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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. 1 hour ago, Ultra Violet said:

    So many things I could quote but here's a highlight for me, relating to war crimes vs war crimes.


    "Well you say if Hamas fighters are hiding in the hospital, using civilians as human shields ...? Okay, let's say they are. Are you arguing that flattening the hospital, and killing newborn babies in their incubators, and their mom's, cancer patients, someone with a broken leg, the doctors, the nurses, and just the women and kids hiding in the hospital, that that's not a war crime? Because you would be wrong according to international law."


    Brilliant video. I wish the whole world could see it. Especially the likes of amy schumer, natalie portman and others

  2. 1 hour ago, Ultra Violet said:

    Still can't believe people are doubting the reported death tolls. Every person besides those unidentified or missing is NAMED. There's a list of all of the names published of people who have been killed, with their ages as well. They can count the number of families that have been entirely wiped out. I dare you to scroll through this entire list and tell yourself that you're fine with this many deaths because it is "unintentional".


    That's what I was trying to embed before from instagram- the list narrowed down to only children (under 18).


    A lot more deaths in the 3-4 days since this was published too.


    Comparatively, I tried googling videos and images of the concert massacre, and got pretty much zero results. Except footage of people running, most of whom don't even look distressed. There's one blurry image of body bags but that's been posted by the Israel Media Office or something, and it really has little in the believability factor compared to the Palestinian footage.


    All those people at a concert, with state-of-the-art phones, and there's not a single video of an Israeli being shot down or bleeding? 

    If there is, can someone please DM me the link? 

  3. 12 hours ago, gabe said:

    Referring to my comments as “bait” just because you refuse to accept that what you’re saying can easily be interpreted as antisemitic after the plethora of comments you’ve made attacking a group of people that aren’t indicative of a government and its actions.


    As I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, you literally PUBLICLY said on a PUBLIC forum (which means anyone can view this thread, anyone can see your comments) that you were “considering becoming antisemitic” merely because of a government that doesn’t represent the entire faith of a people. Get a morals check.


    ugh, you just want let this go? 

    Anti-zionism is probably the more appropriate term. I know nothing about the jewish faith, it doesn't interest me, and i have no reason to hate it. Happy now? Now can we please move on and discuss the situation, share articles, updates, humanitarian aid, how we can help, etc? 

  4. 1 hour ago, baddisease said:

    Israel needs to stop existing. Palestine must come together under a secular, socialist flag.


    From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!


    Sadly, Israel seems to have too many countries in their corner, too much heavy artillery, and too many lobbyists in governments for this to ever come to fruition.


    People are cheap. Even entire nations can be easily bought.

  5. 46 minutes ago, gabe said:

    Once again, no nuance added. Just playing defense when you’ve outed yourself on a public forum that you would decide to participate in the hatred of a group of people because of the actions of a government that isn’t indicative of that group.


    Insanely weird. Maybe take a break from the Internet if you’re going to just spew hatred instead of articulating actual thoughts to such a complex topic.

    also, it's not just the israeli government that's endorsing this genocide - plenty of politicians, journalists and civilians are using nazi rethorics sprinkled with the bible / faith nonsense. I have the full right to say that i'm not exactly a fan of the jewish faith right now. Not when that same faith allows theft, occupation, rape, and murder of women and children. Also, is Israel being "nuanced" right now? Do we have to be gentle about it? Nobody owes Israel anything at this point. Bolivia has just cut its diplomatic ties with it, and if there's any justice in the world, others will follow.


    Also, in case you try to play the anti-semitism card, i'm a Serbjan guy from Europe. Christian orthodox. We were against the Nazis in the second world war - unlike Croats.


    i'm neither on the jew nor muslim side. I have no personal stake in this. But when i see a lack of "nuance" from an entire "nation", pardon me for not tiptoing around and saying how angred i really am by their revolting behavior. Now please stop this pointless discussion and go donate some money to Gaza, or make yourself useful.

