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Everything posted by Rachel97

  1. Rachel97

    Line vs. Line

    maybe i'd get less stressed if i was tested less like all of these debutantes smiling for miles in pink dresses and high heels on white yachts vs Don't have to write me a letter, 'cause I'll always be right here Closer to you than your next breath, my dear
  2. White Dress 100 CotCC 16 (+1) Tulsa Jesus Freak 32 Dark but Just a Game 31 Wild at Heart 42 (-1)
  3. NFR: 12 Mariners Apartment Complex: 25 Venice Bitch: 26 Fuck it I love you: 15 (+1) Cinnamon girl: 5 (-1) California: 20 The greatest: 27 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have: 15
  4. 1. Text Book 18 2. Blue Banisters 19 5. Black Bathing Suit 28 6. If You Lie Down With Me 21 8. Violets for Roses 20 (+1) 9. Dealer 24 10. Thunder 25 (+1) 11. Wildflower Wildfire 30 12. Nectar of the Gods 9 (-1) 13. Living Legend 19 14. Cherry Blossom 5 15. Sweet Carolina 8
  5. Honeymoon 41 Salvatore 9 (-1) The Blackest Day 73 (+1)
  6. Cruel World - 43 (-1) Ultraviolence - 15 Shades of Cool - 57 West Coast - 75 Pretty When You Cry - 52 (+1)
  7. 1. Text Book 17 2. Blue Banisters 16 3. Arcadia 9 5. Black Bathing Suit 26 6. If You Lie Down With Me 21 8. Violets for Roses 15 9. Dealer 22 10. Thunder 18 (+) 11. Wildflower Wildfire 22 12. Nectar of the Gods 15 (-) 13. Living Legend 20 14. Cherry Blossom 10 15. Sweet Carolina 14
  8. Think Spectrum Pulse might like the album, he's scrobbled it loads and tweeted sixth time's the charm, hope it'll be his sixth Lana review, he did say it might surprise some people Hope it wins him over, I agree with him on a lot of metal bands but never on Lana
  9. Dealer has grown on me a lot. I had it stuck in my head most of the day yesterday without even listening to it for a few days
  10. Rachel97


    Eclipse posted on instagram spoilers if you don't want to see
  11. My trinity at the moment is Thunder, Wildflower Wildfire and Violets for Roses with honourable mentions for Dealer and Black Bathing Suit. The title track has grown on me a lot too
  12. On my first listen of the day. Very nice of Lana to release it when I'm working from home
  13. 1. Text Book 15 2. Blue Banisters 15 3. Arcadia 16 4. The Interlude - The Trio 11 5. Black Bathing Suit 18 6. If You Lie Down With Me 17 7. Beautiful 15 8. Violets for Roses 15 9. Dealer 16 10. Thunder 16 11. Wildflower Wildfire 15 12. Nectar of the Gods 15 13. Living Legend 15 14. Cherry Blossom 15 15. Sweet Carolina 11
  14. First pre-release I've been a member of LB for instead of just lurking, getting all emotional now it's nearly over. It's out soon over here , but I'm going sleep now and I can't wait to see the post release thread tomorrow
  15. Rachel97

    Song vs. Song

    Old Money vs Cruel World
  16. Made it home and watched the video, it's so beautiful and simple
  17. So excited to listen to the album again on Friday and act like it's all new to me
  18. That would be perfect! Christmas day/week release to make up for last year, then three albums in a year
  19. Rachel97

    Song vs. Song

    Bel Air vs Love
  20. Nectar of the Gods came on shuffle when I was walking to work this morning, and I think it's starting to grow on me
  21. Rachel97

    Song vs. Song

    Million Dollar Man vs Sad Girl
  22. Rachel97

    Song vs. Song

    White Dress vs Black Beauty
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