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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. Spoiler

    Just heard Father, please stand.... Loved it! :party:za`


    Really into RIOPY's work, so I'm not surprised. The song's orchestra, meandering flutes, and melodies remind me of some of Bjork's work. Her finest song since NFR!


    And again, more Disney vibes production-wise! Thanks, Jack <3


    Ranking so far:


    1. Grandfather, please stand on my shoulder...

    2. Did you know that there's a tunnel under...

    3. The Grants

    4. A&W 

    5. John Baptiste Interlude

    6. Sweet


    (Lana's whole discography)


    140. Fingertips. (Really, really hate this "song" for now, and wish I could unhear it.)



  2. 1 minute ago, SalvaWHORE said:
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    How was the l**k guys? Tell me there's still only 3 songs in HQ, why can't we win for once until the release date :icant:




    Apparently, there's a zip folder of the full record. Downloading now and will see if it's the real thing. Before you judge - been buying Lana's music and going to her concerts for about a decade, and will buy this album as well... But honestly, I can't wait for 22 more days when it's, like, right there.


  3. 1 hour ago, Flowerbomb said:
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    I really love the preacher interlude. I thought I would hate it but it sounds so mysterious and trippy





    Me too. Probably the darkest, most experimental and complementary to AW of the leaks. 

    Sweet has grown on me a little. But it's still of the same cloth as Beautiful / anything on BB .Maybe slightly better (a bit more lush, Disney-esque production).


  4. Just now, honeymoon is alive said:

    i will not accept fingertips slander :oprah3:


    Just now, honeymoon is alive said:

    i will not accept fingertips slander :oprah3:



    What do you like about it? It's clearly something she vomited into her iPhone while driving around in her car, without any real effort to create a compelling melody, a chorus etc (AKA a real song) and then sent to to Zach to try and make a song out of it. And Zach, being the yes men that he is, tried and failed like he does with everything.


    It just sounds like it belongs on Violet - except that the poetry itself is a lot less nuanced and (even) more rambling.


  5. Spoiler

    So, I caved in and listened to the three leaked songs... Huge LDR fan, btw, since I first heard Blue Jeans in 2012!


    Preface: I loved Did You Know that... single and thought it was her strongest single since White Dress. I wasn't as smitten with A&W  as much as everyone else was, but I did appreciate it's Radiohead-ness and the sheer craziness of the second half. It's a different sound for her. Most of all, I'm just happy it's not a piano ballad (being her first track with a beat since, like, Doin' Time, if we don't count The Trio, which don't get me started...)


    Thoughts on the leaks: The Grant is a strong opening. It didn't amaze me as much as Ride, Born to Die, White Dress, Cruel World or Norman F. Rockwell, but on a first listen, I prefer it to Love, Honeymoon, and definitely Textbook, which is her worst opening (and worst album) ever. I'm happy with The Grants and love that there's already three songs on this album better than anything on BB. The opening with the choir is very Grammy friendly. Like an intro to a really strong, mature record.


    BUT, I thought Sweet was boring AF and Fingertips is outright unlistenable. A total skip for me already. It sounds to me like rambling backed by an orchestra... These tracks just confirm that Zachary Davis is the worst producer Lana has ever worked with . Bring back Dan, Rick, Hayne, or any of her old producers. Or just let Jack produce everything. I'm hoping his production skills will be on point on the 11 tracks he's (allegedly) credited on. Because if Zach D. has more say on this record, then Ima have it on the bottom of the list along with BB.


    Also, why would you put Sweet as song number 3 on the record when it's SO SO BORING? Ugh. She's like obsessed with Zach, and he literally produces her most boring and unmemorable songs ever...


  6. 12 minutes ago, honey dew said:

    Mary.. all of those things you list are just smoke and mirrors tactics that people with no real talent depend on to make you believe they're world class musicians. Lana is on another level now. Anyone with enough money behind them can make a chart topping song and wear designer in a high budget music video and people fall for it every time when really theyre just serving Mcdonalds music. Look what happened to Justin Bieber. If i heard Blue banisters playing over Kmart speakers I would k*** ******


    Well, I'd take the glamour and the melody of Young & Beautiful over the screatching-cat histrionics in a plaid shirt any day. But it's good to see Blue Banisters has this many fans...

  7. 8 minutes ago, FallingCherry said:

    With poor streaming numbers and no vinyls. Most of COTCC’ sales came from vinyls, most of Lana’s sales in general come from vinyls. She performed really well without them, 33k is not bad at all considering it’s her second album this year and she did little to no promo for it.
    Now if you REALLY care about the charts, you should maybe worry about Elton who wasn’t even able to outchart Lana with a collaborative album that includes Nicki Minaj and Dua Lipa.


