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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. 6 hours ago, ultrabanisters said:

    cola type instrumental with fingertips introspective esque lyrics :oprah4:



    F-ing love Cola. Paradise is underrated.


    The one-two combo of Born to Die's tracks like Blue Jeans and Born to Die, and then Paradise's Cola and Ride and God and Monsters, wow. Who even does that?


    Also, the opening three tracks of Paradise (Ride, Cola and American)back to back don't get enough love. One of her greatest three-song combos ever.


    It's only surpassed by BTD, Off to the Races and Blue Jeans, and then Norman's NFR, Mariner's and Venice Bitch. And, of course, UV had a really strong opening trio too.


    But I do feel like her last three albums don't have that level of oomph, with songs like Sweet and Tulsa Jesus Freak not reaching those highs, and BB having her weakest opening


    Hopefully, we get a total slay with LDR 10's opening.

  2. 8 hours ago, daphnedinkley said:

    if you guys could pick 3 released songs to represent what you’d like the next album to sound like, what would you pick? :flutter: i’m gonna say West Coast, Taco Truck x VB and Grandfather


    edit: yes i’m a libra moon and libra rising was it my absolute avoidance of the conflict surrounding me and pretending everything’s normal that gave it away


    1. Doin' Time

    2. Hollywood

    3. Driving in Cars with Boys


    Bright and sunny, California-inspired album. And, yes, I'm a leo


  3. 5 hours ago, taco truck said:

    You’re quoting known shitty users/trolls (which you used to be known as one until you decided you like Ocean Blvd and now you’re annoying but in a different way) All the person being quoted before (who I was defending, I’m not defending stupid users like @barttttender @Xenoblade 3) did was say they thought it would be interesting if Lana explored a sound like Midnights and that they wished she would do a different type of piano ballad. Don’t passively aggressively comment on an argument from an hour ago if you’re just going to use examples that have nothing to do with what I said thanks!


    Also I find it so weird you’re even commenting on this considering all you used to do is shit on Lana and praise Jack as god, and were routinely shit on by other users. 


    Classy and mature. :gclap:Nailed it. 

  4. 29 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

    also, just because a producer has a writing credit doesn't mean that they significantly contributed to the lyrics, they'll be credited for one word or the composition or structure of the music


    Also doesn't mean they didn't write 50% of the actual lyrics. That we'll never know.


    Btw, I stan Lana as a lyricist foremost so in no way am i throwing shade at her lyricism. But i do think that it's a bit silly or narrow minded to demand her to write everything herself or think less of her if she doesn't or didn't. 


    And again, she herself isn't against it - but, let's face, she probably hears/receives a lot of stuff and says "that's trash", which a lot of music just is nowadays

  5. 35 minutes ago, Jakk said:

    Speaking of Born To Die production, I’ve always been obsessed with the infamous guitar string plucks and ambient noises scattered throughout the album. They were like a spritz of perfume on the music. Each song was different, but had the same essence.


    I know a lot of people think they were too much, but I love them because they helped build the world around that album. I’d love to see them return past Wait for Life (my headcanon closure to the Born to Die arc). We got a taste of those sounds again in LFL with Love and White Mustang. They are just so Lana!


    Don't forget the random vocal samples, like on Blue Jeans, and the random beats that sounded like vocals somehow. The production - as poppish as it was - was super cinematic and layered.


    A little experimentation would be great.


    Btw glad we all went from arguing to a nice little discourse

  6. 9 minutes ago, White Dress said:

    I'm just kind of done with "lowkey" style music. I don't want mellow trap bops, I don't want phoned in piano ballads, I don't want simplicity like Paris, Texas either. I LOVE ballads and piano if done dynamically, like Grandfather. Give us DRAMA like the first half of A&W. I want her to go dark, no matter what the instrumental backing is. Of course I'd love some UV style grit but I don't think it's likely... though surely she'll get bored of the mellow piano ballad style soon enough

    Yeah, some people have started referring to her recent work as "background music". I hate it but they have a point. Given how lowkey a lot of the songs are. I still love them (white dress and ob in top 10). But god i hope she gets out of her lowkey phase soon and shows more grit like aw

  7. 3 minutes ago, Candy Necklace said:

    I wouldn’t want Lana to do songs that are shopped around and she had no input on the lyrics (like God is a woman, The Middle, Anyone) but if it’s a cover of a song that means a lot to her, I wouldn’t mind it (if it’s good- if it’s like For Free…). 


    Of course she'd have input on the lyrics. She'd probably edit the f. out of them as she's a stronger writer than anyone.


    It's more about shopping for a song that's upbeat musically, really. If Tame Impala, for example, wrote a song for her that's a bit more on the fun side and she wrote the lyrics with Kevin Parker together - imagine the fire.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Rust Dress said:


    well we’re talking about lyrics and since jack is a producer, he WRITES the song literally with the chords, instruments, everything. but let’s not steer away from what you said about having other artists write for lana :pout:


    And what would be the problem with that exactly? Beyonce has 11 writers credited on each song. Lyricists are hired all the time by the likes of Dua Lipa and a million other people. In fact, Lana is one of the rare pop artists who writes her own stuff. Having written two hundreds of songs herself, she definitely earned respect both audience and industry wide.


