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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. This era was such a serve.


    1. A glorious album and undoubtedly her best

    2. Career-best reviews

    3. Year-end best-of lists

    4. A certified bop that played on the radio (Doin' Time) with a cinematic MV that sits in her top 10.

    5. Gorgeous ballads that put her back on the ballad map after Lust for Life's and Honeymoon's weak attempts, with Mariner's 

    6. A career defining song in Venice Bitch and Best New Track from Pitchfork

    7. Another bop with Don't Call Me angel and a video that reached the cinematic quality of Shades of Cool and Born to Die - for the first time in years

    8. A knockout look in Don't Call Me Angel that the internet went crazy for

    9. A brilliant tour that I had the chance to see live where she absolutely slayed

    10. A number of other and home-made videos that kept us engaged

    11. And even a Lookin'  for America single - a rare example of Lana being political that actually worked in her favor

    12. A number of appearances on radio, the children's hospital and elsewhere to promote the album and keep the conversation going

    13. A grammy nod and a major award win


    All in all, her best and most generous era since Born to Die.


    I can only hope her next era is like that. 

  2. 1 hour ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    No having any music videos has harmed the promotion and success of the album.  I don’t know what Lana and her team were thinking. Should have had three videos out by now. This not caring attitude is bizarre.  


    Tbh tho- better no videos at all than the lazy Arcadia or LMLYLAW style videos.


    Like, get a proper budget and give us one good MV serve like Born to Die, Ride, Shades of Cool, Young & Beautiful, National Anthem or Don't Call Me Angel. Those were like movies to me and perfectly complement the music.


    The last OK video she had was Chemtrails and Doin' Time but even those were small budget and nowhere near as cinematic as the ones I mentioned.


    I wonder if Interscope is struggling financially since Covid and generally in the streaming era.


    If I were Lana (and Ben), I would've demanded two videos - a glamorous tragic sad one for Ocean Boulevard, and a slutty crazy one for A&W. With a good treatment and director, 100 mil views guaranteed.


    Instead, we'll get a cheap Candy Necklace mv, which is doing poorly on streaming already and we'll end up with a 5 mill view count at best - if the video even comes out.

  3. 17 hours ago, taco truck said:

    Honestly I like most of the songs, but I just don’t find myself going back to the album besides A&W, Peppers, and Taco Truck. Tbh I think this is going to be an album that a year or so from now will finally click with me lol. I have just now been able to start to appreciate Chemtrails for what it is (though I do still think the second half drags), and I only like BB less as time goes on, but this album I do think I could start to really like. 


    i mostly listen to ocean boulevard. Still the strongest track on the album and her strongest track since White Dress. Occasionally i'll play taco truck, let the light in, paris, texas, sweet, a&w and margaret.


    i'm surprised that Grandfather really lost its power for me after a few listens. 


    Also, I know I'll never play kintsugi, fingertips or the interludes again. feel like those tracks add nothing to the table except make the album feel more miserable and bloated. Wasn't surprised to see they're the least listened to on iTunes. They're way so boring.

    I just miss a really great uptempo or full on rock girl track that i'd be obsessed with like i was with West Coast, Ride, Doin' Time, High by the Beach or Blue Jeans.

    While I appreciate Antoniff, I kinda wish she explored working with Emil or Rick or Martin again and tried to make another hit song. Maybe another Weeknd track?


    This is her third album without hits (I'll count Doin' Time as a hit) and I miss hearing Lana on the radio. Who wants The Grants and Candy Necklace as singles? Definitely not me, and most certainly not the general public.


    Most of all, I want the fun Lana back! Lana if you're reading this, can we have another Serial Killer or Summertime Sadness please)? Cuz "baby, you've been bringing me down"...


  4. On 4/22/2023 at 9:05 PM, Cherry Blossom said:


    My hatred of Blue Banisters isn’t for the actual songs themselves, but the album and its concept / creation.


    Individually, the songs are great. The 3 2013 songs, IYLDWM, BBS, Arcadia, Dealer, Thunder and Sweet Carolina are some of my favourite Lana songs. However the creation of Blue Banisters (in my opinion) is so incredibly lazy and random. 

    Not to mention, the things she attempted with Text Book, Blue Banisters, WFWF, Beautiful and Violets For Roses are done miles better on Ocean Blvd.


    Personally, I think Blue Banisters is a stain on her discography simply because she rushed to release it (and the initial concept was changed so many times) and it feels unfocused. The songs I mentioned above were necessary for her to get to the stage she is at with her poetic personal writing, but that doesn’t mean she should have released this. It feels like she had those 4 singles, realised she found where she wanted to go artistically on future records, and tried to quickly shape an album around it by pulling songs from anywhere and everywhere (including YouTube). 


    TL;DR: Sometimes songs have to be written for an artist to move forward artistically but that doesn’t mean they have to be released. 


