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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. 2 hours ago, twinkletoes7 said:

    if her only vocals is the two seconds of her speaking from the snippet it’s so dumb. if he didn’t promote with lana at all it would be a fun easter egg but if that’s ALL people will just be underwhelmed. such a dumb move because the song actually seems good but that might overshadow it on release 

    dude wait for the track before judging

  2. 2 hours ago, twinkletoes7 said:

    sure, more people would have died, less people would have died however- if they were not doing that in the first instance. so for that reason, i don't find it relevant. they have murdered over 10000 people, people who are more than just a statistic. 

    politics is corrupt, but should we expect people to simply comply, because it makes sense that in the pursuit of greed, somebody might eventually seek to eliminate an entire population in palestine? 

    so despite any geopolitical reasoning, the war crimes committed are unjustifiable. they should be held accountable, and "free palestine" is to put pressure on unelected and elected politicians to be forced to hold israel accountable for their actions. it is not that shallow or simple, nobody ever said it would be.


    Thank you. Exactly what I would have said.


    No geofuckingpolitical goals justify the slaughter of 5,000 children. Israel needs to be trailed for crimes against humanity. And that's the bottom line and everything that matters.


    And to limelight, "creating a human corridor" to banish an entire population into another country, as if that country (Egypt) belongs to them? Only sadistic lunatics would think this is acceptable.


    Fyi the reason why Egypt doesn't want them is because they're poor af and can barely survive themselves.


    Note: I was in Cairo only a month ago, and couldn't believe that some 17 M people live in those conditions. The influx of Palestinian would be an economic nail in the coffin to them.


    So, no, this corridor isn't an option. And no, neither the appallingly sad history of Gaza, nor anyone's interest justify in any way what is happening over there right now.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Limelight said:

    If not the US, it'll be Russia or some other country, the US needs a stable partner in the middle east so they won't stop.

    And yeah ,10k deaths sucks but that's just the reality of war and the enemy hiding in dense populated areas. Israel at least tries to limit the number of deaths, it could be much higher. If it stops now the same thing will just happen in a couple of years unfortunately, so yeah they can't stop.


    Also I just saw you're from or live in Dubai, so your point of view makes sense. 


    My point of view makes sense everywhere. I'm European but I live here yeah.


    Also, are you really one of those who thinks that 10,000 civilians died because of a hunt for Hamas?


    Newflash: Israel couldn't care less about Hamas or the hostages. They're ethnically cleansing Gaza. Get with the program! 


    So, yes, they CAN stop. But they want the land, and the natural gas, so they won't. 


    Have you been living under a rock?



  4. 3 minutes ago, Limelight said:

    The US has bases in many Middle Eastern countries, not just Israel, and other countries like Saudi Arabia have already said they are still going to normalize relations with Israel. American aid is important but mostly when it comes to diplomacy, their aid only represents 1% of the Israeli GDP. A ceasefire now would be the same as losing, they'll only stop when they reach their goals, no international pressure is going to make them stop


    1 Bn in direct "aid" to Israel during a genocide isn't about "diplomacy". It's about supplying weapons.


    "A ceasefire now would be the same as losing." - Say what now? You mean killing 10 K more civilians would be considered as a win? Are you in any way implying that what they're doing is a good, reasonable thing? Please consider your phrasing.


    But, yes, I do agree that the international pressure won't do much. America killed, what, 1 million Iraqis under the pretense of weapons of mass destruction, which they never found. If they decide to commit genocide, there's no stopping them. The world can shout and scream, but it isn't going to do much.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Limelight said:

    Over half of Israel's entire population is mizrahi, meaning jews from Arab countries that were either expelled in the aftermath of the 1948 war or decided to migrated to Israel, without counting the 20% Arab pop that lives there. It's not a evil white people against defenseless brown people story.


    Yes, it is if those brown people are backed and funded by the predominantly white Americans and Europeans. The Israelis are being used by Americans and others to fulfil their colonialist, economic interests. Otherwise, they would've called for a ceasefire. 


    Surely, you can put 2 + 2 together?

  6. 1 hour ago, crazyforyou said:

    as much as i loathe the released version of SYTH, and i hope the new record will not have much resemblance to it, she would be very smart to put it on the next album on streaming services to have more album streams as a whole! she totally missed her chance putting the SS remix and Y&B on BTD-Paradise Edition. would’ve been even more popular. something similar could happen with SYTH.


    She most likely wasn't allowed to have Y&B on Paradise as it belonged to the Gatsby soundtrack. Same reason why Watercolor Eyes wasn't on BB.


