hours ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:



    This is a crazy comparison what 


    No it's not. Hitler was on a mission to exterminate Jews, which is a fact.


    Similarly, Israel is on a mission to exterminate Palestinians - also a fact. 


    How else would you categorize intentionally and mercilessly killing more than 5,000 innocent Palestinians (this month alone), half of whom are children?


    Endorsing Israel and its allies at this point in time, is not at all different than endorsing the Nazis in the second world war.


    The only difference is scale. But the intentions are exactly the same.



  4. 7 hours ago, Stoned Mary in the Garden said:

    Okay lol. I did my own research and figured it out and your comment was not helpful at all. You sound literally nuts. Take a deep breath. 




    "The US, Israel’s staunchest ally, last week vetoed a resolution backed by 12 other members of the council, which would have called for a pause in fighting, because it did not do enough to stress Israel’s right to self-defence.


    An earlier Russian-drafted resolution was also rejected.

    Nearly 90 countries were on the speakers’ list for Tuesday’s debate including about 30 foreign ministers and deputy ministers, with many echoing calls for a ceasefire and a halt to attacks on Palestinian civilians amid widespread destruction in Gaza and the mounting death toll.

    “We followed with regret the inability of this council twice to adopt a resolution or even to call for a ceasefire to end this war,” said Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry.


    Link: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/25/us-resists-ceasefire-call-in-un-security-council-debate-on-israel-gaza-war



    Maybe I sound nuts, but you sound a bit stupid.

  5. 1 hour ago, Stoned Mary in the Garden said:

    I might be ignorant- but does this necessarily make her pro Israel? I feel like it’s a bit broad. The only part that is bad is thanking Joe Biden for leadership (or lack thereof) I’ll be honest though, I’m kind of clueless. 


    Let me break it down for you. There was a vote for/against the ceasefire, aka for the genocide to stop or not.


    The US voted against ceasefire. All other countries (or the majority, can't remember) voted for it to end.


    Thanking Biden for what he's doing right now is like giving Hitler a thumbs up. All clear now?

  6. 19 minutes ago, Andrew said:

    This letter says nothing wrong and Lana can put her name to it if she likes, like the many other celebrities who have. The criticism some people seem to have is what the letter doesn’t say. I personally think that celebrities shouldn’t sign open letters which tend to be broad and bland. If they really feel they must comment, a statement should be personally issued so it can be more nuanced. I can only imagine the pressure to sign them though and avoid the “Lana Del Rey refuses to condemn terrorists” stories. If you feel it’s a mistake, it’s a small one and doesn’t mean anything anyway. Stop holding her to some sort of impossible standard please. She’s just trying to be empathetic. 

    More than 5,000 people have been wiped out off the face of the planet.


    I'm sorry, but signing a letter in support of the man who is openly on the side of the aggressor and thanking him is not a "small" mistake.


    She should have signed the other letter where Blanchett's name was. I love her, but she failed. Miserably.

  7. 4 hours ago, taco truck said:

    I don’t understand this, the letter is directly related to the conflict and I feel like to give context and talk about the letter you have to talk about the conflict


    I'm with you on this. We can discuss the letter... but not the reason behind the exact same letter? Weird.


    Since I have no intention of going to another thread and starting the convo, I will tap out



  8. 5 minutes ago, pierre said:

    What do u guys thought about that "I'm poor" posts?


    Like most of her posts where she addresses any "issue", it's completely lame and unnecessary.


    If she wanted to disperse those doubts, she should have done it 10 years ago when the rumours started. Not now when she's already proven herself and no one really cares if daddy paid for promo at the start.


    It smells of Grammy campaigning, as does this kissing of Biden's wrinkly old misguided ass. 

    What's more concerning is that she wants one. It is such an irrelevant award. About as exclusive and elite as a train station toilet brush.

