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Everything posted by Louise

  1. Virus. Lana said that? Couldn't make out. Noticed that on a tweet #4 video . . . Scrolling the comments trying to find out. Me, niether. I couldn't wait! finally a clear audio . . . Thanx, @heavenisatunnel wish it is the whole song. This is the one I found, starting with new lyrics, but I had to listen to the tiktok to find out what Lana is singing new lyrics. What a moment! That was amazing! Thanx for the nice afternoon catching up on posts about the nl live . . . I was working baking a healthy banana bread for my client, so I caught up while it was in the oven 50 minutes . . . Thanx, @Elle for the HQ photos.
  2. The software puts real people end of queue and favors the reseller bots . . . There are software scalpers and people who wait on releases which have high resale value, i.e., limited number sneakers . . . and set in motion several servers to ping the item to increase their chances of obtaining . . . There was a documentary on tv . . . The internet is a bot world. This network of phones "like" select articles / products to increase their rank in search results. Bot Farm You're competing against them. Just take it in stride!
  3. Thanx for positive feedback on the choreo for Chemtrails. What a [live] debut! Even if COCC isn't one's fav song, the live makes it special . . . The "call" of "there's a tunnel under ocean blvd" by the singers, and the audience answering "don't forget me!" then the background vocalists ad libbing and improvising at the end, where the spotlight shines on them, has me emotional. So beautiful. Pretty When You Cry belongs in Lana's set. I like this capture, because you see how the live evolved with the heavy rock treatment, i.e., Carlin White's masterful drumming, Blake's unbelievable solo at the end, and the precision choreo by Alex et al . . . Still learning names. Alex and company aren't taking prisoners. It is difficult to dance in sync on a stage. On Pretty, the dancers display amazing synchronization. So powerful. It moves me to tears on a different level than the voices on Ocean . . . Just how it builds and has that splashy crescendo at the end . . . Watch drummer Carlin White. He's playing notes, not just keeping a robotic beat.
  4. Candy Necklace got me! Got its hooks in me. Thanx, @orlando for putting the time stamps. I have been skipping around. Byron Thomas does it justice. I like his little jazzy flair! And his vocal. You can hear the vocals because this is a newer song the fans are not screaming every lyric.
  5. Ha ha! Found it! Got it! But I'll let you post the link . . . Ty, again. 🥲😍🫶♥️
  6. Good. Appreciate the snippets, but outside the above, Antonio uploaded only snippets of all the other songs . . . BTW, don't delete your video, after you upload, right? Do you have storage for it? The reason I am saying is I noticed some exceptional footage is lost forever after fans get their yt accounts pulled for some reason or another. But they didn't store their fan cams but had to delete to make space on their phones.
  7. @orlando Is it? This is fantastic! I can live. You are at a good angle to capture not only Lana and the backup singers, but also the dancers, who enhance this live era . . . At the same time, the camera is shaking as you are getting jostled, as you explained.
  8. @Elle you're good! You're so pretty and thin happy to learn you enjoy Olive Garden when you go even eating pasta and breadsticks. Here are a couple from twitter . . . After the reveal . . . Another with the light dress but I haven't found a head-to-toe so this one shows the shoes
  9. This one is it so far composition-wise to me. cute bridge to ride Catching up this thread I laughed until I almost peed dress, then had to get to the bathroom fast! Gorgeous. Agnes posted here on reels https://www.instagram.com/agne_vaiciute/reels/ Swagger.
  10. You're right! You're right! You're right! You have a good eye.
  11. It is easy to dis Lana, I wrote in a feedback blurb for the View at: https://support.abc.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003079511 but try to get Lana on your show? That is a challenge. Something to that effect, with a link to the tweet I made as a reaction: The audio was excellent fan perspective as well as the feeds: It sounds good even with the dense crush of people.
  12. The BET Awards this past Sunday surfaced a jewel of a live performance with Quavo and Offset collabing for a proper tribute to late Takeoff . . . I was flipping through perforrmances and stopped in my tracks. Like, wow! Did the audience see this coming? BET snuck it in . . .
  13. Is this hennessy? I was so proud I finally learned Alex and Ashley names. Now I have to learn five more! Click to activate the gif. Youtube pulled my UV snippet from Glastonbury. It was beautifully filmed with the highlight of the ballet choreo to the music. So epic! All y'all y'all, who the dancing doesn't speak to you, I get it. You need to spend more time studying and watching ballet to acquire an appreciation! It takes time for anyone. Just as we Lana fans appreciate her music. @prettywhenimhigh said: "I'm a alex stan, I think she's very talented and that she's doing an amazing job as a choreographer." You already knew, but I am discovering! The history is: Alex / Ashley are welcome add to Lana's show since 2016? 17? A pleasure to watch the three perform choreo by . . . the lady choreographer in LA. Alex's amazing solo dance improvised to Hope is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have But I Have It at the Hollywood Bowl suggests her talent, but these last few shows are next level! Alex going for Choreographer crown!