    Also, again, Lana herself has said she wouldn't mind if someone wrote her a song, somewhere between NFR-LFL eras. Would pull it up but it would take me ages to find.


    More importantly, I'm not suggesting she does it - I love her writing and that's why I'm here. I'm saying that if she's not in a more upbeat mindset, it wouldn't be the worst idea to collaborate or be open to suggestions. 


    p.s. We don't know what's happening in the studio and who writes how much. I'm sure she writes 90% of it, but at the end of the day it's a collaborative record and Sam Dew is also a lyricist. I'm sure Nowels contributed lyrics as well having worked with Madonna and others.

  9. 1 minute ago, Rust Dress said:


    of her OWN songs? absolutely not :thumb3:


    Huh? Two or three people can write a Lana song, and they have. So technically, occasionally, we're not listening to words she wrote. 


    Example: AW written by 

    1 minute ago, ultrabanisters said:

    oh my god stop arguing :pout: we just got our first little musical teaser lets talk about THAT


    Sure. Where's the teaser? I missed that.

  10. 2 hours ago, wilting daisy said:

    i've realized you're a troll so thwre's no point in replying to you but i can't help myself bc what you say is just so stupid. lana doesn't have big hits, but she definitely doesn't need help. she gets plenty of streams and all her albums sell insanely well. she's not a singles artist, she's an album artist and she has a loyal fanbase who are emotionally invested in her art so she doesn't need to have hit singles to get people interested in her music. joan baez and bob dylan didn't have a lot of big singles but they have more of an artistic legacy than lots of the artists that did top the charts. society is gonna remmber lana more fondly than all the faceless popstars selling thwir souls for number 1 singles for the lowest iq people to enjoy for 15 minutes before moving onto something else. and idk how you can think lana needs someone else to write songs for her to get a hit. if she wanted a hit, she could clearly write one herself. and one that's way better than garbage like unholy. she's written plenty of hits before plus she has a large selection of unreleased pop songs that constantly go viral. the thing is tho that lana doesn't care to have a hit and would rather release music that shw wants to make. and the fact that the music she wants to make is still insanely successful shows she doesn't need business advice from nobodies on thw internet who think they know better than her. at this point in her career she's popular with the gp and thw critics and has still maintained her hardcore fanbase which just keeps getting bigger and bigger. she's one of the top streamed female artists and plays sold out shows. not to mention she sells physical albums better than almost anyone else out there. what more do you want from her? do you want her to be taylor swift or beyonce? bc she seems happy with the success level she has and might even prefer a slightly smaller level of fame at this point. like there's plenty of artists doing what you want her to do and since you're never happy with anything she does, why are you even here? go listen to like ariana grande or somwthing. clearly you'll be happier. but i get the impression you just want to complain and probably feel somw sort of pride from having people disagree with you bc you obviously nevwr got hugged enough as a child.


    I'm not gonna read a long-ass childish insult-type post that kicks off by calling me stupid. Speaking of trollish... Message me when you grow up 

  11. 1 hour ago, syrup amour said:

    The whole thing about Lana is that she writes her own songs… what would be the point of hearing Lana sing someone else’s words?



    You do realize she co-wrote a lot of her songs? Also, she's done dozens of covers, with Doin' Time being pretty successful and a really fun Lana track. She herself said she wouldn't mind if someone else wrote her a song.

    2 hours ago, Surf Noir said:

    i feel like lana would be so insulted by somebody saying she should have somebody write songs for her so that she could have a radio hit, i feel like you hardly understand lana's art or even lana as a person if you think she would do that, or should do that


    Lol. She said she wouldn't mind it. It's on youtube or a podcast, but she said it for sure. 

  12. 6 hours ago, imbennett said:

    i don't want btd style bops, i think that'd be backsliding and ridiculous with where she is in her career but i do want more upbeat songs like ltli or peppers, i am getting tired of the wordy piano ballads that lack the catchiness and pop sensibilities of her early work. i appreciate them, the songwriting is absolutely gorgeous but they're not what i seek out with lana


    That's my main point. Too many ballads churned out. I don't necessarily need these songs to sound like Summertime Sadness or Blue Jeans. But why not songs like Cola, Doin' Time, High By the Beach, West Coast, Gods and Monsters, Ride, even Cherry or Love... Songs with OOMPH to them, that aren't just laser-focused on the piano and melancholy lyrics.


    Lana was more multi-faceted earlier, that's for sure.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:



    I’m actually tired of seeing you on my notifications so if you could stop mentioning or quoting me from now on that would be great. Jesus.


    OMG :lmao: Conceded much?  No idea who you are and haven't mentioned you once. Only replied because you called me out inadvertently.  



    2 minutes ago, Embach said:

    Let's stop arguing and let's start manifesting amazing songs :heart:


    Well, that'll happen regardless of what direction LDR10 goes in. :party:


    Also, no arguing, no worries. #GoodVibesOnly

  14. 5 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:


    Where did you come from? I don’t even read your posts.


