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About Alloy

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  1. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

  2. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    would have made an interesting album tbh.
  3. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    to be honest, out of her whole discography, it really isn't too good and unique. It's pretty low for me, but then again most AS songs are for me.
  4. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    they're talking about Melanie ? the film literally came out before the album.
  5. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    oh great this is not good... the fact that they're not known yet either. there's around 20 MM3 btw so sit tight.
  6. Alloy


    not in the back of my car-car-car.
  7. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    I'm just lucky, maybe naive So come get high with me
  8. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    Sorry this is actually me. My sister took my phone earlier. This outtake sounds so fucking amazing. God we needed more CB outtakes.
  9. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    another boring outtake. How are ya'll not bored with her? everything good already leaked and all that's left are the most boring underproduced songs using the same either baby or school formula ?
  10. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    Wait we all still like Melanie here?
  11. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    Heard parts of lost & found. Worst stream of my life. It's very boring and underproduced don't get your hopes up.
  12. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    what is Sippy Cups date, it's not August 29th, 2014, that was fake.
  13. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    Drop the producer already ?
  14. Alloy

    Melanie Martinez

    Is Leaves of Athena real.
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