  14. It still works. Would you download from the Download All link to the right, instead of click on the file? Ty, Delley.
  15. Oooh! I shudder to disqualify Lana's dancers and choreo so easily! Here is a snippet of UV. What you said you want for Y&B Lana & co did for UV! Check the bedraggled rat gestures on top of the piano . . . That is real suffering! This is a gif I had to replace the youtube which got pulled. Click on it to activate the motion to view a snippet of the choreo for UV In tears over this dance to UV! After I posted earlier, I went back to watching and got to this song. Even Lana's vocalists employ some choreo with the fists. Alex Kaye, you brought it! I would say, with the difficulty of dancing on limited space on the stage alongside the musician, singers and stairs, the free and improvisational feel of the choreo, feels like the dancing was made for the audience who enjoys it! Side note: how about the juxtoposition of Candy Necklace before UV? The theme of attraction to danger. The dancing and choreography alongside Lana's compositions and the band's delivery should put Alex Kayes dancers on the front page of Dance Magazine as THE happening thing in dance! It isn't strictly classical ballet, but the dancer who solos during the Glastonbury performance of UV has those skills. She is throwing in some modern! Could someone make a mockup with Lana's dancers this tour. The choreo for Y&B was beautiful - you didn't think so? What about subltly leaning back while kneeled down? It is a throw-away move, so gorgeous! Kaye, you brought it! Would someone make a mockup of this photo as this magazine cover?
  16. BBC posted The Grants on yt Vocals and background singers shine! Shaad D'Souza at the Guardian gave Lana & co's Glastonbury performance FIVE STARS, early cut off nothwithstanding.
  17. Blue Jeans is the original hit, to me, the one that grabbed me when Lana performed it live at the Mod club, after I decided to check out a daughter I thought might be playing acoustic guitar accompaniment to some Joni Mitchel covers in the backyard. But I discovered a fully realized artist in a young personage. The expression blown away is understatemet. This Glastonbury performance of Blue Jeans, as someone said, the full rock production treatment of it, the amazing drums courtesy of Carlin White thundering through, Blake's lead guitar frenzy, then the superb lick he tossed off near the climax, it cleared my mind. I have to turn off the concert and walk away. It is the type of art that makes me create a checklist what I need to do to become a better person . . . So contented and happy. Do you ever have that? Re dancers. I appreciate so much! We're getting ballet quality dance. To each his own, but I dig the choreography. There is so much reaction about the dancing, maybe you-all appreciate it more than you realize! Sometimes just something which is making you react is art that is really grabbing you! For one, Alex's choreo is showcasing evolution of the live show. Do so called artists or pop singers evolve? They have a schtick, and perfom it forever, until people get tired and the next flavor of the moment appears. You are watching grace and real dancing in exciting choreo along the lines of the best modern I enjoyed watching in my early years outside Manhattan . . . Twyla Tharp, Martha Graham, Peter Martins. I don't have $$ for the ballet these days, and appreciate Alex incorporating her talents and colleagues into the show. It is something to look at, you're witnessing some exciting choreo. It appears like organized chaos to you . . . but the precision is there, just off the beat the way Lana sings jazz, behind the beat. I am captivated! Refreshing from showy acrobatics and jerky dance moves that always struck me as lazy. Think Paula Abdul. Paula is a great dancer. She started out studying ballet. To each his own. I respect your opinions. The dancers and choreo are exquisite. Adelel had surgery which took away the husky rasp a la Pink she started with . . . Turned out good! Is it because Lana's stage is sold out? Maybe it is a bit of backlash. Lolapalooza Brazil had the most I thought. Turned out okay. They were beautifully in balance with Lana's voice on the livestream! When they came in 2nd chorus of Young and Beautiful, it was smooth. It is so great. Did you download the livestream? Ditto Tea. I didn't know she cut that part from the official video. Thanx for sharing that - I couldn't make that out. Blake so understated rocked that tourquoise necklace like the rock star he is! Blake and Carlin White what a combo! They jell more than Blake / Tom Marsh combo. Blue Jeans was fire! I had to turn the livestream off at the end. What a performance! One for the ages! I heard Lana say, "You did it," to Blake at the end.
  18. Dear Lord When I get to Heaven Please Let Me Bring My Man Actually, I don't want to bring him anymore. Thanx Lana fans you came through! In HQ. This Video Connoisseur is looking forward to watching the stream and reading your opinions . . . - thanx, again!
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