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Nectar Of The Puss

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Everything posted by Nectar Of The Puss

  1. Does the France store have tracking? I ordered something off the Gracie Abrams France store and it hasn’t updated for a week now.
  2. The trio fits so perfectly I understand how people don’t see it but it’s one of my top tracks. The whole album is perfect and I’ll love it till the day I die. I want to be buried to the trio because I hate sad things. Also the Arcadia + The Trio is one of Lana’s best music videos
  3. Teenage dream has me gutted rn.
  4. Manifesting a surprise AU/NZ tour tomorrow for laneway
  5. Does anyone know if the Gracie France store is real? They have the clear and blue signed vinyl and the signed cd.
  6. For my Aussies i really hope she comes for Laneway or the Blues Fest everyones been saying to get her to come and I really hope she does it's the only thing thats been giving me hope since she announced she was doing shows again.
  7. The yellow vinyl was supposedly restocked on the AU store for a moment it’s out of stock now but I hope it comes back again soon.
  8. I got the white pressing a while ago and it has a splatter of blue on side c/d. Has that happened to any others?
  9. I would do anything to see the A&W intro live being an Australian is a curse nobody ever comes here THOSE BLOODY SPOILER THINGS WONT GO AWAY
  10. I don’t really see why people can’t travel to other states, I’m driving 10 hours to see Taylor next year so it’s not too hard. I just need to see her and I’m getting impatient so bare with me
  11. Y’all Americans are SO annoying “she’s not coming to my state” WHO CARES Lana hasn’t been to Australia in 6 years I would travel across the country and even to New Zealand to see her SHUT UP. This goes to all y’all West Europeans too. “I Hope she announces more dates for *some place she just went*”PLEASE you just saw her and are already thirsty for more I’m PARCHED
  12. Is there any suspected time I won’t sleep until it comes out
  13. These fucking reporters won’t shut up and show her I can hear her
  15. I am fumin the jacket was delayed till the 2nd June and the bloody necklace and lighter are delayed till the 30th of june. FUMIN I SAY
  16. The ones that she has aren’t for sale anymore, but there are some that look like hers. I would say that this is the closest one to hers. https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1239952203/vintage-style-white-and-pink-heart?click_key=cbeb2228b6d7541a76fdd7f96e8fe84344e7c159%3A1239952203&click_sum=ed7bf430&ref=shop_home_active_4&crt=1
  17. I’m pretty sure they’re for a giveaway but you can buy them from Etsy. The sellers name is AtomicButtercup
  18. So what time is the album coming out? Is it coming out as an album worldwide at the same time? Or each seperate country at seperate times.
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