    Anyways yeah that’s my personal opinion on BB, I don’t hate it like it’s not Ava Max level bad but still it sits at the bottom of my ranking and will probably stay there. For newer fans, or people who don’t care for albums as a collective body, I understand why they would like it but for me I just cant see this compilation of tracks as an acclaimed body of work on par with her others.


    it's a shit record that she totally winged and everything you said is correct. Shoulda been an EP like Paradise. It doesn't deserve to be called an LDR album. Hopefully, it remains the lowest bar she'll ever hit.

  5. 6 hours ago, shadesofyayo said:

    the song that grew on me the most is The Grants, it's seriously soo beautiful. It has her best vocals on the album, alongside American Whore :crying4:


    The track that grew on me the most is Margaret, perfect for lazy days. Also vibing to Peppers more.


    The song I that I stated to skip: Candy Necklace, too depressing. Kinda shocking that this is the song chosen for what seems like will be the only MV this record will have.


  6. 7 hours ago, syrup amour said:

    I was just sitting and listening to Candy necklace, I had my Lana playlist on shuffle, and for the first time I think I know what people mean when they said that this album has a weird almost muffled sound. I wouldn’t say that it sounds like it’s recorded with a toaster, which is how other people have put it, but I get it now. It came up after White Mustang, it was shocking how different the quality was. However that does not mean that I don’t love the album, I just wonder why that’s so.


    it's like she's embarrassed of her own sound so she made the album as quiet as possible. Played it at the gym after doja cat - barely heard anything with FULL VOLUME ON and HUGE SPEAKERS.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Venice Jesus Whore said:

    I promise I’m not throwing shade, looking down on anyone, saying my taste is better or more sophisticated than anyone. I seriously meant none of my comment to be hurtful or snobby at all though I may have failed at that. 

    I do understand the album is very slow. It’s not the one I’m going to put on in the background when friends and family are around. Doin Time and Summertime Sadness will be the songs played then. Songs like the title track, Sweet, Kintsugi, Fingertips are not my usual favorite type of Lana song or song in general at all. I didn’t even care for the title track much when it was released. But her songwriting on those songs is just unbelievable, especially listened to in the context of the rest of the album. 

    I’m just saying that this album is feels like Lana has put so much detail, thought, and of herself in it. It feels like such an expansion into who Lana is and such a mix of styles from all her previous albums that I feel like fans are missing out if they aren’t giving it a chance and diving in, (because it can be slow and depressing and hard to appreciate right away).


    Thanks for explaining. It's indisputable that it's a good record. Ocean Boulevard, for me, stands among her great songs ever. But I completely understand why some people would find this kind of music depressing and stay clear of it. It's not for everyone. So, just make peace with the fact that Lana is not Taylor or some "basic bitch' haha.

  8. 6 hours ago, Venice Jesus Whore said:

    I mean this in the nicest and least pretentious possible: I feel sad for people who don’t vibe with this album and don’t consider it her best work. It’s one of the best albums of all time and my personal favorite album of all time. I’ve never seen her songwriting so strong or so personal, so creative (and lord knows she’s always been incredibly creative). This feels like the most Lana album we’ve ever gotten and the most of Lana we’ve ever been given.


    I understand people have different music tastes and have different experiences and personal ties to certain albums or music. But I really don’t understand how, if you’re a true Lana fan, you don’t like this album or don’t consider it one of her best. I NEVER thought she’d be able to top NFR or her other albums, but this feels almost like it’s in a different realm for me. And that’s not me knocking on any of her past albums because I think just as highly of them as I ever have - it’s more of a testament to how highly I think of this album. 


    Happy for you. But tbh, no need to throw shade and "feel sad" for people who don't like the album. Different strokes. I like it a lot. Is it better than NFR? No.


    It's very, very slow and depressing at times and doesn't have any fun or upbeat moments ala Doin' Time or Summertime Sadness, which is why  is a lot of people aren't into it - and they have every right to feel that way. It doesn't mean their tastes are worse or less sophisticated than yours. :noparty: 

    So, is this era already over?


    We got Candy Necklace MV coming potentially, but anything else on the horizon? Seems to have gone and went away so fast. 

  9. 11 hours ago, J.R.OMEGA said:

    Just here to say, I'm glad they have removed the Judah Smith interlude on the new vinyl version coming out. That track has been blocked on Spotify since my first full listen to Ocean Blvd. Going from A&W into Candy Necklace is how I've become accustomed to this album playing out. FINALLY a vinyl version I can listen to beginning to end without skipping a track. That track knocked this album down a few notches for me tbh. Having a blocked track on a Lana album has been very disconcerting. Glad to put that trigger track behind me finally!!

    Also tata vinyl is a winwin!!

    Ps. I wonder if Judah Smith had something to do with the removal of the track given Lana's tata would be hanging out on the cover? Just wondering why it's been removed on the new version. I'm totally ok with its removal, just curious why.

    cuz it's a bizarre cut that knocks the wind out of the mid section of the album and everyone hates it? 🤷🏻‍♂️

  10. 2 hours ago, selfbeyondtheory said:

    Happy to announce that after weeks of trying, I've gaslit myself into loving Fishtail. 