  9. 6 hours ago, shadesofblue said:

    I personally don’t think celebrities should speak on world/political events unless they are educated on the subject. Too many celebrities now are pressured into speaking out on every issue that they know nothing about and end up creating more unnecessary harm. People should not be getting their news info from celebrities.


    i also think most Americans who aren’t familiar with the subject are being influenced by a lot of propaganda. Ever since I can remember growing up, the US has instilled in our minds that terrorists & Middle East=bad and are “jealous” of our freedom which is crazy looking back now. 


    From what I can remember, no teacher (until college) ever divulged into what actually has/is happening in the Middle East let alone Palestine. Even in history classes in high school I remember learning up until 9/11 and then we just skipped the whole middle eastern conflicts which is pretty wild. Talking about anything in the Middle East was something that was almost seen as taboo. College was the first time I ever learned about the horrific history Palestinians have endured, and I think it’s sad. 

    This plus all the pro-israel propaganda has really confirmed this for me. I’ve seen so many pro-Israel commercials the past couple weeks now. it’s kinda scary honestly knowing in reality, most people in America (hopefully less now) only know surface level info on the Middle East. So then people just assume “well terrorists are bad we don’t want that” with no context on the history and then assume Israel is doing a good thing. That being said, it’s not an excuse to be ignorant about the subject. I personally have always been confused on the topic (as are many Americans unfortunately) but try my best to make sense and educate myself. 

    Little disappointing to see lana sign this but at the same time, I’m not that surprised. I don’t think she deserves to be cancelled or get hate for this. I hope she takes some time to educate herself more 


    Agree on all accounts. I': also like to add that Israel's spending a lot of money on spinning the story.


    I keep receiving emails from different organisations - even theatre - stating that Israel is in a crisis.


    And this is even outside the US. I can only imagine the level of bs over there.

  10. 6 hours ago, pinkelliot said:

    Excuse me ? "Because" ? Are you really trying to justify the fact that a terrorist group (=Hamas, officially labeled as that for tens of countries) killed more than 1400 people + is still holding people (including children) captive in horrible conditions today ? Justifying terrorists actions is CRAZY, I'm genuinely horrified when reading some of the posts on this thread. Am I the only one ? Just wondering :rip:. Supporting (or justifying) Hamas actions here in my country (France) is called "apologia for terrorism", and it's illegal. Don't know how it works in the US tho.

    I also find it very weird for "fans" to keep saying that Lana is dumb, uneducated, that she doesn't know what she is talking about etc., every time she's saying something that YOU don't agree with. Maybe she's a grown, educated woman, who CHOSE to sign that letter because she wanted to. And maybe she wanted to sign it because she saw what Hamas did and wanted to stand by the thousands of bereaved families, just like Biden and almost all the democratic countries in the world did.

    Palestinian people dying everyday is of course revolting. But let's not forget that Hamas is responsible for that too in many cases, by holding palestinians captive when they know Israel is going to bomb a specific spot for example. So they can, after that, say that Israel deliberately killed innocent people. So Israel is saw as the main villain and people forget that they're fighting against terrorism before all, that's what they want. Hamas is also calling for terrorist attacks everywhere in western countries so yes, they're the ennemies of everyone and some of you should be aware of that. Don't get me wrong, Israel's policies are far from perfect, but all they're trying to do right now is eradicate a terrorist movement that is dangerous for the whole world. They're defending themselves as they can and as every country in the whole world would have been defending its population after such an atrocious attack. They're also the only Jewish country, and they're only surrounded by countries that want them to disappear from the world map. I truly believe they try every time not to bomb innoccent people. In comparison, Hamas didn't care about killing innocent people, they did it on purpose. If Israel is supported by a majority of democratic countries, by your favorite artist and surprisingly not by your favorite IG page that is totally biased, or by "woke" people on X, maybe there's a reason for that. Everything's not a conspiracy.