    The SS remix she wasn't involved in at all, so I don't think that was even an option.


    Also, please let's not have Say Yes to Heaven on her new album, the song is 10 years old.

  7. 23 minutes ago, honeymooooon said:

    idk the grammys sometimes do a lot of random things so its not impossible for her to take the aoty tbh

    the most difficult probably will be soty

    i still think she has a lot of chances of winning alt album and best pop duo

    if they give best alt album to lana, boygenius gonna take alt performance wich i think its better cause that means she has more chances to win aoty ig


    candy neclace isn't really pop duo. the song didn't even get radio play.


    she has no chance of winning that category. snow on the beach, if it was nominated - maybe.


    alt album is her only chance imo

  8. 11 hours ago, Rocket0212 said:

    I hate this show but we will take anything to make A&W the most streamed song on the album. I can't believe that GP chose that cute but basic LTLI girl.:wtf:
    If she doesn't win at least the best alternative song though...:toofloppy:


    AW is too out there to win this category. It also has the lowest streaming numbers pretty much of all the nominees.


    I've said this before and I'll say it again, best alternative album is her best shot. 

  9. On 11/10/2023 at 4:13 PM, Veinsineon said:

    Well they were just payed almost 30 billion by the US&EU for natural gases they will be able to reap from the land



    Yep. It's all about the territory, natural gas, and future trade corridors. There's a lot of money in Palestine for Israel and their allies to share. Billions.


    It has nothing to do with religion, the "promised land" or Israel claiming what's theirs, nor their "right to self defence". It's just white colonialism all over. Oil is lower in supplies, and natural gas is the new oil. What they can unearth in Gaza could last humanity for another 125 years. Natural gas is also more environmentally friendly so this ticks a lot of the greenwashing and other ESG goals that everyone has to abide by.


    These countries are performing an act of ethnic cleansing so that Israel can take over the land, reap its economic benefits, and then share it with the US, Uk, France, and so forth. Israel is already giving out licenses to companies to look for the natural gas off their Mediterranean coast. More about all of this here: https://www.planetcritical.com/p/everybody-wants-gazas-gas


    Natural gas a well as the potential trade corridors that Isreal can create through Gaza is why the US, Uk and so on are sitting idly and watching the genocide play out. This genocide is in everybody's interest. This is very sad and shocking, but it's a truth now obvious to everyone. 


    Now, here is the interesting part:


    I've heard from folks familiar with the history and the region that Israel knew that the concert massacre of their people by Hamas was coming that day. Just think, all those Israeli soldiers out there, during war times, with huge walls, apartheid and a shit ton of weapons, but the Israeli army was NOWHERE in sight to protect their own civilians from Hamas? Yeah right. The concert-goers were used as scapegoats, so that Israel would get the "full right" to "defend itself", meaning: kill the civilians, continue their ethnic cleansing, and further displace the Palestinians. Bit by bit, the Gaza borders will move, and Israel will take over completely.


    Now, what Elon Musk pointed out the other day is that Israel didn't realize that Hamas knew that their concert massacre is going to kick off the bloodshed. They also knew that Muslims around the world, as well as Christians, would see it on freewheeling socials, recognize it for what it is, and retaliate against Israel en masse. And now, the whole world is siding with Hamas, seeing their narrative, and recognizing the Israeli atrocities for the very first time. Despite them going on for decades.


    So, while Israel is getting its land and moving ahead with its territorial and financial goals, they're losing international support and more and more "Hamas"-style enemies are being born day by day. What's more, people all around the world have started learning about Israel, seeing what its doing, and noticing what its goals are. So, while Palestine may have lost 11,000 people, it won a lot in terms of international recognition.


    Now everyone with a brain, understands that not only Palestine is a victim of Western colonialism - the entire world is.


    The problem is, what do we all do with this information? What does one do when they learn their own government is funding a genocide in the Middle East for the sake of natural gas and money, in tandem with other governments? Natural gas which isn't even that much better than oil, only moderately so. Ony about 30% less carbon dioxide emission than oil. 


    Basically, they will kill and displace Palestinians, take their land and get the gas - just so they can keep filling their pockets while killing the planet more and more.


