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rabbit boi

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About rabbit boi

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  • Birthday February 14

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  • Interests
    music production
  • Fan Since
    2017 when btd changed my life

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  1. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    https://krakenfiles.com/view/qlHDvvCfIZ/file.html anyways im sure this has been done to death and back but i did my own take on vampire sung by mel ai bs i did some mixing and vocoder shit to it so it sounds more legit
  2. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    figuring out is the scariest part
  3. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    lmao miss girls about to drop womans world II
  4. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    real shit tho i dont care about the damn head do the perfumes smell good?
  5. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    ur actually so correct tho k-12 came out as i was graduating so,, it didnt really click as well as crybaby when i was in early highschool,, but i think the reason portals has grown on me so much is bc all the personal growth ive been doing since illegally streaming the og leaks in 2020, and the whole killing ur past self thing just gravitated towards me ig, but i totally remember thinking i wouldve absolutely eaten k-12 up with a plastic spork had it released when i was in early highschool or somethin,, idk theres just something so niche about her last two albums thematically tho, crybaby really hit such a wide target audience with its subjects
  6. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    im done playing around someone leak the stems and og trackouts for the 2020 portals sessions so i can comp my own masterpiece also moon cycle coming after sirens just clicked in my brain like no other
  7. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    ik mel said shes had the next two albums after k12 planned before all the leaks and now she’s just going with portals and said her next album isn’t going to be apart of a bigger story, i guess she scrapped her original plans as portals was being made?? idk but i wish we got portals as two albums, part one being the kinetics sessions as a “death” part of the project, and cjs as a “rebirth” type project,, bc i do like majority of these songs, released and unreleased but it is a shame to see all this great dark content from mel get swept under the rug,,, again,,, still holding onto hope for the scrapped ep 😭
  8. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    tv video was cute voids my favorite melanie video you bitches need prozac
  9. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    i actually forgot completely about the egg snippet thingy i think i disassociated after the moon cycle snippet dropped
  10. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    https://krakenfiles.com/view/rjJTXJZE1u/file.html the bass in toychest pisses me awf so i fixed it enjoy
  11. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    splatter vinyl finally shipped we can pack it up yall
  12. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    specifically when she shouts better off dead, i guess that section is the pre chorus but i hear aurora so much in it
  13. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    the verses on spiderweb remind me of aurora sm
  14. rabbit boi

    Melanie Martinez

    preordered mine in feb and i havnt even gotten a coupon
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