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Thats why they call me Dita

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Everything posted by Thats why they call me Dita

  1. I can only see the indie cover? Stupid it’s just the same with a paper strip for the assai edition I still bought in to it tho cos I’m weak lol now I have the indie variant and the assai edition.. probs keep hold of the indie variant to sell later
  2. Oooo my shop app says my assai record has been delivered today! I’m at work so can’t wait to get home and see!
  3. I find the instrumental incredible in Jon batiste interlude.. and I love the way she sings honeyyyy.. I just wish she’d worked more with that sound for an actual track I haven’t made a ranking of the songs yet, find it so difficult, but the JB interlude would come above some songs for sure edit: it’s giving porcelain- moby, just a song that makes you feel a certain way
  4. It’s the popular ones, so as of now it has the singles, Paris Texas and candy necklace starred
  5. Not sure if it’s been discussed.. what we think the candy necklaces represent in the song my husband turned around and said to him it reads like women- like eye candy, a string of women. And she’s singing about a guy who she’s madly in love with but he’s constantly unfaithful.. I thought that’s such an interesting take.. and it hadn’t came to me but it makes sooooo much sense!
  6. I almost lost my mind thinking a yellow variant had been released there also that blue vinyl against that artwork is just perfect! I never really understood why yellow was paired with it.. should’ve been blue, green or gray
  7. I saw somebody unboxing the white vinyl on tiktok.. calling it the Booby vinyl (obviously!) and as she lay the 2 discs side by side she said “they kinda look like something there too” I wonder if that’s why she printed the inner circle label in brown and not grey, so even the discs look like boobs
  8. So my indie vinyl is arriving today- but I need to sell this one as I ordered the assai version.. so anticlimactic still no sign of assai shipping..
  9. Has she ever done a full seated show? I can’t imagine standing for ocean blvd
  10. Whatttttt didn’t get that in the UK when all our stuff was delayed until end of May edit: I read this as a discount code lol I’m so tired
  11. Yes and it will automatically cancel if you don’t say otherwise?? I think so many people would not look at their email and see that! Seems like they’re pushing to cancel orders
  12. Was the person looking for the white blue banisters in the UK? Just saw one sealed up on Vinted, not sure how it works buying from Vinted if not in uk though for charges etc
  13. Anything being listed on LDR village is not good news to me, gives me the fear to order from them
  14. The hoody sold separately on uk store is $68, so hopefully the box is better
  15. So, in theory, paid $15 dollars for a box to be flimsy cardboard?? that is so disappointing
  16. Hope she doesn’t get too much criticism for it, she can’t do anything without it being blown out of proportion her reply to the insta comment might’ve come off a bit iffy, but she’s clearly just saying she feels like she could relate and she’s paying homage to her the song itself talks about putting yourself in bad situations, knowing somethings not good for you but doing it anyway. Having that type of mindset being a young woman in Hollywood.. well yeah..
  17. My dream next album would be sounds like candy necklace, the JB interlude, taco truck intro!
  18. I wish she hadn’t released all singles from side A.. because now I’m always tempted to start album from side B just to hear new stuff (and because sweet is my least favourite track it gets forgotten about too)
  19. He then put a story about feeling famous and it made me feel extra suspicious.. I saw he was in London and was even more confused as we don’t have barnes and noble here??
  20. Do we 100% think it’s real? I find it unrealistic she’d only do 25 for people she went to school with (lol) and they’d just happily give it away (and for nada) a comment on the Instagram comments on how the signature is a bit shaky and disjointed.. like it took time.. and I kinda get where they’re coming from
  21. The store just emailed me to say they despatched my stuff and it’ll be here Monday (UK) but I received it on Friday
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