  6. 31 minutes ago, gabe said:

    Once again, no nuance added. Just playing defense when you’ve outed yourself on a public forum that you would decide to participate in the hatred of a group of people because of the actions of a government that isn’t indicative of that group.


    Insanely weird. Maybe take a break from the Internet if you’re going to just spew hatred instead of articulating actual thoughts to such a complex topic.


    i'm not interested in this bait soz. I'm neither antisemitic not spewing anything. I'm defending innocent civilians against the second coming of Hitler. And i do not need your editorial commentary. The world needs more voices like mine right now - not your pointless debating of semantics. You go take a break from the internet if you like - i'm staying here.

  7. Just now, gabe said:

    You literally just said you’d *become* antisemitic. You’re stating you would hate an entire group of people because of a government… and douse yourself in being a bigot… just weird.. 


    Once again stating all of this on a PUBLIC forum is crazy. So many people can see your grotesque words where you are undoubtedly just calling yourself an antisemite.



    gurrrllll..... just stop.

  8. 10 hours ago, gabe said:

    If you're going to come onto a PUBLIC thread trying to act educated and provide nuance onto a topic, maybe try framing your argument without antisemitic undertones.





    I'm not antisemitic, I've already explained that.


    But I also said that if Israel continues the slaughter, me (and others) might just become. That's just how atrocious Israel is behaving rn.  Even the comments on Israelis on social are vile beyond belief.


    I stand behind this statement. If you have a problem with it, oh well

  9. 2 hours ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

    There is no massive malevolent "Jewish power" secretly pulling the strings in America. Stop with the antisemitic nonsense




    Ummm, not true. I'm not anti-semitic yet.


    But Israel has not exactly painted a pretty picture of the Jewish community over the last 10 days. You can not possibly blame anyone for anti-semitism sentiments at this point. Genocide is genocide and a good PR move for Israel or the Jewish community it ain't. You'd think that they'd know better (the Holocaust).


    The folks down there dancing and chanting about the slaughter while holding the Israeli flag? Literally made me shiver.  That, juxtaposed with videos of blinded little girls and groups of dead Palestinian children without limbs, women screaming as they're getting bombed in residential buildings and hospitals is scarier than any horror movie I could have ever imagined.


    For that reason, I will never visit Israel - even though I had a ticket and a hotel in Tel Aviv booked right  when this started happening, and then changed my plans to the Maldives instead.


    Israel has to take full responsibility for what it's doing, and will indubitably deal with loads of hate going forward, and rightfully so. This is the worst aggression I've seen any country commit over another during my adult life, and I come from the Balkans.


    Sorry but not sorry.

  10. 1 hour ago, Ultra Violet said:

    I don't think that's the point barttttender was making but agreed that Kanye should be left out of everything he tries to talk about as his stance here is just awful and harmful.


    Exactly. That's not the point. I was merely saying that even Kanye (who's an absolute nutter) has spoken out in defense of Palestinians. I was going off a short clip I saw of him where he said the Jewish lobby in Hollywood is strong (which it is), stating that celebrities are afraid to speak up against Israel. That's all.


    But I really didn't know the full story (if there's more) with Kanye and Palestine.

  11. 5 hours ago, crazyforyou said:

    Suburban House was way better than Hollywood Bowl imo


    Glad you love it, but I disagree. It's wishy-washy, and has an unmemorable melody. Can't imagine any situation I'd want to listen to it in.


    Hollywood Bowl has a stunning melody, and the lyrics are very Lana, very Slim Aarons, and I listened to it many times. It's a stunning little low-key ballad.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Ultra Violet said:

    I can't find any graph to visualise the death toll that's been updated in the last 1-2 weeks. People are really not understanding the scale of this. I would really like to see one that has deaths, injuries + the 200 hostages.

    But in my search I did find this one covering 2008-2020. Sooo many more have died in the last 3 weeks than from the whole of 2008-2020.



    How can anyone see this and not recognise who the large LARGE majority of the victims are from this conflict.



