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Everything posted by Embach

  1. I'm all for a mix of lengths, I'm obviously respecting all of her choices although I wouldn't want an album where every track is 3 minutes or shorter (the album would be too short) but I wouldn't want an album where every track is like over 7 minutes as well (the album would be too long). I'm all for an album where the majority are like 4 to 6 minutes then handful of tracks which are ~3 minutes then also handful of tracks which are longer than 6 minutes.
  2. Let's have a prediction game: if Lasso is a title track - how long it will be and which number track it is? My bet is 3:24 and track 2. The title is so short that it feels like a short track but I feel like the album will have a huge grand opener ("The Mirror" maybe or something else), so the title track will be number 2.
  3. Embach

    Taylor Swift

    At first second I thought that those white sleeves were arm casts lol I love the outfit combo and especially those green (green = debut omfg?) Mary Jane shoes! Anyways, I'm still the "Reputation is the last re-recording" truther
  4. Sorry for being annoying but you didn't choose from the ones I said above
  5. California demo snippet vs LA Who Am I snippet
  6. Help it's this one yes 😭 thank you for finding this!
  7. Embach

    Instagram Updates

    I don't want to get anyone's hopes up but I just randomly checked Lana's followings and I noticed that she started following an art director called Amelia who has worked for quite many different magazines (including Vogue last year) and with photographers such as Petra Collins. I mean, maybe she followed her because she likes her work but maybe there is a new photoshoot soon, who knows! Art directors also work for music videos, maybe it's something we could expect!
  8. I just suddenly remembered how in 2020 WHO (World Health Organization) used this Lizzy Grant's cigarette photo for their anti-smoking campaign in a TikTok video, it's sending me lmao 😭 I don't have TikTok anymore, so I can't find that video and I didn't see it in YouTube as well. If you're curious and you have TikTok then try looking their account and if my memory doesn't lie, it was posted circa May or June 2020.
  9. She can do everything she wants to in terms of music, like any kind of sound or lyrics with any kind of producer and I'll respect that and I'm sure I'll love it. But I need Dan Heath back. Even for a one song. A country song with a twist of an orchestra would be good, wouldn't it? But it doesn't even have to be for Lasso, just even collaborate for a soundtrack for a new upcoming movie. I miss his contribution. I just need his epic orchestral vibes back...
  10. What kind of pink though? Because in May, she wore that baby pink dress like three times. White version of that Dolce dress would be a vision tho I lowkey hope that there's a green and yellow version as well.
  11. Embach

    Katy Perry

    Y'all actually believe that illuminati and cult shit?
  12. What are the chances for Rick comeback on Lasso?
  13. Lowkey yes because everyone misunderstood that. I think with this statement she meant that listen to it like you listen to an unknown artist. Because she was unknown to many when she dropped Video Games. This reminded me of that Arcadia cover art as well and that was...something. But Henry's cover art or that polaroid really reminded me of NFR/Violet era when she changed her whole Instagram layout to yellowish filter photos.
  14. It's lowkey a tradition that she's sharing (at least) a one snippet in each era since LFL. Like I know that she teased bunch of snippets in LFL and NFR but in COTCC she teased Tulsa Jesus Freak, in Banisters she teased the title track (with the scrapped Clay video) and Arcadia, in Ocean Blvd she teased Candy Necklace and now she teased Henry Come On. Tough too but that was released later.
  15. And with "🖤🖤🖤", not "😍🚀❤️", something's def in the air
  16. NFR album was amazing and beautiful, but that pre-release era goes down as her worst one ever. It was a torture. That was like a drought in the Sahara desert with no food, no water and no map. We didn't get any useful crumb of information at all and even the media spread fake rumours about that March 29th date Well yeah, she dropped Hope and Doin Time but she literally said nothing what's happening next. There weren't any interviews as well (before the album), only the Italian Vogue interview which was only for promoting Violet. The only teasing part were those effing snippets on Instagram (funny thing is that she teased like 75% of the album before the release, Happiness Butterfly had like 3 snippets lmao), these were like the only crumbs we held onto but she posted these without saying anything, so I remember being lowkey afraid that maybe these songs won't appear on NFR (Roses Bloom For You flashbacks). Thank god, these songs did appear. I love Lana with all of my heart but I hope that she'll never repeat that kind of drought that was NFR's pre-release era. Although, I remember reading the rumours that the album was delayed because "Fucking" is in the title but as we know now, it was fake. At least the album was worth waiting and that 4 month post-release era was fun as well while it last *cough* until she cancelled the European tour and COVID came *cough* So my point is that this Lasso pre-release era cannot be compared to NFR! at all, it's less torturing and painful. Even COTCC, BB and OB pre-release eras went ten times smoothly than NFR pre-release. But I do think that Lana is maybe more careful with dates this time? In the COTCC and Banisters era, she somehow confidently dropped dates like it was actually going to drop (September 5th, June 1st, July 4th, also January 4th for Violet) but like we know nothing happened. We just know the month but not the exact date. Perhaps, it's a scientific experiment with Lasso
  17. Why was their name Burn Me Where You Belong before? Was this a scrapped song? A scrapped lyric? Maybe this song will appear on Lasso? God, there always something to be delulu about, the quirks of being a Lana stan
  18. And those thingS in the next two months will be events such as you leaking Dark City, leaking LA Who Am I, leaking Zodiac HQ, leaking Love Golf Course, leaking Dead To Me, leaking Magic In The Air, leaking Art Deco demo ect ect, right? Just kidding, nothing against you! If it's Lasso related then...well (to everyone) believe it or not, the year is going to end in like ~4 months and I do think that by the end of 2024, we will get at least the smallest crumb of information about Lasso known to mankind via insiders or Lana herself or her colleagues (that it is delayed or scrapped) or we will get the whole album. Or something in between those two options (a new single/music video, photoshoot, interview, ect) which is...most likely to happen. I do remember Lana told Elle in May, that by the end of the year, Lasso is released. I don't know why she would lie to a close long-time fan of hers unless something happened between these three months. Media is on her feet as well with the headlines and subtitles that has been mostly used in Lana related articles this year (the Grammys, Coachella, Tough single) that "Lana announced that Lasso is out in September". Anyways, my point is, delusional or not, that something will happen, sooner or later.
  19. Embach

    Instagram Updates

    She's super stunning though! As always, enjoying the Summer as the should!
  20. Embach

    Instagram Updates

    Instagram's official page commented that she's the "it girlie"
  21. I say what I have always said that AI does not belong for the arts (artworks, music, cinema, literature) in any circumstances because AI does not have soul and complex creativity what humans have. There was a quote where someone said that AI was not invented to make artworks and write stories for the person, so that person could wash the dishes and laundry. AI was created to do the person's housework, so that person could do the creative things themselves.
  22. If you're thinking about that festival where she performed in 2019 then I looked up and saw that the headliners are Maroon 5, Eminem and Muse.
  23. If the album has been recorded for 4 years then I think that the ideas and concepts of it have been changed at least 4 times
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