    I wrote a number of posts about wanting a bop on this thread, and then you posted right after saying " I get kinda bored reading the same comments about wanting Lana to get back to doing “bops." Interesting that you weren't talking about me then.


    Also, couldn't care less if you read my posts since you're a complete stranger. Why d'a even tell me that? lmao

  15. 1 minute ago, Thunder Revenant said:

    Which is what you just did with their post though?


    Lana was never doing "conventional pop songs" if we leave out leaked unreleased stuff. Even BtD was not conventional nack im 2012. 




    He replied to my post (or, rather, series of posts), dissing it. It's my opinion and I have a right to feel a certain way about my favorite musician, but he criticized it as invalid somehow.


    What I said was that I have a right to my opinion, and the yawn was directed at anyone who feels like they can invalidate a person's personal view on a public forum. I hope that clarifies it for you.


    As for the pop debate, pop music comes in a broad range of shapes and forms. At the end of the day, f it becomes hugely popular, then it's a popo song. Sinead O'Connor's Nothing Compares to You, while not a "conventional pop song" managed to get her to #1 worldwide and elevate her to a pop stardom.


    Therefore, I'm not talking asking Lana to sing "Hey Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind" and turn herself into something she's not. That's not what I'm saying, and I know many others agree on this forum and off it.


    I'm simply hoping she'll go back to her lighter side and release a less melancholic, more approachable, upbeat single more akin to her earlier output like Doin' Time, High by the Beach, Blue Jeans, Summertime Sadness, and beyond.   


    And again, whoever disagrees with this and doesn't miss this stage of her career - good for you! But please don't moralize fans about what they should want or not want. It's a personal opinion. Thanks

  16. 1 hour ago, Sportscruiser said:

    Personally speaking (and I say this respectfully) I get kinda bored reading the same comments about wanting Lana to get back to doing “bops” (which I don’t really understand as she’s rarely ever done them in a conventional way) specially because it can become tiresome and superficial once you see those opinions spread across many threads. However I understand that to each their own but…


    What I miss from Lana is the cohesion of something like Honeymoon, still her best produced album to date that included a crazy variety of instrumentation that all fit together in unison to serve her vision of how she wanted the album to feel and sound like. It also operated in a soundscape that to this day is still very hard for me to define: is it jazz? is it “muddy trap” like she described it at the time? is it bluesy? is it all of the above? I feel like with Honeymoon she took such a risk by incorporating all these different genres into one piece that sounds both so modern and so timeless and evocative at once. A lot of people say going from BTD to UV was really bold (which I 100% agree with) but going from UV to HM was just as ambitious and dare I say the moment where she proved to me - without any shred of doubt - that she could do it all. I miss that feeling of unpredictability and atmosphere she created with her albums up until NFR (that one included, as I feel NFR is far more cohesive and coherent than some people give it credit for). I miss the surprise, the early shock, the “how the hell is she going to pull this off?”.


    To hell with bops and radio hits (that a Lana fan even verbalizes this 12 years into her career is absurd). Give me a record that’s so mysterious, intricate and so seemingly distant from my own comfort zone that it forces to peel back its layers for years to come in order for me to realize it’s always been as close to my heart and my experiences as humanly possible. I adore OB to death (my third favorite album from her) but I really do miss feeling the production and instrumentation making the stakes feel higher and bolder.




    OR, we can all just have our own opinions, needs and expectations? 


    There's absolutely nothing wrong in expecting a pop start to make a conventional pop song. 


    If you don't agree with it, you don't have to engage. 

  17. Jon Batiste album is panned by Pitchfork. (5.6)




    The jazz multi-instrumentalist wants to unite the world in song. But his new album collapses the wide-ranging possibilities of global music into something for everyone and no one.


    Unsurprisingly, doesn't even mention the lackluster collab.


    I'll write it off to being a favor to Jon Batiste for his input on OB. Thank you, next!

    On 8/19/2023 at 12:40 PM, bluechemtrails said:

    again she forgot to promote the song :hide:


    The song is really best not be promoted much. Not surprised she doesn't want it on socials.

  18. 27 minutes ago, Thunder Revenant said:

    I'd like an album that is a bit more "polished" again. Not necessarily pop-production/ BtD style, but a sound like HM would be great.


    Also, it would be cool to have her songs be a bit more "focussed" again. The experimental, artistic stuff is nice and everything, but the all-over-the-place-ness of tracks like Peppers, Black Bathing Suit, Margaret or Taco Truck X VB is ... not something I personally long for.


    I think an album with big orchestral sound would be great. Specifically thinking of large strinh arrangements.

    Imagine ballads like DYTTATUOB, IYLDWM, Arcadia or Sweet but with major orchestral elements, some extra instrumental bridges, ...:flutter:


    Something along the lines of Ane Brun's "Last Breath", Angel Olsens "Chance" or "You Won't Forget Me" by Melody Gardot



    I second this. As much as I miss beats, I also meets huge orchestral productions ala Ride, Born to Die and Young and Beautiful.


    Like, if you're gonna do a ballad, do it right. None of that minimalist Sweet stuff.




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