    As always, the United Nations are only good at making infographics in the aftermath. Just like during the Bosnian War.


    Good find though.

  13. 1 hour ago, Ultra Violet said:

    Exactly, they voted based on "what's in it for me?". I would feel so proud right now to be in a country that is calling out the genocide, like Brazil, Jordan and many others. None of this business bullshit.





    Btw, the death toll has surpassed 8,000.  https://time.com/6329691/gaza-palestinian-death-toll-aid-warehouses/


    I can not believe that the world is sitting idly (more or less) while this is happening. Is everyone just going to wait until all 2 million people are wiped out?


    By the way, I love that celebrities with no stake in the matter, like Indya Moore, are getting arrested for protesting, or Jamie Lee Curtis, who lives and works in Jewish-heavy Hollywood is posting pro-Palestine posts with the risk of losing roles. Even (the crazy) Kanye West is warning against Jewish power in America. Also great to see so many protests...


     I wonder if Lana is feeling stupid now for having signed that idiotic "thank you" note to Biden, who probably orchestrated the whole thing.



  14. On 10/29/2023 at 7:04 AM, Ultra Violet said:

    "The Australian Government abstained for the simple reason that the resolution refused to acknowledge the culpability of Hamas for starting this crisis. It refused to state that Hamas carried out brutal and unprovoked attacks on Oct 7th".


    The last 5 Prime Ministers of Australia are also getting together to write a letter to support Israel's right to defend itself too.

    So, like Australia, other countries who abstained must believe that some kind of reaction is justified, and they are all ignoring who the real victims of these attacks are- innocent people, and mostly women, children. They are ignoring what Israel's attacks are really doing. They may as well just have voted no. I honestly think they saw abstaining from  the vote as "the best PR measure".


    I'm super surprised that Serbia abstained. (That's where I'm from)


    We've had Kosovo similarly taken from us by the Albanians. So, you would expect Serbia to understand the situation as well. But I guess they're sucking up to the US and UN.

  15. On 10/26/2023 at 2:47 AM, Stoned Mary in the Garden said:

    Okay lol. I did my own research and figured it out and your comment was not helpful at all. You sound literally nuts. Take a deep breath. 


    ummm I responded to this comment with proof of what I was saying and a link to a newspaper article that corroborates what I've said previously about the ceasefire.


    however, this post seems to have been deleted.


    Are the mods "cleaning up" this thread so that users who are in the free Palestine camp can't post articles? What is going on? 

  16. 6 hours ago, honey dew said:

    So what is the ultimate end goal of the Free Palestine movement vs the end goal of Zionism? From what I've read a majority of both populations support a two-state solution. And if Jews originated from that area then I guess Israel should exist for them at the bare minimum right? 



    Honestly? The Israelis should just fuck off. There, that's the solution. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Future Jazz said:

    How is targeting schools, mosques, hospitals, the very road which people were supposed to evacuate on, not targeting civilians? Can you imagine having to leave everything within 24 hours, having to leave everything behind, living without electricity and food supply for now more than two weeks, especially when you were already displaced once or twice? The trauma that is inflicted on children? Hospitals having to run without electricity, without anesthesia? Do you genuinely think there’s no targeting civilians here?

    The number of Palestinian deaths is 5 times as big as that of Israeli deaths, and it’s only going to get worse given the power of the Israeli army, the large support it gets - from Biden, among others - and the fact that despite the ethnic cleansing, despite the dehumanizing language that comes with it, despite the assassination of journalists, the vast majority of the West isn’t lifting a finger. In my country, demonstrations in support of Palestinians - not Hamas, Palestinians - are even forbidden

    I don’t get how anyone can genuinely think that cutting electricity and supply to 2.3 million people, when you’re incredibly more powerful than your enemy, which, by the way, is the only “force” on that “side” because Israel has completely killed each and every form of peaceful action, isn’t targeting civilians.


    Well said. It's crazy how some folks still don't get what's going on. 


    I guess it's easier to turn a blind eye and not face the music. Always has been.

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