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living legend

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Everything posted by living legend

  1. the way i saw his profile in the crowd and i hit him up 👀 let’s see what happens after the show
  2. the gays are really trying to murder me in this barricade. the things i do for this woman
  3. the weather has been so crap. pls pray it doesn’t rain/storm
  4. and yes for k pt. 2 was sound-checked briefly highly doubt she will be performing it. i’ll be surprised if any new songs get added
  5. Flipside was such a lovely surprise and it sounded amazing live!! The background singers was a nice addition (I could’ve done without the dancers imo) also i got so emo when she was watching her career throughout the years in music videos while the ride monologue was playing
  6. FUCKING FINALLY !!!!!! she’s so beautiful
  7. Kintsugi might take the #1 spot as my favourite lana song ever. I cry every single time I listen to the track. It says all the things I could never put into words and the meaning behind it is just so beautiful. Our hearts will break but that’s how the light gets in to make us full again.
  8. sittin on the sofa, feeling super sucidial hate to say the word, but, baby hand on the bible, i do feel like it’s you, the one who’s bringing me down
  9. the album is hitting so different tonight it just keeps getting better and better with each listen
  10. sitting down in the shower while Kintsugi plays is a therapeutic experience 10/10 would recommend
  11. ok so for the jacket with the patches…blue banisters does come before chemtrails my ocd is twitching rn
  12. i’m here and it’s so awkward lmaoo thankfully i’m drunk
  13. IM RUNNING SO LATE. WHO TF HOSTS A LISTENING PARTY AT 4PM?!?! they better let me in when i arrive
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