    Also I'm cbf going back through all the pages; what's everyone's take on rust dress? New album releasing Friday? Ok I'm on board, let's do this.

    I like the track. But it's soooo daaamn quiet, I can barely hear it on my headphones. Thank god i'm not some studio head at interscope because heads would be flyin'

  11. 25 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:


    So I'm not the only one who can't hear the album clearly. I thought it was just me. Good to know. 


    I feel like this has been going on since NFR, worst on some songs and not so bad in others. 

    Usually I play music on 40% on my homepod. It's the optimal volume. Some albums are loud so sometimes I have to lower the volume to 30% not to bug the neighbors who have a little kid.

    I just played Paris, Texas and had to go to 80% (!) to hear it. And there's no chance neighbors would get upset. So, that's where we are with Lana's albums right now. 

    28 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:


    So I'm not the only one who can't hear the album clearly. I thought it was just me. Good to know. 


    I feel like this has been going on since NFR, worst on some songs and not so bad in others. 

    yeah, chemtrails was when it started I think. That's when I first felt like I was deaf, having to keep raising the volume.

  12. 6 hours ago, Glitter Boy said:

    yeah it's not buried - maybe the mixing is not clear enough and definitely the EQ is not well executed. sometimes it sounds like she's too close to the mic and they didn't reduce the lower frequencies aka it sounds too muffled. that sort of keeps me from fully enjoy all of the songs.

    and what annoys me the most is the stark contrast with songs like The Grants, title track or Let the Light In, where her vocals are loud and clear, sometimes too much it even clips :headache:


    Yeah, I guess it's what you get when you have like 7 producers listed. When Knowels was producing Lust for Life, it all had an evenly loud sound and similar mixing despite the different vibes and arrangements of each song. So I'm gonna say it's the mixing that's the issue with OB - the mastering and mixing. 

  13. 15 hours ago, Vertimus said:

    Full agree. Why Lana apparently chose the entire production to come off so 'dim' and muffled is beyond me, especially on the vocals. It makes the whole album feel sleepy and distant. To me it sounds as if she were singing on the other side of the room from the mic during the whole time in the studio. And that goes for the music too. 


    Crisp, clear, direct, it is not.  


    I agree about the AirPods too, even the most current model. 


    And that's why this thread died, IMO. It's not because of the early leaks, it's because the album is not exactly vibrant. To use Chaotic Lipster's phrase, I don't think the replay value is strong the way it is on many other of Lana's albums, that we've literally been listening to years and haven't tired of. 


    I hear ya. Honestly, it's a bit sad when you go from a song like Born to Die with its loud, bangin' production to like Candy Necklace that's super somber and barely audible in comparison. Or when Sir ijumps from Ocean Boulevard to The Weekend. It's like driving from under the sea and into the city. I still like the album a lot, I just wish it was mixed normally.

  14. 9 hours ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

    I love Fishtail but I hate how mumbled it is. It works on Kintsugi but I wish the vocals on Fishtail were more clear, it would truly be one of the best song on the album, it would have been Cherry 2.0 




    Actually, the whole album is so QUIET. I added a few songs to my "best of lana" playlist, and they were wedged between some Born to Die tracks. OMG, the songs are like three times quieter than Born to Die's. It's like you've gone death and can't hear well.  I don't know why they choose to mix these tracks so quiet.


    But it's annoying af. Basically, you need pro headphones to be able to hear it well. If you have ordinary airpods, you can't hear shit.

  15. 5 hours ago, shadesofyayo said:

    i actually like paris texas but the main problem i have with the whole album is that there’s so much instrumental filler, like nobody needs a 1 minute long intro/outro

    disagree. Her past albums suffered from

    too much of her singing and little to no breathing space. I remember feeling exhausted by her voice by the end of lfl and honeymoon. It was, like, constant with no instrumentals.


    the orchestrations, intervals and lana-free moments are super welcome. Jack's really good with that (venice bitch being a prime example). It's not just about lana and her singing, it's about the music - as it should be. At least half-way. That's why these records do better with the critics, they're way more musical

  16. 25 minutes ago, MrFameKills said:

    That's a refrain and UV has to be her album where most of the refrains are just her repeating the title, which isn't a problem per say but really no comparing the two





    Well, at least with "I'm a sad girl" I knew what the hell she's singing about. 


    When she repeats "Candy neckleces," I have no f-ing idea. 


    So, since you're the lyric expert, minding explaining that refrain?

  17. 13 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:

    Girl OB has songs which are so much better lyrically like pls they're too many to list out.

    They aren't like


    "I'm a Saad girl ima baaaad girl"


    "Guns n roses x infinity"


    Summer bummer


    Haha, okay, I see your "I'm a sad girll" and raise you "You wanted me sadder., you wanted me sadder" 


    Candy necklaces x infinity


    "When I look back, tracing fingertips over plastic bags". 

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