    So yeah, let Lana do her thing, have opinions, and unstan her if you want to. Some users on this thread tend to say very often "you don't know what you are talking about" but I don't think they know who they defend either. They're probably women, or gay men, that would be killed within a MINUTE in front of people that are part of Hamas.

    I won't elaborate on the conflict even tho I think I'm pretty much aware of what's going on, but let's say that yes, everything's not all black or white. And there's a lot of disinformation going on on social media regarding Israel. Hamas is a very tactical and organized group that knows how to communicate, keep that in mind and try to inform yourself through independant media if you care.

    Anyway, total support towards Lana and goddamn ... please stop trying to force on others your way of thinking, or your "facts" that are sometimes just fake news. I was so scared for my own family who lives there these days, and I'm happy to know that Lana is calling for the release of the hostages and that she's condemning what Hamas did. Tbh, shouldn't we ... all ? :facepalm:


    if you'd read my post carefully, you would have realized that i'm writing in my second language. So, no, i'm not justifying anything - the phrasing was wrong, that's all.


     your tone is awful btw. I'd take a look at that if i were you

  11. 20 minutes ago, DCooper said:

    This is obviously speculation since I have no idea how she actually feels, but I could see her casually signing a letter that supports Biden without thinking too much about it because of how aggressively people have accused her of being a Republican and wanting to distance herself whenever she can from those ridiculous claims. The letter focuses on getting the hostages back so maybe that's all she was presented with and thought "yes I am a Democrat and yes I want the hostages returned safely." I believe fully that her heart is in the right place as always, but she should absolutely educate herself further on what Israel is doing right now if she's unaware of how dire things are.


    I think anyone who supports Israel's right to defend itself has the responsibility to see what that currently looks like. Some of the videos I've seen from Gaza in the last two weeks are beyond horrific and etched into my memory, and there is simply no justification. What Hamas did was horrific and unacceptable too, but the situation in Palestine is worsening every day and must be stopped. The fact that people are losing their jobs for reiterating things that major human rights organizations are saying is truly insane.



    100% agree. The UN has announced that the death toll has reached 5,000. This is beyond belief that the world leaders have allowed this to happen, and are continuing to turn a blind eye.


    And don't get me started on people losing jobs, the social media algorithms reducing the visibility on pro-Palestine posts, or the Israelis messaging influencers offering them money to support the western narrative. It's crazy af.


    Honestly, if this has taught us anything, it's that there's a lot of power in social media, and it's become the go-to source for free speech and getting educated on a topic somewhat, and being able to offer support.


    It's ironic, however, that this support isn't moving anything. All those phones, all those voices, and the death toll keeps rising. The whole situation is absolutely shocking, revolting, and proves yet again what an unjust and disorderly world we live in. It's vomit-inducing.

  12. 1 hour ago, Embach said:

    I was looking for that letter and I found it and I put this one here in comparsion with the one where Lana signed:


    The letter where they're thanking Biden:


    It seems like Lana, Madonna, Katy Perry, Rita Ora and Regina Spektor are the only singers here who have thanked Biden, the others seem to be actors and models and others I don't know. 

    The letter where they're calling Biden out:

    And here the only singers seem to be Dua Lipa, Caroline Polachek, Kehlani, Miguel and Macklemore. Others are again actors and other entertainers. 



    I have so much respect for some of these celebrities. It takes balls to speak out against Israel in an industry with so many Jews. I can imagine the number of roles diminishing after this.


    Even Alyssa Milano - when was the last time she got any major roles? Well done.

  13. 2 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

    Wasn’t there an attempt to broker an agreement between Israel and Palestine many years ago which Palestine declined due to it not meeting standards? The comparison between Israel and the nazis is quite empty because this fight has been over “religious” reasons 


    In exchange for West Bank land that Israel would keep, Olmert proposed a 5.3 percent land swap giving the Palestinians a desert territory adjacent to the Gaza Strip.

