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Everything posted by jimmyjimmycocoapuff

  1. i feel like most theories i hear are delusional- a more interesting question would be some that aren't delulu
  2. an insider bird on the street's french husband JUST told me that Lasso is never coming!! jimmyjimmycocoapuff EXCLUSIVE read all about it!
  3. there’s this “Lasso Festival” going on in Montreal and it gets advertised on TV- I swear whenever the commercial comes on I get PTSD yknow I don’t live too far- maybe I should go and “look for evidence”- I will report back to the Lipsters
  4. U don’t know Rush?? That’s a great song, his latest album has a few good tracks too, Got Me Started, What’s The Time, One Of Your Girls
  5. Lana, please release something, I need something to cleanse my ears after listening to the new Katy single
  6. Now why is this thread hot for no reason
  7. Ngl Ashley would relate hard to SIAK- “couldn’t even be her if I tried”- and she really did try
  8. Girl it’s more likely she does a remix with Ashley Leechin
  9. I might say something stupid feat. Azealia Banks when?
  10. She performed Slim Pickins at the Grammy Museum- laidback country vibe, but who knows what the album production will be, could be a How To Disappear situation where the performance is completely diff from the album. The lyrics are interesting, a bit clunky, but it has that Sabrina cheekiness to it which I’m endeared to. I’m so excited for the album!
  11. STAWP where did you find this
  12. the deluxe is cute! Favs on first listen are Ruthless, Little Sister and Flower Child. Ruthless is such a banger! Every time she pulls out an electric guitar magic happens. Country-rock album next pls! Little Sister kinda melted my heart- I have a younger sister so it hits close to home. Flower Child is great too. The songs after that three track one are ok, not much a fan of Superbloom, and Arm’s Length is a bit boring but Perfection is growing on me and I kinda like Irish Goodbye. Deeper Well remains one of the best albums released this year
  13. this is random and watch me be wrong but I never understood why artists would release something “on their birthday” like- it’s MY day why would I want to be doing anything else besides eating cake and crying about getting old releasing a project seems stressful even if u have a bunch of social media managers and a label and shit. also it’s my birthday why would I be giving YOU a present like- release a tribute album for me. if I was an artist my bday would be the one day I wouldn’t release lmao. End of rant
  14. pls the worst remix is the 360 remix w Robyn- I genuinely forgot it existed until yesterday then I listened again and I was reminded why I repressed it from my memory after getting one of the best songs of the year that is girl, so confusing version w lorde, I can see why some would be disappointed by this, but it’s certainly not as bad as some of the angels are making it out to be ngl
  15. well I like it! It doesn’t remove or add anything to the OG but it’s hot and fun and the Charli likes boys part gagged me! The vid is great too she’s 3/3 w the vids this era. I’ll steam this as much as the original, it won’t replace it tho.
  16. omg I almost forgot to steam august today! Crazy how fast the year has gone by- I hope everything’s doors are rusty and their air salty manifesting late summer fling
  17. It’s v neutral and an interesting take on her career- neutral in a valid way and not in a r/swiftlyneutral way
  18. She was trying to make us kill ourselves w Kintsugi - Fingertips - Paris, Texas three of the saddest songs of her career
  19. I’m so excited for this- it’s gonna eat so hard. Also thank u Charli for releasing at 6pm EST- always looking out for the sleep deprivation girlies brat summer is so back
  20. Lasso, so confusing it’s so confusing sometimes be a lipster
  21. omg guess on the radio? first brat entering politics, and now the slay eatery that is Guess will be broadcasted to the radio waves that my dad probably listens to? The cunt particles are infiltrating into the GP
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