    I love Lana, and I loved Chemtrails. But I do feel like BB was an unnecessary, quickly put-together release that does nothing to further her career both sonically and especially not as a pop star. The zero-wave traction territory she's in right now is pretty embarrassing when you consider she's the same person who wrote Born to Die. I just think she's lost a certain willpower, a certain spark, which is reflected in a complete lack of big songs, hits, good-quality music videos, promotion, and even the negligent way she dressed up to do Arcadia. It's like she's stopped caring. And it's tough for a die-hard fan to endure this BB era (undoubtedly her worst-ever era, even worse than Chemtrails).

  8. Blue Banisters: Nectar of the Gods, Cherry Blossom, Living Legend (this album wouldn't have been so unwieldy at 12 tracks only)

    Chemtrails: Breaking Up Slowly, For Free (Breaking up slowly has zero chord progression and For Free is just a throwaway cover)

    Norman Fucking Rockwell: The Next Best American Record (makes the album unnecessarily longer and does nothing to add to it)

    Lust for Life: Coachella - Woodstock on My Mind, Change (ugh, hate both these tracks, especially Coachella)

    Honeymoon: Freak, Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (Freak is one of her worst, laziest tracks, and Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood I played once or twice)

    Ultraviolence: Sad Girl, The Other Woman, Guns and Roses (some of her laziest cuts)


    Song I wish she never released in any context: You'll Never Walk Alone (her worst track ever)

  9. 1 hour ago, plastiscguy said:

    In my opinion, they aren't really polished and I understand it's because Lana wanted this album to sound raw, pure and "desperately" fragile but like someone mentioned above, I'm also not a fan of it.

    It sounds too messy and sometimes the vocals are way too loud (Arcadia, Black Bathing Suit, If You Lie Down with Me, Sweet Carolina) and it hurts my ears :creep:


    Overall, I do love the album... But I do agree the execution failed and could have been done much better. 



    Agree with this so much. My colleagues at work at pissed off at me because she sounds like a screeching cat through my headphones, especially on Arcadia. The music is mixed so low compared to her voice and the voice itself is unpolished, and therefore it just sounds amateurish in places. In comparison, they don't complain when I listen to tracks like Ride or Video Games, etc. Fantano is right. Something is wrong in La-Na Land this time. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Poor Stacy said:

    This is hilariously condescending. Half of her albums aren’t even above 7/10 in your rankings. If half her output is that mediocre to you, frankly, l don’t consider YOU to be a true fan. A lot of us here genuinely do feel she’s putting out consistently great albums. Your experience with her music, your favorite songs - they don’t automatically apply to everyone else. 


    Half of them I ranked 7/10 for sure. And the other half, well, I give 10/10s to really remarkable albums (like NFR was), and for me, Blue Banisters is a 6/10, and I don't need to explain that to you. Soz. But now that you mention it, I might have to give higher scores to a few of those as I didn't really give them a proper chance (like the debut album).

  11. 11 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    I don’t think anyone is challenging your opinion on the record (which you are absolutely entitled to). People are taking an issue with the fact that you invalidated people’s fan-ship based on THEIR personal opinion, that just so happens to be contrary to yours. Nobody has called you a “fake fan” because you dislike the record, so it’s seemingly fallible for you to suggest that people are “fake fans” because they do like it. 


    I see your point, probably shouldn't have said. It's just kind of unfathomable to me how some people can rank this higher than her past records. It's such a half-arsed effot from Lana in my view. But again, grateful that she's given us two albums this year, and hope it grows on me


    Can we all chill out now

  12. 2 hours ago, Super Movie said:

    So we're not true fans for liking the album, but you were literally on here a few months ago going on and on about Lana's body in a negative manner and you are? This just in: people are allowed to like new things and still be a fan of the artist! I don't care whether or not you like the album, this is a weird mentality for anyone to have on any musician. I agree that most of those songs you mentioned are outstanding tracks, but that doesn't take away from there being tracks people like on Blue Banisters too and to claim that it does makes absolutely zero sense. 


    This is just a general thing to everyone, myself included: your opinions do not equal facts, and you shouldn't present them as such. Okay, rant over :runs:


    I never said it's a fact.... It's just, like, my opinion. 


    I completely love and respect the fact that y'all like it. But it seems to be that there are no memorable songs on it, and that we won't have another Love or Video Games on our hands with this album. I'd be hard pressed to add any of the tracks  on BB to a LDR best off. None of the songs, except maybe Black Bathing Suit, carry any weight in terms of her discography, which was far more adventurous and memorable on her past records, including Chemtrails.


