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Everything posted by ImenaOphelia

  1. this is one of my fav lyrics of all time tbh when did she break up with Jack?
  2. Betty Boop Boop is the worst song ever created alongside Dance Monkeys & Ed Sheeran's discography
  3. someone on Lanapedia put ""La Lolita" here
  4. fr i was kinda dissapointed when we didn't get the tracklist on Dec 7th... so glad it hasn't leaked tho
  5. goood i can't believe that Phoenix is a toddler already, I remember her being born
  6. I can't eat How can I stay sugary sweet? If I can't sleep If I can't sleep How can I-
  7. she looks so young here... can't believe she'll turn 40 soon
  8. not him wearing a cap with the text "Polska" (Poland in Polish) and Polish emblem for like no reason 💀
  9. Herbata is actually very useful! So many people in Poland are crazy about it, including me If by "possibility", you mean possibility in case of r*pe, or if the mother's life is in danger, then a big, BIG majority is for it - according to "United Surveys" survey, only 5.2% of Poles want abortion to be illegal even in cases I mentioned before. The same survey says that 31% of Poles want liberalization of the law, which means the possibility of abortion without the necessity of sharing a reason. But, the biggest part (43%) wants the abortion compromise to be back - it was a statute, which had been applying in Poland from 1993 to 2020. You can read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Poland#20th_century. But, to be honest, I live in an environment, where almost everybody is for the possibility of free abortion. So it depends on where you live, I guess
  10. Well, I partially agree - the politics in Poland are... specific, and the current government has never hidden being against abortion, but on the other hand... wasn't changing abortion law in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic (which has claimed many victims in Poland) as much shocking? Rumor has it, that the government changed the law for a reason - to draw attention from a tragic pandemic situation at the time (which was mainly their fault lmao). I know you meant the political background, but overall, both situations are shocking.
  11. And to be clear: I am NOT diminishing American women's suffering; I am terrified this has happened, and I am supporting protesting people. But I am just so sad that those events have already happened, but in Europe, and back then almost nobody cared.
  12. This! I described Poland cause I live here and that's what came to my head at first, but the same problem exists in Malta, Croatia, and many other countries (in large part in Eastern Europe). But the world seems to just doesn't care. Women have been struggling with it for a long time, but I guess American women are more important for some reason 🥱 Of course there are some exceptions (I'm glad you cared and supported all the protesting ppl), but I don't remember the world being as much angry as it is now when the same thing happens in the US.
  13. the same thing happened in Poland in October 2020. Warsaw (the capital) was full of protesting women and men. I guess no one cared about this besides Poles lmao a text on the banner says "women's hell"
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