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Everything posted by shady

  1. I finally bought an UV 2LP vinyl after searching it for months for a 'bargain'. The only places I could find it are either Ebay that has it for the price someone's salary or on sites where the shipping is ridiculous. I can't wait to force my family to listen to it .
  2. Somebody needs to push NTMT for younger Gen Z do discover because it has huge potential. The only problem to her is that she's not recommended by the algorithm.
  3. shady

    Britney Spears

    Bye bye redneck mediocrity. That woman had zero talent in Zoe 101. Hopefully Netflix fires her.
  4. I know right. At the same time I searched an unboxing on YouTube and some people got the 2LP BTD in that. It's so confusing. TBH I would rather stack vinyl albums than boxes. The box set looks to me like more of a gift for someone, exclusive version or a great deal where you save like 20% if you get it.
  5. Why didn't they make a joke about Lana or animate her? It looks so random and has no significance to the story.
  6. Can someone explain me why tf does BTD Paradise Edition box only comes with the Paradise album although it's specified that BTD is in the box? It costs like two albums but it has a single vinyl. It looks like a huge mistake that can be taken as a scam. I've seen people complaining on Amazon and even workers at record stores warning me about it.
  7. Agreed. It's so generic and that song is the reason I avoided listening to Honeymoon for years. I noticed that it's usually non-fans's favorite besides Summertime Sadness. Honeymoon is probably my second favorite album now. Not an unpopular opinion but in case you didn't know try listening to Lana with crossfade. The feeling is unreal.
  8. shady


    For the love of God. I heard today BlackPink and Cardi at Zara and now this shit? At the same time it's kinda expected since Coldplay makes adult contemporary pop.
  9. Twerks slowly to Salvatore and Art Deco
  10. It's kinda weird how society is so selective on who can sing about negative feelings, what negative feelings are aloud to be expressed while singing about hypersexuality is completely safe because it's hedonistic and because everyone and their grandma sings about sex. For example, Kurt Cobain could sing about anything, even rape, and would be praised because he's Kurt, while Lana is that 'depressing' SNL girl that sings about Lolita and domestic violence. Reminds me how Courtney Love's music was completely overlooked by her being a social climber, allegedly killing Kurt and, most importantly, being a woman in a misogynistic rock n roll scene.
  11. Same, I've never talk to a Lana fan or anyone who casually listens to her that claims her songs are depressing. They're simply peaceful and enjoyable. The only song that is genuinely made my cry is Terrance Loves You when you know the actual meaning behind the song. In fact, I avoid listening to it. Whoever claims her songs are depressing is probably shallow and only listens to contemporary pop hits. There are actual people who barely listen to ballads and when they do its usually those manufactured corny ass songs made for "emotional" parts of weddings. Yes, I'm judging people's taste because these people irl are usually very basic and judgemental for anything a little out of the mainstream. Me when people say Imagine Dragoons is their favorite band Also me to people who listen to JB in 2020-21
  12. Omg. An album where Lana would probably be in at least two songs. I'm already picturing a song like X by Poppy, Nicki is doing the heavy part with her nasaly country voice while Lana is doing the chill hippy part. Now this shit will be living in my head rent free
  13. If only that was the only good song she scrapped... Flipside, Your Girl, Say Yes To Heaven, Be My Daddy, 1949 and the entire A.K.A. that was never remastered.
  14. That vinyl color goes PERFECTLY with everything about the album. I have no idea why is she obsessed with red vinyl and neon colors. She usually makes the worst choices in colors when she's ironically the queen of aesthetic. The only time she chose a good color is the red BTD and translucent red for HM, maybe UV if the colors were darker and velvet, because they match the tone of the album and the aesthetic. Idk about you but if I were to design a record I would choose a more neutral tone that matches the cover for a more chill album and a more neon color for an upbeat album. Doja Cat is more suitable for the vinyl colors Lana chooses.
  15. No we don't because a celebs needs to give two shits about their fans to at least name them. But Masochists sounds perfect.
  16. 'Lust For Life' title track is not that good. It's so obvious that it was made to be a chart topper but there are so many better songs on that album for that position like '13 Beaches' , 'In My Feelings' and 'Coachella'. Not to mention that it's extremely repetitive, like 'Guns And Roses' level. There's nothing wrong with chart toppers I'm just saying that the song is a lot different than the rest of the album. In 80% case her long ass names of tracks are so unnecessary, for example 'Coachella – Woodstock in My Mind' , why not name it just 'Coachella'? Same for 'Let Me Love You Like a Woman' -> 'Love You Like a Woman' , 'Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To' -> 'Hope is a Dangerous Thing' . Imagine if the song '13 Beaches' was named 'I took 13 Beaches To Find One Empty", kida unnecessary.
  17. shady