    But again, this is just one opinion, guys... Why get your panties in a knot? If you're that sure the album is banging, you won't care about what I have to say, right? Just enjoy the record. Love to all (from someone who - remember - has every right in the world to DISLIKE the record, as much as you like it). Peace

  13. 29 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    I don’t agree with everything you’ve said but it’s refreshing to see a fearless review that isn’t a 9-10 calling it the greatest album of all time. I think it’s a fan bias to want to score your faves music so highly every single time. 


    Haha. Glad you agree the reviews are ott.

    In my opinion, those who rate this album super high aren't really true fans. Because they would know that songs on this record are a far cry from tracks like Ride, Blue Jeans, West Coast, Young & Beautiful, Venice Bitch, White Dress etc. on almost every level.


    A few years down the line, no one will remember any of the tracks off it, the public will have ignored it in its entirety, and it will end up amongst her lowest ranked on Spotify and other streaming platforms, right alongside Honeymoon and Chemtrails.



  14. 1 minute ago, CmonDownToFL said:



    This is some of the spookiest shite I have ever read. Happy halloween to all :oprah2:


    Ha-ha. My friends are pretty disappointed too. And it looks like the videos are generating hardly any views. 


    I'm glad you like it, but I don't think this album will be remembered as one of her best by the world at large either...

    1 minute ago, Sportscruiser said:


    Imagine relegating this to piano-ballad when there’s BBS, Text Book, IYLDWM, Dealer, WW, NOTG… :eek2:


    And what is WW if not a piano ballad? Do you think it's not because there's 30 secs of a crunching beat added? The song is a piano ballad through and through.

  15. So, now that I've given this a proper listen, I'm sad to report it's one of my least fav LDR records. :( There are no great songs or bops (at least Chemtrails had White Dress and Honeymoon had High By the Beach), and this is sonically her least adventurous record to date.


    Like, Ultraviolence was rock-ish, Norman was surf-ish, Born to Die was pop-ish, Honeymoon - jazzy, Lust for Life - hip-hop-ish, and will someone tell me what Blue Banisters was supposed to be? Piano-ish?


    I feel like this album is directionless and encapsulates all of Lana's recent bad tendencies: from recording vocals in one take, to lazy and unadventurous production, to recycling her old songs. Frankly, I wish she'd just called a spade and spade and called it LDR: Unreleased, or LDR: B-sides.


    The closest she got to having a direction with this record was the confessional poetry style ala Anne Sexton or Fank O'Hara that you find in Blue Banisters, Text Book, Wildfire, Black Bathing Suit, and Sweet Carolina.


    But then the rest of the songs don't fit with that concept at all, especially Dealer or The Trio, or the super conventional verse-chorus Violets for Roses, Thunder or Beautiful. It's a mess. 


    Track ranking:



    Black Bathing Suit

    If You Lie Down With Me




    Wildfire Wildfire

    Blue Banisters




    Text Book





    Violets for Roses

    Sweet Carolina



    Interlude/The Trio

    Living Legend



    Cherry Blossom (the new "production" ruined it)



    Nectar of the Gods (ugh, her most boring track to date?)


    Album rating:



    Album ranking:


    1. Norman Fucking Rockwell! 10/10

    2. Ultraviolence 8/10 (too frontloaded, needed more meat in the second half)

    3. Born to Die 7.5/10 (disappointing album on the whole, but many of her best cuts ever are on it so it's undeniably inspired)

    4. Lust for Life 7/.5/10 

    5. Chemtrails Over the Country Club 7.10

    6. Paradise 6.9/10

    7. Honeymoon 6.5/10

    8. Blue Banisters 6/10

    9. Violet Bent Backwards over the Grass 5/10

    10. Lana Del Rey (never listen to this) 4/10


    I really hope she takes a break and goes in a new direction next time. NO MORE PIANO BALLADS, PLEASE. I need the epicness of tracks like Ride, Young & Beautiful, West Coast, The Greatest, etc. 


  16. 1 hour ago, mlittle11 said:
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    i feel this. i think the new songs are okay… if you lie down with me is my favorite of them all. the thunder rework is great imo but thats about all i have to say. i was so ready for this to be one of my fave albums of hers but its just not hitting for me. 




    My father passed away yesterday. To say I'm heartbroken and devastated is an understatement.I cried throughout check-in and luggage check at the airport. Drowning my sorrows in a beer and played the album. I don't even care if it's good. I just want sad Lana songs for the plane ride. The mention of her father on Text Book brought me to tears again. I'm so thankful the album leaked to help me through this awful time, and whether I like it or not later down the line - I'm just grateful she put it out and is as productive and hard-working as she is. We're all blessed.

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