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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. 1 minute ago, Sportscruiser said:


    Hmm… Spoilers about the production of Peppers:


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    Calling Peppers one of her most conventional songs is a huge stretch and, dare I say, objectively false. This is a trap track with random guitars here and there that later on morphs into a psych surf rock track that seems to be all over the place. I listen to hip hop regularly (which I’m not sure what it has to do with anything) and conventional this ain’t, lol. 


    I don’t think no one is comparing this to Arca or Björk but for Lana standards it’s pretty outside of her box.


    Bro! Thanks for pointing out. Will try and find it and spoiler tag it. Sorry, everyone

  2. 7 minutes ago, Whitemustang said:


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    Experimental music is a general label for any music or music genre that pushes existing boundaries and genre definitions.

    I think the fact that she mashed different genres within the production (live instruments mixed with trap beats) on Peppers makes it quite experimental somehow and something I haven’t quite heard before. It’s not the most genre pushing track that’s ever been done in music history but there is a strong element of experimentation on the track. 




    Exactly - pushes the boundaries and genre definitions. 


    Do you think Lana and Jack just invented mixing live instruments with trap? Lmao.



  3. 11 minutes ago, Venicebiatch69 said:
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    the truth: peppers is experimental for lana seeing as her past 2 albums have been pretty much piano and acoustic guitar. it's not experimental in the realm of other artists like bjork or sophie etc etc it gives me summer bummer/brite lites/high by the beach vibes 




    Experimental music is something like Steve Reich's loopy minimalist music, or Bjork's Medulla, where the only instruments are human voices. 


    Peppers is a trap beat with some hooks over it and a sample. Can we stop embarrassing ourselves by calling the track "experimental"?


    Like, it's proper embarrassing.


  4. 42 minutes ago, Poor Stacy said:


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    ??? are we hearing the same song


    The chorus is a random sample that barely fits, Jack is tinkering all over the song w/ random instruments, the song randomly morphs into surf rock near the end - the vocals and effects are trippy as hell. What is your definition of experimental, just out of curiosity? I don't think anyone is expecting Lana to make a Bjork album, but it's definitely 'out there'...





    Anyone who listens to hip-hop will know that there's absolutely nothing experimental about this song.


    If anything, it's one of Lana's more conventional songs, especially compared to AW. 


    That said, the song will sound much better and possibly more "experimental" in HQ. 


  5. 25 minutes ago, Mistress999 said:
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    Unpopular opinion: i don't like Peppers at all...


    From what i heard, the production seems unfinished and the beats sounds dull.


    Idk, could it be a demo? Or is the low quality of it?


    I'm sorry but I don't get the hype for this song :(





    I don't like it either. :(But at least it's not moving at a funeral march pace and will add some dynamic to the album.


  6. 3 hours ago, tulsa jesus freaks said:

    lowkey hope so, i mean Lana is a versatile artist but it does feel like in the last three albums (ocean blvd, cocc and bb) she is kinda not leaving a certain comfort zone she created for herself kinda relying on the same elements for most of her tracks minus some songs (i said MINUS SOME SONGS i swear if someone replys with "what about peppers??) 

    and while the results can be great i feel like if she doesn't switch her main sound up a bit for the next album it could start to get very repetitive

    i mean just look at BTD-UV-HONEYMOON three completely different sounds back to back, that diversity is lacking in her recent projects and again, i'm sure Ocean Blvd is gonna be great, but for the next album i think she should go back to exploring again


    pls don't fight me if u dont agree:squidward:


    💯 agree with this. Best post i've seen here so far on the this topic, sums up everything.


    i was kinda hoping Ocean Boulevard will have that new sound. But with Sweet, The Grants, Fingertips, etc, it's definitely in the comfort zone.

    Still, if it ends up being a good record, i'll be willing to look past it. 

    (But the next record better not be chalk-full of piano ballads, lanita 😑)


  7. 2 minutes ago, littleredpartydress said:

    I just want to know what the Instagram account was either intended to be for or is going to be :rip: 


    at this point I doubt it ever turns into anything


    Omg, if i were Ben, you guys would get a high budget video, a trailer, a better third single, an active social media account and more, in addition to the interviews, etc.

  8. 1 minute ago, Venice Peach said:

    I wonder what the album campaign is :thumb2: I mean we're getting more stuff than for BB but she explicitly said she didn't want to promote that one (and Chemtrails was during the pandemic too).


