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Thats why they call me Dita

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Everything posted by Thats why they call me Dita

  1. @Kintsugi tell me.. is there going to be full visuals for the record? need something to join in on because I’ve not heard the leaks
  2. She spoke about it in Rolling Stones.. but it’s just basically because she was inspired by the love they have for eachother. It was described as a “when you know you know” type of love. I suppose it’s hard to write a song about that personally if you’ve not experienced it firsthand, so was written for Margaret. Also, makes it a sweet love song when Jack is featured I suppose
  3. I predict LTLI is going to be my favourite off the album! FJM.. sounds like All my dreams come true
  4. Was just checking the UK store and the racer is jet is still available in L, XL and XXL. I thought it had sold out ages ago. this could be good, I never ordered because the patches aren’t in order.. but those of you in US should receive it soon and be able to confirm whether they’ve rectified it or not
  5. Trying not to be pessimistic.. but I really don’t like Tommy’s voice so dreading peppers even more so now
  6. Now we have 3 tracks I’m in full stream mode.. I can happily play 3 songs on loop (especially with the length of A&W). Just 9 days until 16 tracks Ocean Blvd is going to plague my 2023 music roundup
  7. Soooo anyway.. at this point can we assume the the “beautiful album campaign” was just sarcasm
  8. She just be outright singing things that some of us do/think ourselves.. but would never actually say because.. you know.. tact there will have been many covid regulation violations by many in this board, but we ain’t gotta talk about it
  9. A chance for us to be happy, be a happy family the “doing the hard stuff, doing my time, doing it for our family line” to me is like she’s delving deep in to her childhood trauma, addressing those issues and breaking away from generational trauma. She’s going through it so that her kids don’t have to I’ve been doing much of the same lately, I’ve went no contact with family members because I don’t want my children to have that toxicity that I was dealt growing up
  10. The tease of psychedelic tracks makes me wanna put a shrooms order in.. but the record being so diverse is throwing me off guess I’ll do it and be in for the wild journey
  11. The screaming is what makes that track iconic though but any comparison between the 2 makes me very excited because I Stan them too
  12. The screaming is what makes that track iconic though but any comparison between the 2 makes me very excited because I Stan them too
  13. Yasss I hope so! I love that song, one of my faves from NFR and I’ve been excited to hear this track too because I love the sample!
  14. Okay, so I was thinking.. and sorry to bring up the “surprise” again.. I know how hostile it makes everyone but on the radio 1 post before lanas interview.. every comment was asking about tour.. and that’s also a pretty standard question.. but it wasn’t asked. Maybe it was considered but lanas team said not to ask as it’s going to be announced later. Hence the tease “and what else, I’m sure SHE’LL let us know soon.. because they want the announcement from her. and now the “for the fans”.. the tour is a full visual show.. think Roger waters the wall shows which are incredible. being Delulu because I’m seeing roger waters again this year so it’s at the forefront of my mind
  15. Oh well he was of the opposite opinion (as he does enjoy a bit of Lana.. though probs through having it played around him 24/7). But he said she’s usually got amazing melody and he found the song boring.. I will continue to play it to him until he changes his mind tho
  16. And there’s my husband who gave the song a 0/10 and said “the melody was nothing and the words were nothing” like wtf ok then knife to the heart
  17. Oh god, the discussion has been revived! I think we can all agree that music is subjective, not everybody will like everything.. but for example, it’s like saying somebody isn’t your type is totally fine.. but if you turned around and said somebody was ugly as shit.. that wouldn’t be you can discuss your opinion without being inherently negative or unkind. Instead of saying somethings a “snoozefest” say it’s just a bit slow for you.. hell.. even say you found it boring, just have tact it’s still a piece of art that she’s poured her soul in to, just be kind about it
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