    Olmert’s proposal first emerged several months ago and was published in detail on Tuesday by Israel’s left-leaning Haaretz newspaper, prompting Abu Rdainah’s response.

    “The Israeli proposal is not acceptable,” Abbas’s spokesman said. “The Palestinian side will only accept a Palestinian state with territorial continuity, with holy Jerusalem as its capital, without settlements, and on the June 4, 1967 boundaries.”

    Under the proposal, Israel would give to the Palestinians some 92.7 percent of the occupied West Bank, plus all of the Gaza Strip, according to Western and Palestinian officials briefed on the negotiations.

    Not defending them necessarily- just stating it’s completely different 


    It was their land originally.  It was bad enough they lost half of it when the Brits split the state in half and gave the other half to Israel.


    the Palestinians should never and will never denounce their land. It's their heritage, their culture, their home.


    it's despicable that the world is allowing them to lose it for as long as it has.

  14. 1 minute ago, ArtDecoDelRey said:

    Biden and the US supporting the genocide is not in the interest of American Jews but rather because they use Israel for Western political interests in the Middle East (and have since its inception).


    The vast majority of American Zionists are not even Jewish but nationalist Evangelicals.

    Thank you! I was a bit unclear about that point, and I'm glad you corrected me.

    Can you please give more context? What are Biden's political interests in the Middle East? 

  15. 38 minutes ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

    I agree that it’s definitely not black and white, and while I think the letter is poorly worded and doesn’t address the immense suffering Israel has unleashed on Palestinians, I also think Lana added her name to this with good intentions and I’m not going to drag her for it.


    you should absolutely drag her for it.


    If she signed a petition defending the Nazis against the Jews, she deserves to be dragged for it.


    Unfortunately, this is a similar scenario. It's a very black and white situation at this point in time.


    not saying Palestine is all innocent, no. But the mass extermination of Palestinians right now is basically Nazism all over. 

  16. 1 minute ago, Honeyyoung said:

    natalie portman has always spoken out against Israel's actions, even declining an israeli award because of the conflicts


    I know. But this time she has voiced her support for Israel. Check her Insta.


    It's got videos of Israeli children with signs like "Free Israel". Free Israel from what? The Palestinian children who are being held hostage by Israeli terrorists in their own fucking homes on the land where their parents and grandparents used to live? 


    It's pandering to the dumbest of Americans, who will surely lap it up. I've unfollowed Natalie (I couldn't live with myself if I hadn't). And I will unfollow Lana if she says one thing that's pro Israel. 

  17. 2 hours ago, wildflowerwildfire said:

    as someone who's not involved in news what so ever, why is this bad


    In a nutshell, Palestinian group Hamas killed a number of innocent Israelis at a concert (about 250 Israelis). They did it because over the years, Israelis, who never had their own country before, occupied their land (Palestine) and took full control of it. Today's Israel is essentially Palestinian land taken over by Europe-fled Jews and Zionists by sheer force. All of this is available in history books, on YouTube, official UN documents, etc. 

    To retaliate against the massacre, Israel decided to commit a genocide in the remaining Palestinian land (Gaza) and they've already bombed and slaughtered thousands, mostly women, children, sick people in hospitals, and so forth. They also cut off their electricity, water supplies, etc. leaving thousands of innocent people in the dark as they're getting bombed.


    Israel's aim is to expel Palestinians into the Sanai desert or into Egypt (another country that Israelis do not own but have said that Egypt has to "play ball"), so they can remove them from their own territory forever and finish their occupation, i.e. extermination.

    Biden and America are supporting the genocide - openly with visits to Israel, moral and financial support. They've previously funded Israel's attacks on Palestine and supported them with weapon supplies. Because it's in the interest of American Jews, of course.


    Now, most sane and educated celebrities like Cate Blanchett, Mark Ruffalo, Roony Mara and many others have openly come out in support of Palestine, demanding ceasefire (for the genocide to stop). Countries like Russia, Ireland, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, among others, are defending the Palestinians and some want to cut their diplomatic ties with Israel.


