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Everything posted by filanity

  1. I feel so bad for her, imagine ur parents trying to make u the most hated person on the internet just for money… and i mean people HATED her no wonder her persona was horrid but it probably wasnt her choice
  2. Bell Jar (Sylvia Plath reference <3) Porcelain Dolls Goodbye Lizzie Tequila Sunrise
  3. Sirens - A star for Nick AKA - Queen of the Gas Station Born to die - Dark Paradise Paradise - Blue Velvet Ultraviolence - Cruel World Honeymoon - The Blackest Day Lust for life - Get Free NFR - The next best american record COTCC - White Dress Blue banisters - Arcadia Tunnel - Fishtail
  4. Paris, Texas! Paris, Texas VS The Other Woman
  5. filanity

    NFR! survivor

    Norman fucking Rockwell - 9 Mariners Apartment Complex - 14 Venice Bitch - 12 Fuck it I love you - 12 Love song - 10 Cinnamon Girl - 12 How to disappear - 15 California - 13 The Next Best American Record - 5 (+) The greatest - 10 Bartender - 7 Happiness is a butterfly - 9 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 12 (-)
  6. 1.honeymoon - 12 2. music to watch boys to - 11 3. terrence loves you - 13 4. god knows i tried - 10 5. high by the beach - 9 6. freak - 11 7. art deco - 12 8. burnt norton - interlude - 2 9. religion - 11 10. salvatore - 13 11. the blackest day - 14 (+) 12. 24 - 9 (-) 13. swan song - 13
  7. By this I mean what was your most memorable moment in life listening to Lana? My example: I met an online friend for the first time, we spent a 3 day vacation in Venice together and taking the train home, I listened to VB. The Venice train station has train tracks that go directly by the sea/ through the water, so I was sitting in this vintage looking train compartment all by myself, the sea and sunset moving past me and I was crying, thinking I may never see my friend again and already missing her and listening to VB… If my life was a movie that would definitely be my cinematic ending scene
  8. Television Heaven <3 https://on.soundcloud.com/bSzogKaGyCE9UTfN8
  9. I‘m voting my ass off… thank god shes in no category with Taylor bc i just now shes gonna take everything with antihero
  10. F- Florida Kilos I- In my feelings L- Lust for Life A- Art Deco N- NFR I- If I die young (so hard to think of a second one with I lol) T- Tulsa Jesus Freak Y- You can be the boss
  11. Her modern tracks often have such long titles so… Moth to a Midwest Lantern He drowned while deepsea-fishing Forever young with you Ponytail Jesus loves you
  12. She‘s so hard to find most celebs u can just meet in NYC or LA but she‘s always in the most random little towns… if she gets spotted in a canadian forest next no one would be surprised atp lmao
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