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Everything posted by shady

  1. shady

    Instagram Updates

    Daily dose of memes from yours truly.
  2. My non smoker ass: *considers buying it for the next 'bad bitch' photoshoot* *expects smoker family members or Karens to judge me for those photos*
  3. shady

    Instagram Updates

    She definitely does. It's su unnecessary especially because she's pale with light hair. Don't do it if you're not insecure about it. I understand a brown girl feeling the need to remove it but the majority people don't even care about your sideburns. My cousin does it and it looks so painful and irritating.
  4. shady

    Instagram Updates

    Serbian?? I noticed we have a lot of Slavs here
  5. shady

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    Normalize not giving two shits about Nikki Lane
  6. shady

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    Okay, cottage core with a sprinkle of 70s rock vibe? Okay. I like where this is going... Basically my summer vibe since 2019...
  7. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMR6sTxwV/ WWYD? this comment passes the vibe check... I would be shaking like this bitch. Also me after I tried diet Mountain Dew or MD in general for the first time because of the song and that shit is nasty.
  8. Meanwhile Billie everything's handed to her Elish sang for the newest soundtrack, like what? Lana's first three eras, especially BTD and HM are pure bond energy. I watched the 2015 movie and it was boring af.
  9. Okay what the fuck is happening? Why are there 100 posts in a couple of hours. I read a couple of pages but I still don't understand a thing. Are some songs getting leaked? Did she reveal something?
  10. shady

    Instagram Updates

    I always found that weird but it's very romanticized like everything else involving death. I always think of Nirvana and how many songs were released after Kurt's death and the only think I could think of is Courtney Love wanting a little more cash.
  11. Before I really got into her music I used listen mostly unreleased stuff on YouTube and didn't even know it was unreleased. I was convinced that Serial Killer, Kill Kill and Be My Daddy are from BTD until I started listening her albums.
  12. She posted a "correction" but that doesn't matter because even if it were worded correctly she would've been still called a white feminist. Have you noticed that all the outspoken A list women repeat the same shit?
  13. Guys why are you still arguing with bodyshamers? They probably have other insecurities so bringing down successful people for their body makes them feel better. You can't change their edgelord toxic mentality with a couple of replies. These type of people love to bring biology sprinkled by facts and logic™ but fail to see if what they're saying is morally wrong because they decide what's morally wrong and what isn't. Just ignore them, okay?
  14. Babe that's adorable and it screams "I listen to Lana and use tumblr".
  15. My favorite outfit that even got compliments from guys (I was a pickme) were black and white galaxy leggings paired with a black oversized batman hoodie, black vans, neon acrylics and a beanie. Have fun on your nostalgia trip. Edit: Oh yeah, I want those sideboob muscle tees to come back in fashion because I adore it but it was too sexy for a 13 year old me.
  16. Cringe alert: I used to dislike Lana in middle school when she became popular because her music was too 'boring' for my taste that got used to Rihanna, Katy, Gaga, JB, Selena Gomez, Kesha and d*bstep (for the love of God). I was literally like "Why tf are people obsessed with this boring botched bitch?". Me from 2021 would say to myself from 2012 something like "BITCH YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT GOOD MUSIC! THE MUSIC YOU LISTEN TO WILL BE IRRELEVANT IN 5 YEARS. Also, take off those ridiculous galaxy leggings".
  17. Baby what you were saying was mean and hateful. I've said many unpopular opinions here, sometimes harsher on purpose to provoke some ultra stans and still haven't received as much hate.
  18. Since this is the most popular thread... Girls and gays please tell me where can I buy Honeymoon under 25$ with cheap shipping to Europe? I lost all hope. The shop I was following was selling HM for a bargain restocked it for a huge price. I'm so frustrated atm Thank you.
  19. OMG YES! I'm dying for the whole 2LP design that comes with a booklet. Not that it's Lana, but I can't think of a better vinyl design than Honeymoon. It's so simple yet so beautiful. It makes me want to live a a big beautiful house with a huge garden in some small town. I wish she did a similar design for the inside of UV 2LP with using Neil's photos and a booklet instead of just putting a pic of LA and having plain sleeves.
  20. I don't remember reading it but I 'liked' it when it was posted. She literally gave a good argument why her original statement wasn't racist but the comments still discredit her feelings because she is white. I'm also white and a majority but does that mean I don't suffer sexism and toxic societal expectations. Her statement could apply to women of all races that have a similar personality, sure that woc suffer more in the west but this was written by her sharing her feelings. It reminds me of those situations whenever women talk about physical abuse and sexual assault men have to jump and be like "But men are killed more and commit suicide more hurrr durr". Nobody said you suffer less Chad, it's just that the topic was centered around women atm. It's basically oppression Olympics.
  21. Why do people like you assume that people are fat only because they're lazy pigs? Dude what if she has an illness or something? Are you okay? Quick tip: when someone becomes overweight in an year or less it's most likely because of medical reasons. Hopefully you or someone close to you doesn't become overweight and gets body shamed by judgemental assholes. Also I love how people are so hypocritical these days. So, Lana's promoting unhealthy lifestyles just now, but when she smoked in music videos it was cool, right? Recently smoking became uncool and many people are shamed for it but at the same time it's wrong to shame drug users and stoners? Lana is overweight but who cares, she still looks healthy. She had an ED in her BTD era but since her body looked conventionally attractive who cares about her health. Hypocrites.
  22. Thank you for giving me a new way to call that album
  23. I yawned. Pls Nikki you can be good friends with Lana but stay away from her studio. They literally sound awful live. Also the design does match to the album but it's so...
  24. Omg I love Zella. I've been a fan since Hypnotic and the song High is still a bop till this day. Her recent cover Crazy Train is literally better than the original and I wish Lana's music went into that direction instead of making piano flops. everyone bullied Lana so much that she doesn’t feel safe to public ally explore certain topics in her music anymore I've said the same on a different thread for her post NFR! eras and someone disagreed and had a good point. They said that maybe she's not actually insecure but the opposite. Maybe she became full of herself from all the critical acclaim for NFR! that she doesn’t really care about putting an effort in her music and lyrics because she knows it will be successful more or less, so so controversial stuff. If you meant about her walking on eggshells from way before, she kinda was annoying in her LFL woke feminist years and didn't realize that her fans loved the "problematic" Lana and that she should've please her fans rather than some random critics.
  25. Lana stans whenever Lana's vinyl gets restocked.
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