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Daytona Beach Sparkler

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Everything posted by Daytona Beach Sparkler

  1. I'm actually feeling pretty hopeful abt the leaks now! It's definitely much better than what happened earlier
  2. I swear we need fl0r1dakil0s to come and GAG us all with something REALLY good
  3. We need fl0r1dakil0s to join the game and gag us all
  4. I will personally sell fl0r1dakil0s my soul for Zodiac
  5. Anyways, what songs are y'all hoping will leak?
  6. Elvis (2013) definitely isn't leaking today that's for sure
  7. I also think the track above Guns And Roses is Money Power Glory since the last word of it looks like " GLORY "
  8. Anyways I guess we're never getting Elvis (2013) unless some otherworldly miracle happens
  9. lilacsinmymind you better sleep with one eye open!!!
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