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About takeyourselftosleep

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  1. Strange, I must’ve invented that memory then. I also feel like she shared snippets of Wildfire beforehand as well in her stories? Or maybe that was Mike Dean idk. Anyway if you’re certain that the three songs dropped with zero warning then I’ll take your word for it
  2. I’m pretty sure there was warning because I remember setting an alarm for like 3am and then waking to listen to them
  3. okay question 1 provide evidence that we can trust you
  4. Oh I was referring to the L one. The N and U one is obviously NBirdu Rworlde I responded to the wrong post don't come for me yall
  5. My guess is Limerence Edit: was referring to the L******** title
  6. It’s 10:30pm in Australia and I need to go to sleep but maybe I’ll stay up all night idfk. Any aussies joining me orrr
  7. god I love this song, it sounds like the witchy suspiria seance coven aesthetic that lust for life was originally going for. fucking inject this shit into my veins mami im so ready... imagine this is track 1 on the new album, like this is the slow build-up intro
  8. Ok I’ve listened 10K times and she says”past present future I see in him”
  9. Jesus saves and I just break shit a thousand ways to get fucked also the sped up bit, im pretty sure she’s saying “past present future ask me again”
  10. Idk, if that recent excerpt from the Grammy voter was indicative of how the industry feels about her, moments like this can only work in Lana's favour: having the winner of the night drag her up on stage and say "Hello??? Guys, she deserves an award!" It's one thing to have these crusty old nobodies ignoring Lana's work, it's another to have the person THEY vote for drag Lana up on stage and acknowledge her. Even though Lana looked upset and didn't want to get up there, I'm glad Taylor did that.
  11. Taylor annoys the hell out of me but tbh we gotta hand it to her - at least she acknowledges Lana and dragged her up on stage to compliment her, I respect her for that.
  12. There's no way she's winning AOTY; it's going to SZA or Taylor. The best we can hope for is that Taylor mentions Lana in her acceptance speech.
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