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About wendywilliams

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  • Birthday 07/04/1985

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  1. BTD: Dark Paradise Paradise: Yayo UV: Sad Girl HM: None Lust For Life: Tomorrow Never Came NFR: Fuck It I Love You Chemtrails: For Free Blue Banisters: Black Bathing Shit
  2. Oh I KNOW this is gonna be a serve. Idk why but I'm getting strings outro with this one
  3. I wouldn't take anything he's saying as gospel until BOZ or somebody more "grounded" then him backs his claims up. Didn't he start claiming random shit after he got discovered?
  4. yes to heaven (david kahn's stolen 2009 lizzy grant hard drive) version when?
  5. yes to heaven (2010 avant-garde Betty boop scarface synth pop demo) when
  6. Then why during every "Yes To Heaven" timeline post I see no one counts it
  7. Doesn't that mean a Lust For Life version technically exists?
  8. Wasn't it said somewhere before that Lana sent "Yes To Heaven" to like multiple producers during the making of Lust For Life. I swear I remember reading that somewhere.
  9. 1. AKA 2. Honeymoon 3. Paradise 4. Ultraviolence 5. Born To Die 6. NFR 7. Lust For Life 8. Chemtrails 9. Blue Balls
  10. It's another "game" so California is possibly doomed depending on what it's put against. (ie Dark City I fear)
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