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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. 1 hour ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

    A new album w Jack full of just upbeat songs would destroy the charts idc


    omg imagine an album packed with songs like doin' time, national anthem, radio, high by the beach, music to watch boys to, etc.


    yes i know antonoff didn't produce any of them lol, but antonoff plus lana's lighter mood = diamond 💎

  2. 1 hour ago, LifeOnMars said:

    The songs that song Rick did on NFR are the least listened to on that album. The majority of people also don’t seem to care that much about Yosemite or Cherry Blossom. Yes to Heaven was an outlier since it had already blown up on Tik Tok before it was even released, so it was kind of guaranteed to chart. It doesn’t matter what producer she works with, if her songs aren’t promoted and released at the beginning of a tracking week. 


    so, it's Ben's fault then? Just curious how this works.

  3. 4 hours ago, Mer said:

    Idk if realism can apply to speculation over an unreleased/unannounced album. Pls leave rationality at the log in page and join me in welcoming Rick Nowles as LDR 10’s main producer :true:

    it's funny - 4 albums in with Jack (counting Violets) and zero hits on Billboard 100 as a solo artist. Meanwhile, an unreleased with Rick drops and it's charting for 3 weeks - longest since High by the Beach. Something's fishy with that.


    We know he can make hits for Taylor etc. not inplying he's not pulling the weight, they're collabs are fire, but I wonder if lana would have bigger songs if she got back w rick or hayne

  4. 2 hours ago, Mer said:

    Lana’s stupidest lyric is “what if someone had asked Picasso not be to sad”. Not only is it cringey, it’s utterly nonsensical. You can’t just ask someone “not to be sad.” Picasso was a raging alcoholic and would’ve just told you to fuck off. It’s the sole reason I barely listen to Blue Banisters bc that line pisses me off, which no Lana line has ever managed to do before. 


    I agree with this. Blue Banisters is full of lame lyrics though.


    "He said I was bad, let me show you how bad girls do
    'Cause no one does it better
    He said I was bad, let me show you how bad girls do
    'Cause no one does it better
    They said I was bad, and I'll show them what bad girls do"


    Really, Lana?


    "Beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful like you
    Beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful like you

    Beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful like you
    Beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful like you"




    Or the bunch of mundane images on the title track?


    "Jenny jumped into the pool, she was swimmin' with Nikki Lane" 

    'Jenny was smokin' by the pool, we were writin' with Nikki Lane' 

    'Tex and Mex are in the Bay
    Chucky's makin' birthday cake
    Chickens runnin' barefeet, there's a baby on the way'




  5. 59 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

    but less than 3 min (or 4) would be an interesting challenge. what would she change, how would she structure the songs, what would she leave out? I think her shortest song so far is Cherry with exactly 3:00 and it's not that bad. Most songs on aka are no longer than 4 min (three under 3 min).


    Actually, it's White Mustang (2 mins, 44 secs). Cherry is 3 min. Doin' Time is close at 3:22.


    Personally, I wouldn't mind a shorter record with about 12 3-min songs, as long as they're upbeat.


    Lana doing 3 min ballads is never gonna be in the cards, White Mustang is an anomaly in her discography,.



  6. 10 hours ago, Nectar said:

    On one hand I want LDRX to be something special, something that would cement her as one of the most influential artists in the 21st century music industry, but on the other hand I want LDRX to be an experimental album where she explores all of the music genres (kinda like her first few albums where she was just trying stuff out), just so we can see what she's capable of pulling off.

    Also I want a song of similar nature to Another lonely day / Playground.

    I don't think that someone could describe my inner opinions about unreleased lana songs so accurately as this:



  7. 2 hours ago, Vertimus said:

    No songs that sound a great deal like previously released songs.


    I know I am in the minority, but 4/5ths of OB didn't work for me, and I don't care at all for most of the production. OB has been the first LDR album that made me feel almost tired of her—for the first time EVER. 


    Nonetheless, I will accept whatever she does next, and if I don't care for it, that's on me. 


    That's how i felt about Blue Banisters. Thought she winged the whole record. But OB - minus a few tracks that could have been cut - was a welcome return to form. Songs like Ocean Boulevard will only appreciate with time, and age like fine wine.