    What I've personally learned from all this is:


    1. There is no such thing as human rights. There are only powerful countries and poor countries. The rules don't apply if you have the powerful countries in your corner

    2. America is once again at the heart of crimes against humanity and their biggest supporter and funder. This keeps on happening, and your own citizens are funding it. It's fucked up

    3. America would rather fund a war and then sort out its messed up healthcare system

    4. Europe too is all about financial interests

    5. The UN as an institution is pretty useless 

    6. Ireland has more balls than anyone in Europe in terms of speaking the truth

    7. England's new Prime Minister is already corrupt, a goner

    8. Israel is literally a made up, small country, but they have so much power and so many lobbyists that they can perform ethnic cleansing while the whole world is watching. Oh, and they have nuclear powers as well

    9. Social media can be used for more than narcissism. It can be a powerful tool for unearthing the truth and exposing our governments

    10. Most of the stuff we get from the media is a complete lie. Even articles in reputable magazines like New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. In fact, especially in those publications


    This list goes on and on. There's so much to unpack, and discern, and I can totally understand why everyone is so shocked and distressed. If you're feeling anxious right now (I know I am!), well, you're not alone


    The time for political and social activism is now, guys. We not only need to learn what we can do to to help the Palestinian cause, but we also need to stop our governments from making decisions on our behalf. Our planet is at stake. 


    I'm on Elon Musk's team. Electric cars should be the way forward, and Big Oil or Big Gas, need to be stopped at every cost.

  10. 1 hour ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

    normally at the Grammies I notice a mixture of undeserved, wildcard and deserved wins.

    some years cater more to one of those themes rather than a mix. But at the same time it’s anyones guess who wins.


    So I mean, don’t be tooooo disappointed if Janelle Monae gets AOTY (wildcard) and Taylor gets best pop duo or whatever it is (karma, undeserved lmao) etc or whatever.


    regardless, I do see Lana as a STRONG contender for best alt song, AOTY and alt album. I really hope she gets her long awaited justice 



    alt album is what she's getting.

  11. On 11/4/2023 at 11:08 PM, Rivers said:

    I'd like to know which unreleased songs are your favorite, or you would like to see added on to and produced? 




    HOLLYWOOD.  Woulda fit on Honeymoon or even Paradise perfectly. I don't understand why she never released it, it's better than at least 50% of her songs, if not more. If she ever does an 80s inspired album, which I hope she does, this has to be on it.


    Then SERIAL KILLER. Like, wtf, Lana, release this banger.


    Also, Ridin', Driving in Cars with Boys, Angels Forever, Cry Kill Die, French Restaurant, Hundred Dollar Bill, Your Girl, Fine China.


    Hopefully, one day she drops another Blue Banisters-style outtakes album.

  12. On 11/7/2023 at 4:23 AM, Ultra Violet said:

    10,022 people killed by Israeli attacks in Gaza since Oct 11, including 4,104 children and 2,641 women. 25,408 wounded.

    The number of children in Gaza killed in 3 weeks has surpassed the total number of children killed worldwide in conflict since 2019.

    Honestly what are some people thinking when they see stats like this? Too many seem to think it's fine, justified, or just ignore it. I hear everyone who stays silent loud and clear.


    it's crazy! Just look at social. People are posting their food pics and f-ing gym sessions with complete disregard. How can folks ignore this issue? At least voice your support with one or two stories


    the worst is when they say "I have Israeli friends so I can't post"


    Ummm, if your Israeli friends have an issue with you condemning an act of genocide, then they aint really your friends, hun


    We really live in an era of problem-avoidance and narcissism. Things shouldn't be "nice" and "hot" 24/7. It's social media, but I guess a violation of human rights should take a backseat in the social conversation to give way to aesthetically pleasing content that everyone is comfy with? So they don't have a second of feeling uncomfortable? 

    It's the same reason why the planet will literally burn to death in a few hundred years - complacency and status quo

  13. 1 hour ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

    errrr okay….



    Glad somebody gets it! I just feel like a nuclear war is inevitable ONE day in the future. Like, let’s speed this shit up…. I don’t wanna keep seeing women and kids dying, starving, being crushed under rubble, etc… there are so many evil people in positions of power, and we have been collectively poisoned by government rhetoric, religion, media etc. i just don’t know how we as a human race find a way out of this without some kind of large scale annihilation lmao…


    I realise I’m saying this v bluntly and can’t find the right words / can’t be bothered writing a long ass essay to properly convey my thoughts on this (global fuckery) but yeah


    You don't have to explain anything, honestly. 


    The world is overpopulated, there's (still) zero consideration for the environment and the planet, there are wars, famine, ethnic cleansing, economic slavery, and so many more issues that are just shocking.