    Instagram Updates

    She's doesn't have the characteristics of a role model. She came into mainstream with an edgy femme fatale persona, just the 'Ride' video and her referencing Blanche DeBouis in itself is the opposite of virtue signaling as well as naming her song Lolita, which for some reason made her the face of 'people who romanticize Lolita'. Maybe it's because she's not aggressive when defending herself and seems like an easy target to bullying and harassment. That happens often in school.
  18. shady

    Instagram Updates

    Omg when I think about that era and how people were assholes. I swear if Olivia Rodrigo, Billie Elish or some popstar worshipped by teens used an amateur photo they would've been called reletable, down to earth, raw etc. but since Lana the "Karen" and the "Republican" did it's automatically bad. Also, I don't know if you're aware but people still haven't emotionally recovered from QFTC and the mesh mask thing and that was clear when people were celebrating on Twitter when she announced her quitting social media. It still baffles me how some celebs can travel, go clubbing, act like assholes, drug and rob etc. and be completely overlooked while Lana is still being slammed for taking pics with a couple of fans more than a year ago.
  19. shady

    Instagram Updates

    Tiktoks with Lana's songs about every single thing appear on my fyp so it can be a good boost, only one person need to make a viral Tiktok. Songs by complete no name artists and bands can get over 50m views. As for Tumblr, I remember not being able to escape from Lana gifs back then. I was into a completely different style but I fell absolutely love into her entire image, vibe and aesthetic, it was so different than the hipster swag Brandy Melville style that was popular at the time.
  20. shady

    Instagram Updates

    I understand that Lana has problems but some people here are so overly emotional about constructive criticism. We can't just make excuses for every single unprofessional thing she has done. Literally every time someone outside of Unpopular Opinions thread dares to give constructive criticism stans always say "she's a human being leave her alone ". I made this account for a reason, checked today that I have around 70 saved songs by her but this pre release era is so underwhelming and disappointing unless she has a surprise and this was all a part of the plan. Also, Lana has a different fan base than Lorde and Fiona. Lana's fan base is also volatile and you're living in an eco chamber if you (not you @Roman Nockwell specifically) think otherwise, except that they don't get distracted by other music but rather lose interest if it's "more boring" and hardly return after being underwhelmed.
  21. shady

    Instagram Updates

    She is a human being but she's also a public figure that makes money for herself and for people who work with her. My comparison may be tone deaf but overall it's a bad timing.
  22. Last time I've heard about Young Thug was in the early 2010s. Also Lana and Young Thug have different fan bases. I don't know a single Lana stan who listens to those type of rappers. If Arctic Monkeys or The Neighbourhood released a record in that period it would've been REALLY bad for Lana, otherwise chillax.
  23. In Serbia they play Blue Jeans, Summertime Sadness or Video Games every singe day on the most popular radio station and I LOVE IT. I wish they played something from LFL, West Coast, Radio, Diet Mountain Dew, Doing Time or something that isn't her earliest release. It's kinda annoying that the public acts like it's her only good era.
  24. I don't see the problem with listening to leaks as long as I'm not the one who shares them online. I have a couple of them in my phone and it's for my personal consumption lol. Also, in a scenario where I can afford to pre-order a vinyl, I would want to know what the fuck is in it because I don't want to be disappointed and collect dust with it. I'm not a type of person to buy vinyl in sake of collecting but rather for playing them multiple times. It reminds me of the holier than thou attitude when people attack you whenever you ask a question about pirated games. Is the company paying you to gatekeep and defend? I feel so bad for pirating a movie/game from a multi billion dollar company, . The Sims Community, I'm looking at you.
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