    2 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Indeed! It’s kinda insane how incredible pop-ish hits (or at least songs that could have been hits) she left on the cutting room floor: Cry Kill Die, Serene Queen, Queen of Disaster, etc.

    serial killer, hollywood, ridin', driving in the cars with boys, red ridin' hood, etc etc. 


    basically, lana unreleased is a whole other artist in itself that could end in another 10 records. And we havent even heard everything she's got


    she's a tour de forcr

  8. 3 hours ago, taco truck said:

    Probably not because it’s not great:bebe: 


    kinda crazy that she lets songs like lost at sea, which sits at the very bottom of her songs on iTunes as her least played song (and rightfully so), you'll never walk alone (unlistenable with her worst ever vocals) and the atrocious Life Lesson see the light of day, when she's got tracks like Hollywood, Serial Killer, Fine China and so many others just sitting on her computer.

  9. 4 hours ago, Jakk said:

    I’ve never heard of Cass McCombs, but listening to his top songs right now and if this is the direction for LDR10 I’ll be very happy.

    edit: Thank you I may have found a new favorite artist 



    I heard him before, he's very talented. 


    As much as I keep banging on about bangers and beats, I wouldn't mind a Lana country album. But I still need one more upbeat song with a contemporary production. Maybe something like Love. It's been a while since she's dropped something really uplifting.


    And if she's doing country, then I hope she gets Taylor and Father John Misty on board, and not the lame-ass Nicki Lane.

  10. Collabs you'd like to see on LDR 10?


    That's right, ladies, gents and non-binaries of Lana Boards! 

    The time has come to manifest heavily the collabs you're dying for on LDR10. :shock:

    You can pick anyone in the world, (past collaborators, major new pop stars, producers, musicians, whoever), but there is one rule. You can only pick up to SIX collaborators.


    I'll start: Emile Haynie. That's right - I'd like to have the writer of producer of Born to Die back. Daddy needs beats. And good ones!

    Rick Nowels - Yep - I want the co-writer of Summertime Sadness, Young and Beautiful, West Coast and Shades of Cool back. I want BIG songs back.

    ASAP Rocky - like him or not, their collabs were fire. 

    The Weeknd - this spiritual and musical partnership need to go on. As much as I love her work with Father John Misty, etc, I miss the moody dark collabs with pop's biggest stars. Also, imagine those streaming numbers.

    Grimes - this collab needs to happen, and where better than my imaginary Emile Haynie produced LDR10.

    Kevin Parker of Tame Impala - I just feel he's a genius in his own right, and I feel like their collab would be fire.


    That's it! Your turn. :smile4:

  11. 3 hours ago, ShadesOfFool said:

    i think we can live without another lana album till at least 2025 tbh


    she’s released so much music in the last five years (4 albums in 5 years is a lot when you actually look at it) 


    if it’s what she wants, she should take a break, tour, live/party, and come back when she has something fresh to say


    I agree! Take some time off and come back with something fresh. I really hope she doesn't rush the release and pull another Blue Banisters. 

  12. 2 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Enough time has passed to reevalue the song a bit. The first lines sung by Jon really are basic lyrics but the rest is very good. Also not a big fan of the last line ending the song a bit abruptly, but it’s not that bad either.

     Not CN type of tier, but not unpleasant (it’s in a couple of my playlists and I won’t take it out but won’t replay the song either). Hollywood Bowl is still a bit better than that one to me. 


    HB is miles better.

  13. On 7/30/2023 at 7:37 PM, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Pretty sure it was. From we know / heard from the early concept of LFL, it seems like the album was meant to « make peace » with all the struggles she had experienced in her life, going into this Shangri-la / peace and love serenity kinda feeling. But the world and her life didn’t end up going into that happy, magical, wonderful place.

    this is why I think she considered that, maybe, she was « lost for life ». 
    the LP we got is the perfect soundtrack for a hot mid-summer that didn’t live to its promises. 


    I love lust fo life. It's a multi-faceted record with all kind of new territories for Lana vocally, lyrically and musically. 

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