    I mean I'm satisfied enough with the music and a couple of interviews/photoshoots but yeah it's just another standard rollout for her... I guess Ben likes emojis and Ed likes to use fancy words :hide:


    dont forget they opened a new insta profile 😂



  9. 1 minute ago, Sportscruiser said:


    Compared to BB and COCC, this has promo to it. There are ads in every social media, posters around the US and Europe, 3 decent-to-amazing photoshoots, her Visionary Award, she’s coming back to doing concerts… there’s something different this time around. Feels like a good middle point between Lana not wanting to play the game while also making herself somehow present. 


    I honestly don’t think her album trailers do much outside of her fandom and music videos are kind of a dying art form these days… I think they should’ve done something with the Oceanblvd Insta account tho.

    Fair point! I forgot about the ads on London tube (Riopy just posted about it), etc. 


    The interviews are more PR, as is the award. That's probably managed by Interscope's PR agency or Lana's PR rep.


    I do not see a lot of work from Ben, tho.  But then who knows what goes on bts

  10. 4 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:


    It’s a promo single that ironically has zero promo to it. Had she released something like Peppers, it would have become viral - people were really hyped about A&W.


    That is another good point.


    When are Ben and Interscope going to start doing promotions for this record? No trailer, no music videos, no TV appearances, not even lyric visualizers on youtube. Like, what exactly is the point of having them?

  11. Just now, God&Monster said:

    Not y’all not liking The Grants because it didn’t debut on some random, insignificant chart. :xgiggle:


    It's a fine song IMO. 7/10.  No one's hating on it, no one's being a hater.


    I think some people, myself included, just cannot and will not wrap our heads around it being picked as a single ten days before the album drops when it sounds more like a funeral procession than anything resembling a single.  We feel like she shot herself in the foot, that's all. 





  12. 17 minutes ago, Xenoblade 2 said:


    Partial day for A&W:

    Now imagine had the album l3aked a couple weeks ago, she literally won’t be able to chart at all release week :toofunny:.



    well, a whole bunch of us said The Grants is the wrong choice for a single, but we got called "haters." 

    So, hopefully, once everyone sees the low streaming numbers (bound to happen), they'll get where we're coming from. 

    shoulda been Grandfather, Peppers, CN or Taco. Better streaming numbers guaranteed and more chances of release day success.

  13. 38 minutes ago, Jeanne Dielman said:


    Putting Kintsugi and Fingertips next to each other on the tracklist sounds like a very risky move. I'm here for it, though!


    By the way I'm seeing an interesting pattern here:


    The Grants - Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Sweet: the orchestral/warm (and introductory) section

    A&W - Judah Smith Interlude: the dark section

    Candy Necklace - Jon Batiste Interlude: ?

    Kintsugi - Fingertips: the dense/wordy section

    Paris, Texas - Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing: the emotionally liberating section

    Let The Light In - Margaret: the loose/relaxed section

    Fishtail - Peppers - Taco Truck x VB: the fun/bop section of the album 



    My theory: the album will get better and more interesting the further it goes along, like a tunnel.


    It starts with The Grants, Sweet and other slow songs, and then moves towards more upbeat and interesting songs like Let the Right In, Grandfather, etc. And, of course, it  culminates with the most dancy, upbeat and light trio of Fishtail-Traco Truck.


    I think it's a concept album, wherein we're invited on a journey through Lana herself - from one extreme to another.



  14. Just now, Get Drunk said:
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    Starting to get scared I’m gonna hate fingertips and Kintsugi.. I can’t stand songs without a melody. 




    It has an imprompty, ad hoc melody. Like something you'd come up with in the shower or in the car en route to Target.


    This has prompted some to call it the "best Lana songs of all time" and a "masterpiece." For me, it's a skip, like Trio was on BB.


  15. 52 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Lana really is down that singer-songwriter path she always was on but might not have been as apparent at first. Agree 💯 with what you said: it’s not for everyone. 
    but for me, it is incredible, to be able to hear such songs, especially the new ones with the orchestra. It’s when I try to get back to pure pop that I find it boring, soulless and manufactured  (for example: Miley’s latest really didn’t do much for me :pft:; I really thought it followed the recipe to female pop singers putting out a breakup album. No tea no shade towards her or anyone who loved it though)


    Glad it's working out for you. I'll wait for the full album to reserve my judgement, as I think everyone should. Nobody should reach any conclusions based on The Grants or the singles alone. After all, Lana more of  an album artist than a single artist, (like Miley is, no shade).



  16. 1 hour ago, Harry Nilsson said:

    it's not you who's outgrowing Lana, it's Lana who's outgrowing you because you missed to accept her change of style 


    i agree the word "outgrow" is super shady and unnecessary. Conversely, i don't think lana is "outgrowing" her fans. 

    It's just that her new style is a less popish and more piano heavy, and not for everyone. Some will like it a lot, some won't. But no one is "outgrowing" anyone. It's just a different style, that's all.

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