    The world of social media on a global level and protesters everywhere are asking for the same thing. Especially since there are thousands of videos and images of these mass graves in Palestine, confirming the genocide. 


    (To spare you from seeing all this footage - think bodies of babies after explosions, mothers sreaming, doctors discovering their own family members' dead bodies at the hospital, thousands of houses turning into ash, families being wiped out, ice-cream trucks being used for body storage, reporters being killed, and so on.)


    On the other hand, you have Natalie Portman, Gal Gadot, Amy Schumer, Quentin Tarantino and other Jewish celebrities or Jewish aficionados, asking for the "war" to continue because the Palestinians mean nothing to them and, as the Israelis say, they're "just animals". They're advocating for the whole nation to be wiped out in plane sight. Of course, they're using the concert massacre as an excuse and spinning the story their way via the western media. But it's tough because we live in an era of social.


    So, it seems that Lana has - once again - shot herself in the foot, not really informing herself and educating herself enough on a topic before putting her finger in it

    This just proves how dizzy she is at times and that her managers and publicist let her get away with anything - as long as they get paid.


    I feel sorry for her, in a way, because she doesn't seem to be that smart about her career and, if she keeps this up, she will surely get cancelled one day.


    Lastly, before anyone who's Jewish or is misinformed comes after me, you should know that I'm a Serbian Christian Orthodox guy with no ties to Palestine, Israel or the US. What I wrote her is just pure, unbiased facts.


    If anyone wants to challenge me on this, let's discuss in a civilised way. But I hope you have access to Reuters and other fact-based websites.


    Hope this helps.

  18. 41 minutes ago, ArtDecoDelRey said:

    you make me crazy, you make me wiiiiillllddddddddddd:hair:just the best


    100%| that track is probably the single most underrated track of her career.


    it is stunning. But never gets mentioned anywhere đŸ˜©


    i wish she still made songs like that. Just very positive ones 

    15 hours ago, unidentified dragon slayer said:

    the way she sings “wild”


    ”and it made me wild, ~wiiiild~  wild at heart” :hair:


    another gravely underrated track. If it was me deciding, i would have made it the first single and cashed out 10 million for a ride follow up with porches and horses in the mid west

  19. 1 hour ago, CinnamonGay said:

     Sotb More lana outsold Karma ft Ice spice.  Plus it broke the record for biggest female collab -15M streams first day. Let's be real.



    :toofloppy: not the ice spice version


    did she submit the ice spice version?


    well, that girl is eerywhere recently, there's a lot of money behind her. so of course taylor will pander to the popularity contest of it all

  20. Hey, y'all,


    Time to highlight some of the less appreciated moments on Lana's records. ;)


    I'm just re-listening to Blue Banisters (a rare moment for me as I think it's her worst record). But Mike Dean's work with Wildflower beats is something else. Can we have a full album with just her and this style of beats, please? :silly:

    What are some of the moments you appreciate that aren't really talked about much? :hooker:

  21. 2 hours ago, brandon said:

    honestly the fact she hasn’t done a song with bruce yet is criminal 


    his song with jack is so good 



    I'm kinda thinking a duet with Adele would be be incredible. They're kind of like two sides of the same coin. With a good producer, I think this might be song of the year kinda stuff. 


    Any takers?

  22. 2 hours ago, SuperMegaStan said:

    her team love a self sabotage..... at least get Snow on the Beach or Hollywood Bowl :dua:


    yeah wfh, how come snow on the beach wasn't submitted? Maybe it goes through taylor's team as she's the main artist??? It'd better be in the mix since it would have a higher chance than jon batiste collabs. It also reached 4 on billboard, and broke a streaming record for a collab.

    14 hours ago, Orville Peck said:

    they are girls :air:


    maybe you're talking about Perfume Genius.

    oh shit, yeah 😂 good catch

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