    I'm not sure on the nukes, etc. But I wouldn't be opposed to a comet hitting us and causing a sort of reset. Most of all, I'm fed up with Big Oil, corporate greed and America's foreign policies aka enslaving the world. Like, jesus, Israel and US - let the children live! Is it so much to ask?



  14. 16 hours ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

    I need someone with nukes to just launch one at somebody already. Launch a few. Let other countries retaliate and quickly nuke the whole global population off the face of the earth, cause at this point I don’t think we can fix how fucked up this place is


    I was thinking that yesterday. The world is so overpopulated and messy with god damn cars everywhere, and bombs, and violence, and the environment is getting so hot. Just imagine a world without humans with only animals and plants - would be so much nicer, and super verdant.

  15. 11 hours ago, Divisive Princess said:

    It’s interesting how Israel bombs anything and everything and then claims it was because someone from Hamas was supposedly there (lies. All lies), but then we’re not supposed to believe anything Hamas says. We’re not supposed to believe death toll counts, hospital bombings, nothing. Where are they getting the information that there’s these Hamas people everywhere and why is there no evidence? Why is no one questioning it? If I sound ignorant and there’s some evidence that I’m missing, genuinely let me know. But I’m just shocked no one is really asking questions. 

    look. Hamas is just an excuse for the ethnic cleansing. it's obvious. The us, uk and others are complicit in this crime for the sake of their political and financial interest. What's more, the us is funding the genocide.


    How does one go about asking questions in  this kind of situation? 🤔 when even reporters are getting wiped out. It's shocking what we, as a global community, let our governments get away with. America in particular - no healthcare, but you all are now funding a genocide via tax? Jesus

  16. 4 hours ago, Veinsineon said:

    Just saying, Netanyahu was already being indicted for corruption before october 7th even happened. That trial? It can't proceed while he is wrapped up in a conflict...... he is basically living out his dream on extended stay and using every bit of the military he spent the last 20 years building up because he knows the clock is ticking. They will oust him soon and he will be tried in international court. I'm not worried about him, I'm worried about the damage already done, the displacement of nearly 500,000 people, the murdering of another 10,000.... I'm worried that someone like him, who denies a ceasefire, (Let it be known that Hamas has agreed to the release of hostages in exchange for nearly 1000 palestinian prisoners [who are often held without trial], but this is denied because of double standards.) will keep a stubbornly extreme view on this and will use that to draw out this conflict as long as possible to remain seated in power........ only 17 Israeli soldiers have been killed in a month of war. 17!!!!!!!!!!! If Hamas was really such a threat, there would not be such a drastic imbalance in these numbers. If this really was about saving hostages, they would not be carpet bombing the same locations hostages are thought to be kept for DAYS IN A ROW. This is all so bizarre, BLATANT, and HORRIFIC. And the fact that nearly every western entity and global powers alike have remained chained to lip service, double standards, and complicity???????????? It's ravaging my views on everything. Why is protecting life and the right to exist put on the back burner??? We are in such a new dark age i feel


    this. 100% 


    it's like we're those pod people in the matrix, and natanyahu and the us can get away with ANYTHING.


    also, if Milosevic and many others were served for war crimes in haag, natanyahu deserves the same faith. As does Biden, uk, france, etc.


    but the difference is, natanyahu is working in tandem with the us. So nothing will come of it

  17. On 11/1/2023 at 6:24 PM, ShadesOfFool said:

    lana has like 3 good collabs so we’ll see lol


    I disagree with statement.


    Tomorrow Never Came


    Lust for Life 


    Hollywood Bowl

    Snow on the Beach

    Let the Light in

    Groupie Love

    Summer Bummer

    Candy Necklace


    Maybe you don't like any of these, but there's an album worth of good music in there.


  18. 23 hours ago, bluechemtrails said:

    There are alleged Israeli intelligence plans to relocate the entire population of Gaza to North Sinai. I fear they will deliberately destroy the residential areas to make them uninhabitable.





    America just approved 15 billion dollars of "aid" for Israel. So, basically, Israel has all the money it needs to see this through, while the world sits and watches.


    Well done, world.

  19. 4 hours ago, bluechemtrails said:

    There are alleged Israeli intelligence plans to relocate the entire population of Gaza to North Sinai. I fear they will deliberately destroy the residential areas to make them uninhabitable.




    There's theories about Gaza being in the way for creating a new canal for trading that the US, France and UK would greatly benefit from.


    Wouldn't be surprised if that was true, and the whole thing was orchestrated.


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