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Everything posted by Lanaspoisonivy

  1. I've had it playing on my phone since she posted (Mind you I have been watching it non-stop since it came out). Mother spoke, I obey.
  2. interesting... this is not what the people are posting on tiktok. I'm also wondering what is off limits for them to discuss due to this being a legal matter
  3. it seems so. it's not doing her any favors in the court of public opinion though
  4. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt however, there's a wide array of people from different time periods who have come out saying she's been a mean girl in many different ways, has done and said things that were and still are not okay. I understand why many would be hesitant to come out with any allegations previously considering her success. The statement she put out was a little insufficient for me as well. People who use the lawsuit as a pass to fat shame Lizzo instead though are also disgusting. I've seen many of those comments and videos particularly on TikTok. Gross.
  5. the same reason people pay to go to a Bebe Rexa concert just to throw a phone in her face. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Criticism is totally okay but when it comes to being mean spirited in her comment section for no reason, that shit is not tolerated.
  6. she disappointed- as she should be. It's the second time she threw shade over CN MV views watch me as I report all comments like this as spam
  7. Queen of promoting Nikki's shows more than her own
  8. even to a non fan how is the Merilyn Monroe happy birthday cringe
  9. She often uses alcoholic drink references in her lyrics. I think those represent the fictional aspects of her writing or purely included for the purpose of rhyming, generating a specific atmospheric feeling or conveying a fantasy. Obviously knowing her past, she doesn't mean she is consuming the alcoholic beverages.
  10. Still upset over the fact that we have to rely on livestreams. If it's anything like the Newport Folk Fest live I'll pass and wait for a recording on YouTube.
  11. SAY IT LOUDER it's so sad that SS has been labeled as a meh track purely because of its popularity and radio play.
  12. What a milestone! Y&B next, it's really close!!! congrats Lana
  13. I thought it was super meaningful. criticism is one thing but this is just mean spirited. I hate that she had to read this
  14. how didn't they see her fall? she literally crashed and held onto the barricade for dear life
  15. finally she's getting some love by the critics and I'm so here for it. Although they still nit pick and it's annoying
  16. remind me to come back and say I told you so when the announcement drops
  17. if I get played, I'll write a very well-thought out email to Ben. Australia BETTER be included. It's been 5 years. COME ON
  18. this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Imagine witnessing this live my eyeliner would be running
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